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SP agencies SPIKE their rates!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2017
indies have more expenses to take care..

More expenses? de quel genre? chambre d'hôtel oui fine!

''Take care''.. Oui certainement, elles doivent gérer leurs propre affaires.

Une fille qui travaille en agence, elle, elle doit payer sa commission et dans un shift complet de nuit elles doivent en donner autant sinon plus à l'agence qu'une indie doit sortir de sa poche pour l'hôtel ou leur logement. Par contre les indies qui reçoivent chez elle, elle empoche toute. De toute façon elle aurait un loyer a payer pareil. Sinon pour le linge et tout les dépenses du type personnelles indie ou agence c'est du pareille au même.

Bref, je crois +- à ça. Regarde combien quitte les agences pour partir à leur compte. C'est surement pas parce qu'au total elles font moins.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Un des coûts importants à part l'hôtel ou appt ,déplacements c'est la pub pour les indies....évidemment beaucoup travaillent peu....donc peuvent assumer MAIS celles qui travaillent régulièrement doivent être bien organisées et bien prévoir....j'ai même souvent remarqué que plusieurs qui étaient en agence ont tenté leur chance comme sont revenues en agence...y a sûrement une ne pas oublier que le flot d'appels en agence est un facteur important....


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Bref, je crois +- à ça. Regarde combien quitte les agences pour partir à leur compte. C'est surement pas parce qu'au total elles font moins.

La plupart des indy que j'ai vu qui était aurparavant en agences l'ont fait pour faire moins... de clients!



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oui très avec des horaires flexibles qu'elles déterminent elles mê jouissent ainsi d'une entière liberté.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016

Deux loyers dans bien des cas, parfois même deux factures de Vidéotron et d'hydro !. Ou un loyer et une chambre d'hôtel. Savon. Serviettes. Lavages. Rince Bouche. Tout ca... Taxi, métro, drivers, qu'on soit agence ou indy... ET surtout les annonces... Juste backpage c'est 7$ pour une seule annonce. Merb c'est payant aussi. Annonce123 si on poste plus de 5 annonces dans la journée (1 annonce x 3 catégories, deux fois par jour, ça dépasse déjà les 5) il faut payer aussi.

Sans compter le temps passé à répondre à vos questions et à vous booker... Une fille en agence peut voir un client pendant que le booker en book un autre. Moi je me vois très mal booker mes rdv pendant que je suis avec quelqu'un ;)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Sans compter le temps passé à répondre à vos questions et à vous booker... Une fille en agence peut voir un client pendant que le booker en book un autre. Moi je me vois très mal booker mes rdv pendant que je suis avec quelqu'un ;)

Sa me rapelle une petite anecdote. J'etait booker a l'epoque (ma tres courte periode) et j'etait avec une fille au lit, elle sur moi, s'etait en fin de veiller et il y avais pas tant de fille se soir la donc tres calme. Le téléphone sonne. Je répond et je commence a parler au client, avec la fille sur moi :p La fille essaye de pas faire de bruit, moi j'essaye d'etre le plus "naturel" possible... En tout cas on en a rie apres de celle la. Au final le dude voulais voir une fille qui avais finis, et bref il a pas booker personne donc pas eu trop de truc a gerer mais quand meme.

Sinon merci pour l'info pour BP, damn je pensais pas s'etait si cher. Sa veut dire ceux qui spam du bait and switch a chaque jours doivent bien "pogner des poissons" en masse alors (genre avec des photos de pornstars americaine ou d'instagram model, qui sont assez facile a reperer)


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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If you don't like the price being charged by an agency or an independent there is always an option. There are SP's offering their services for cheaper rates too, and agencies that are cheaper. Sometimes it is possible to find a gem and continue to see her at a reasonable rate then again sometimes you must pay for quality. You shop at Dollarama sometimes you end up with crap, now and then it's a deal, same can be said for this hobby, but in reality getting the crap can cost a fortune in the long run. I have seen some that I just wouldn't stay, loss of time on my part. Then again I have seen some independents and agency girls where I did pay more but wow, service was amazing and my re-visits saved me money in the long run.


