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Since I’ve stopped complaining…


Toto beefcake

Doesn't matter what the intention was, the effect is that we clients will see this and think that. @Cap'tain Fantastic 's post is accurate and many merbites are agreeing. When I personally see their posts like that, I just think "oh, that's what she wants from us, and if we don't give that to her, we won't get as good of service".

It doesn't matter what your intentions are, this is basic marketing. If you are going to put your escort name online and publicly post things, it is marketing and advertising and everything you post will have an effect on your clients. It's crazy to me how SPs who are savvy with client relationships and business don't understand this.

That being said, I think most SPs are in fact directing this message at their clients, and not "other sex workers"
Well if it is directed to other sew workers its for sole purpose of bragging in my opinion. Its like to use a wrestling term a “ cheap pop” .


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
I have a hard time liking or wanting to engage with my peers that use the words “I need” when it comes to gifts.

You can ask all the gifts you want but there’s a way.

Lady no 1: “I need a Chanel purse. Who will buy it for me?”

Lady no 2: “Ive always wanted this Chanel purse. Adding it to my wishlist”

Lady no 3: “What a beautiful purse! Having one would be a dream come true.”

If I had money to spend, I would be more inclined to buy a purse for lady no 2 and 3

How do you guys feel? Or does it make no difference at all?
Good point. I agree that there’s a way to ask for something. It does make a difference .
#1 is definitely a turnoff, I guess that example is what most of us are complaining about!

Obviously 2 and 3 are more subtle ways of expressing something they’d like to have.


Jul 5, 2008
Since I’ve stopped complaining on Twitter, I find that I attract better clients. They are happier, nicer and often more generous.

After reading a few posts on review boards about how unattractive it was to you, I’ve decided to keep my online presence professional and positive.

I do spend a lot of time on review boards, some posts make me roll my eyes so much I almost see the back of my own head. Some posts are very helpful and have made me understand how I could give the best experience to the people visiting me.

All that to say or should I say to ask, are you completely turned off by a SP who complains a lot on Twitter? Would you still give her a chance?

There was a similar thread in the Quebec section where SPs could vent what they saw as irritating in regard to some Johns.

As expected this rapidly got more and more heated since we (Johns) are great and mighty for giving reviews with very little restraint, but when we are judged it's a whole different ball game.

Even if we say anything can be said depending on how it is put forth, let's say that male testosterone egos flare up very rapidly, just like our cocks.
And we all know what happens when the blood goes from one brain to the "other".

Strange that in those cases our IQ becomes inversely proportional to the direction of our dicks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
Since I’ve stopped complaining on Twitter, I find that I attract better clients. They are happier, nicer and often more generous.

Universally, nobody likes a complainer.

Particularly in a medium used in a professional matter to attract business, of all things. If it was possibly a personal twitter account, go for it.

There was once a provider out in Texas, blonde and toured around. She ran a twitter with periodic photos.

However after sampling enough of her posts, i recall concluding.. Does she even like guys?

She was often posting in order to whine and complain about guys.... objectified into just a cash register whilst we are the customer reading this?

I could not figure if she could not see, or didn't care of the impact of her negativity potentially to herself. I suspected it was the former.

Toto beefcake

Universally, nobody likes a complainer.

Particularly in a medium used in a professional matter to attract business, of all things. If it was possibly a personal twitter account, go for it.

There was once a provider out in Texas, blonde and toured around. She ran a twitter with periodic photos.

However after sampling enough of her posts, i recall concluding.. Does she even like guys?

She was often posting in order to whine and complain about guys.... objectified into just a cash register whilst we are the customer reading this?

