Classy Angel
Montreal Escorts

Shower together

Supporting Member
I already did in 3h meeting in hotel where the shower is huge with no door in a duo with Dina ... but its was convenient.. at home .... too small
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Active Member
Feb 28, 2023
Montreal, Quebec
Probably 95% of the provider we hate it.

I pass almost 2 hours to dry my hair

Do my make up 10-30 min

One person is cold ...

Can't have protection in the shower (not safe)

My skin gonna be dehydrate

I'm gonna get cold when in gonna out of it and wet

So why ...

It's my only moment I have my own intimacy ..

So please when we say no don't argue
Yep I just showered and got ready and this shower will ruin everything. Skin care is my biggest routine and they'd probably throw a fit if time was taken for that (I have sensitive skin). Then my hair and makeup is messed up! I did it once and now it says on my website I won't.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I love a woman who is not afraid to get wet. There have been a few women who asked me to join them in the shower. Michele at MSC always wanted to share a shower together. It is safe play when both parties are respectful of each other. She loved being soaped up, giving her a nice strong soapy massage. Plus she looked great naked, with her skin glistening with raindrops.
Flo Champ is amazing, whether in shower or bubble bath. Baths were memorable, we once shared a bubble bath and a cigar together in the tub. :cool: She was special.
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