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Jun 21, 2003
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From my experience there is no difference between a 200$ agency and a 220$ agency. Also I find there is no difference between an agency girl and Indy girl. The only advantage from an indy girl is that they may be more comfortable in a social setting. If there is a difference I have not been convinced of it yet.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Many times I find no difference from a $160 girl from Econolodge ( service wise ) than a $200 + escort.


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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It's so disappointing when my regular agency starts to up their rates to $220.

In the end I will use another agency and make them my regular which may result in hobbying less which in the long run might be better for my bank account.

So disappointed!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
Velvet $200 an hour this month with ex-euphoria girls, take advantage of that deal, i sure did!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's so disappointing when my regular agency starts to up their rates to $220. So disappointed!!!

You should use the disappointment as a basis to ask your boss for a raise, by exactly $20 per week. If you get one, then the rate increase is offset, and no need to cry any more, because all will be good in the world once again. The cost of living goes up on us, so instead of crying, do something about it by asking Mr. or Mrs. Boss for a raise.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
This is 20$. Not to sound rude but I tell the same to guys when they try to deal my rates :

If that 20$ really makes a difference in your budget, buy groceries instead... (Groceries is an example. Could use whatever else.)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If that 20$ really makes a difference in your budget

Not arguing with the rates of any SP or agency, they can charge what they want. Some may get upset because gas, groceries, insurance and taxes go up on a constant basis, perhaps the $20 was just the icing on the cake to trigger a response.
Never under value yourself, if you are good at what you do get your money out of it.
There are plenty of SP's at every price point, it just depends how picky you are on looks and/or your requirements


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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The market will take whatever the market will bear. These days there are younger women entering the trade and based on their age and looks they feel that charging higher rates is perfectly acceptable. Hey, if guys are willing to pay the rates demanded then that will be the going rate. Sometimes the little brain takes over and the bigger brain can't say no. I for one could see myself seeing an SP weekly at $160. and the bank will not suffer. If the rate is now $200. or $220. then the frequency I see the girl will go down to once or twice a month, in the end she works less but she probably makes the same money. The one thing that gets me is the lack of service. To many SP's are advertising GFE and charging a higher rate and yet NOT providing what I consider to be GFE. To me GFE includes a BBBJ , DFK and DATY, some of the providers are charging $200 ++ and are providing LFK at best, CBJ and don't want to allow DATY. I guarantee they won't be around for long at the prices they charge and we just have to learn to say no. Some of the providers who advertise here are more expensive but guys, they actually provide what you are looking for. Cut back on the frequency of your visits, support a supporting member of YOUR forum and everyone will be happy. Eg. Julia Sky, more expensive than the average SP, yup, but guys, read her reviews they speak for themselves :) Also there are many others who advertise here and their reviews are outstanding, I have my personal TD list, make yours and lets enjoy our advertisers ;)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
One thing I like about indy is that you can come to an arrangement. You see them once at their regular rate. Get to know each other inside out ;) You see both side if chemistry is there.

If so, I politely ask them if they would see me at a flat rate of X instead of their regular rate. For some, it's half what they usually ask. For others it's not a big difference. Some told me to fuck off which is perfectly fine with me.
But some just said with you no problem. Wouhou (some said yes but only as per their own schedule)


p.s. do not pm me to get names, I wont give out any! haha


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 c'était à prévoir avec l'arrivée des nouvelles filles en provenance de Euphoria qui travaillaient déjà à ce tarif.....cela a amené les agences qui les ont accueilli à revoir leur tarification par équité pour l'ensemble de leurs 220,00 est devenu le MINIMUM.,...


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..but i noticed that Vogue has still some girls at 200.00,,,and of course Velvet Love MTL has his promotion at 200.00 for November.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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my boss usually hates me whenever I come to ask for an increase. he's made all kind of excuses. it is about time again.

tonyw you just gotta man up and do it. Tell him cost of living has gone up and everything costs more. You are struggling to keep up on your meager pay. Of course you must accentuate the positives you bring to the company to demonstrate you are worthy. Chances are that you are replaceable, but don't let him think that. Stress the fact that you are very good at what you do, are loyal to the company, and a good worker and have sacrificed a part of your life for that job. You have poured sweat and soul into that job and he damn sure better know it! All you need is a $20 increase per week and if you get it, the rate increase is offset for every escort you see per week.
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