I could not figure if she could not see, or didn't care of the impact of her negativity potentially to herself. I suspected it was the former.
Theres alot in montreal to


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
We are in a day and age where flexing is almost becoming a normal thing in social media. It is a big way to get likes and become popular, showing off extravagance, and what others apparently demonstrated as our worth in gifts. I can't say anything wrong about those who do it, as those are the very same things that the biggest influencers are known for, and aren't SPs on social media doing the very same thing? Becoming social media influencers. I could be wrong, as I really don't get it myself, and don't feel comfortable enough in front of a camera to post things every day, or even regularly.
But does make sense that posting positivity would attract positive results.
As much as we all have struggles, when it comes to business of any sort, people tend to avoid complaining and negative comments.
And showing off gifts is a way for an SP to show the positive side of her business, and that things are going well.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Since I’ve stopped complaining on Twitter, I find that I attract better clients. They are happier, nicer and often more generous.

After reading a few posts on review boards about how unattractive it was to you, I’ve decided to keep my online presence professional and positive.

I do spend a lot of time on review boards, some posts make me roll my eyes so much I almost see the back of my own head. Some posts are very helpful and have made me understand how I could give the best experience to the people visiting me.

All that to say or should I say to ask, are you completely turned off by a SP who complains a lot on Twitter? Would you still give her a chance?

If I was looking into acquiring someone's service, no matter what that service (electrician, plumber, etc.) and I saw that they were complaining about their clients it would put me off from calling them.

Even when reading google reviews I tend to look for how the company responds to negative reviews. I'm surprised how unprofessionally they respond sometimes, (I'm not implying you were, I have never seen your twitters) and even if they have close to 5 star reviews I avoid them.

As far as people posting a review on how unattractive you are, those are the reviews you shouldn't let get to you. It's coming from a deeper place where it probably has nothing to do with you.

As much as I would love to think that everybody finds me attractive, I'm sure that there are some people that don't (I know it's hard to believe lol).
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
As far as people posting a review on how unattractive you are, those are the reviews you shouldn't let get to you.

No one has every done that, the posts that make me roll my eyes have nothing to do with me actually which is why I’ve stopped taking them so seriously


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
After reading a few posts on review boards about how unattractive it was to you, I’ve decided to keep my online presence professional and positive.

As far as people posting a review on how unattractive you are, those are the reviews you shouldn't let get to you. It's coming from a deeper place where it probably has nothing to do with you.

I get it, you either read too fast or just didn’t understand what I said.
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Apr 6, 2023
There are a couple uses for social media and they are hard to blend effectively on one profile. I get wanting to discuss work, show off to your friends, and warn of dangerous clients, but as a customer I find it mostly a turn-off(except the terrible client behavior, call that shit out all day). If you frequently complain about clients in public, I worry about what you are thinking during the session. If you show off your first class trip to the Bahamas I feel that my 1 or 2 hour donation is better spent with someone who will value it more.

I look at twitter profiles to get a glimpse of personality to see if we would mesh and like to see a selfie or 2 to confirm that your website photos are representative of your current appearance. And I get retweeting your friends visits or good selfies, but I find it frustrating scrolling through dozens of pictures of other women when all I want to see is you.

I know it's more work, but the best solution might be a separate public advertising account and private personal account.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
And I get retweeting your friends visits or good selfies, but I find it frustrating scrolling through dozens of pictures of other women when all I want to see is you.

Many do “retweet for retweet” for visibility.

I don’t like that, maybe it’s selfish but that’s my page so I’m only posting about myself. Unless my friend is in the photo it’s very rare I post/retweet other people on my Twitter. If I do, I’ll unretweet within a few days so that when people scroll it’s only me.

Damn, it really sounded self centred. Anyways hahaha


Apr 6, 2023
Many do “retweet for retweet” for visibility.

I don’t like that, maybe it’s selfish but that’s my page so I’m only posting about myself. Unless my friend is in the photo it’s very rare I post/retweet other people on my Twitter. If I do, I’ll unretweet within a few days so that when people scroll it’s only me.

Damn, it really sounded self centred. Anyways hahaha
In my regular life I use twitter as a way to stay current on a myriad of topics I find interesting in one place. But in this world, I've never found twitter a great place to find new people. I'm only looking for 1 thing, so forums and advertising sites give me exactly what I need.
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