I don't care about Mexico its apiece of shit country, what I care about is Somalians, running here, now that the US is getting tough on them They are not genuine refugees, if they wanted to be Canadian they would have applied here, not run to the US, then run here.
Such people would do well in our army. We need such aggression. I am worried about the future of our country... the pacifist virus has infected much of the body politic.
Do you think the U.S became the pre-eminent power on this planet by sweet words and diplomacy? No they did it by mass murder.
Wow have some weed Bkone. And a few girls. Peace and love for all!
My parents had to come the right way to Canada , these fuckers, run in, then demand welfare and refugee status. WTF!
Seriously, there's a long waiting list of people trying to stay in Canada the hard way, by being productive members of society and applying for residency, going through all the hoops. My parents did it as well, and many others too. It's not fair to the people trying to enter Canada legitimately when these refugees try to skip the line by bum rushing the border, they provide nothing of value, and waste public resources to process. Canada needs to care for Canadians first, we're not exactly running a giant budget surplus here. Help yourself before helping others.
It is grossly unfair for someone to jump the line ahead of someone who has waited several years.
This is NOT about race or religion, it is about following the rules and being fair to everyone.
A good citizen follows the rules of society, and obeys the laws of the land.
That is what keeps our country civilised.
A good citizen does not thumb his nose at rules and regulations.
Walking across the border, avoiding lawful entry points is not a good example of following the rules. Dialing 911 and demanding assistance because you are too stupid to dress properly, have no food or money, no job skills, no education, barely speak...or don't speak at all in either official language, that shows a sense of entitlement.
A good prospect would be showing us what they can contribute.
They should not be trying to get as much from us as they can, after breaking in the back door instead of knocking on the front door politely.
You want in? Follow the rules like everyone else!
And remember, these refugees ( actually economic migrants) readily acknowledge that they will be trying to all their relatives into Canada as soon as possible.
So let me understand it. If you come to the border with your documents and ask for refugee status providing proper paper support for your claims, you are not admitted. If you run through the border illegally, without any identity papers and papers supporting your refugee claims, than you are very welcome. Any logic in this? With this kind of a filter you might end up with really bad people. Not bad for US to get rid of them but for Canada?