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Somalians running across our border --your thoughts?


New Member
Mar 16, 2018

2015-2016 - 2018 so far

• Here. You want information, then try reading the actual safe third country agreement on the canadian government website. Please do your own research on multiple, reliable, vetted sources yourself, such as the canadian government website before any of you or anybody else starts making claims that people are getting a free ride into canada, that anybody has taken advantage of the system, that anybody has “jumped the queue”, or other misinformed things. This is literally not what is happening.

• By definition per the stca, the crossings not made at official border checkpoints are not ‘illegal’. By definition, 'legal' entries and 'legal' checkpoints are not 'legal'. Using the word "illegal" only criminalizes the person, and is nothing but ignorant and inflammatory speech.

• Some of you claim that your ancestors came to canada through official channels and wonder why other people don’t do that. The thousands of people who cross irregularly should be a clear sign that they do not have the option to go through official checkpoints.

• Many of you in this forum are likely descendants of people who fled the first and second world wars. They did not go through official channels; they came with the millions of other people who fled the wars. They had no options and they got the same bombastic reactions. These ridiculous ideas about refugees come up even when there are clear facts to dissolve them like I am giving you now.

• Every single one of you in this forum would look to the long wait times created by the excessive backlog of refugee claims as a way to set up a temporary life before your claim is reviewed and you may be deported in 5 or 11 years. It’s one single chance at a home, each one of you would take it.

• Yes, our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did have a hand in the confusion that has swept up asylum seekers, but as with anything it cannot all be blamed on one source. The current u.s. president is another source. Canada's lack of proactive vision on refugees is another.

• The amount of asylum seekers (by definition per the stca they are asylum seekers, not refugees, and they are not immigrants) grew as a direct result of the current u.s. president threatening to deport people like them. The amount continues to grow because he continues to cancel agreements like DACA, something where you cannot qualify for DACA if you've committed a crime. These are some of the most reliable and promising members of the u.s. and they are still being deported, yes it does have to do with skin colour. This is all literally easily searchable facts, yes, they are true and I’m not your parent so don’t ask me for “sources”. Look up multiple, reliable, vetted sources yourself, such as the canadian government website. It is not difficult.

• Considering the way a lot of you talk about Somalians, Haitians, and Syrians coming across the border irregularly I’m sure it surprised you to learn that non-nazi Germans are a thing that exists. They fled the wars and came in irregularly; they are your ancestors. Surprise!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just my opinion but the ones fleeing the US and illegally entering Canada Canada are the ones who are feeding off the US and donot contribute, they know their free ride is up and are going to feed off our kindness. It saying all before someone freaks out but many.
If it was up to me I would park buses at the crossings and once full bring them back to the US.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Trudeau government simply violates laws, both international and Canadian. The international law stipulates that refugees need to claim asylum in the first safe country they enter. Majority of them are arriving in the US on tourist visas that were given on condition that they will not claim refugee status or try to stay in the country illegally beyond their visas. Thus, they are going straight to the Canadian border. In accordance to Canadian and international law they are inadmissible as refugees at the legal entry points (they are tourists in the US) and will be turned back. Thus, the government uses a loophole: it allows them to illegally cross the border and then detain them to “investigate”. This all is a shameful manipulation and should not take place in a democratic country. If you want to admit people than change the law through established procedure with public discussion.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Let's build a wall, a big, beautifull wall and let USA pay for it... Happy New Year to all.
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