Montreal Escorts

SP friendly Hotel in downtown Montreal


New Member
Aug 22, 2009

Can anyone please advise me a Hotel which dont have problem with SP. I ll be staying 3 nights in begin september.

My budget is 70-80

I saw that bidding thread, but when i go to priceline, and start the procedure it ask me to enter credit card information etc.. before even i know which hotel it will be.

So if anyone can guide me what to do. I ll be their for just 3 nights and dont want to waste money and time.

Thank you for your help :)
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New Member
Apr 24, 2005

I saw that bidding thread, but when i go to priceline, and start the procedure it ask me to enter credit card information etc.. before even i know which hotel it will be.

Welcome to Priceline. That's the name of the game. In exchange for low prices, you may end up with hotel that you don't want.

Or, you may end up with something that works. If you can't take this chance, don't use Priceline.


New Member
Aug 22, 2009
Is their any hotels that are proposed by priceline that refuse to have an SP ? How hotel can refuse ? what are the reasons ?

S.C. Joe

New Member
Aug 19, 2009
Maybe ALL the hotels are cool with SP's :confused:

Its rare in Toronto to find an unfriendly SP hotel--there are a couple but even them some say they have no problems.

Hotwire is good too and sometimes shows the review rating (like 4 stars out of 180 reviews and if you go to Trip Advisor and go to the forum for Montreal and then click on hotels for Montreal you will see the ratings and number of reviews. Lots of times i different cities of have been able to guess which hotel it is.

You may need to go to 3 or even 2 stars for your budget. I have been pretty happy with the hotels that Hotwire offer.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal

Is their any hotels that are proposed by priceline that refuse to have an SP ?
None that I've ever come across.
How hotel can refuse ?
They can't
what are the reasons ?
There aren't any.

MERB has lots of information regarding hotels, both low-end & luxury, all you need to do is take some time to search and read. I have been visiting Montreal for a long time, and have never found a hotel that has ever refused a guest. There are some that have security issues that may make it difficult, like keycard access to elevators or doors, but that's it.

Your budget of 70-80/night could get you a nice 4* hotel on Priceline (Omni, Sheraton, InterCon, Vogue), but you will not know which one until you book it. Same thing with 3* & 3.5*, but there are many hotels in those categories.

Otherwise, do some homework and enjoy your visit...



New Member
Aug 22, 2009
Thanks voyager, So there isnt much risk to get any 3 /3.5 star .

Elevator card is a problem even if i come myself down to wait for SP ? I dont have problem with that, i dont ger emabrasse for that. My only concerns was that a hotel refuse someone (or have any legal problem)


Sep 4, 2006
Thanks voyager, So there isnt much risk to get any 3 /3.5 star .

Elevator card is a problem even if i come myself down to wait for SP ? I dont have problem with that, i dont ger emabrasse for that. My only concerns was that a hotel refuse someone (or have any legal problem)

I have never had any problem with hotels in Montreal that required key-card access or otherwise when it came to my ability to share my time and room with an SP. The only problem that will draw the attention of the staff is a person who behaves like he is doing something wrong or has something to hide. Just remember what happens between two consenting adults is no one's business.

Your concerns are more valid in countries where prostitution is clearly illegal and the police actively investigate SPs and customers. In places like that you might need to exercise more discretion or bribe the hotel staff to look the other way.
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Netone, you won't have problems with an escort visiting your hotel, unless the girl is dressed really provocatively or is known to be trouble by the staff. In these cases, they might stop her and ask question or even, in some cases, will refuse to let her up unaccompanied.

Nothing that won't get solved if she come-in with you or if you meet her in the lobby and you are the one waiting, not her.

I have heard of one boutique hotel in Montreal, a long while ago, that used to systematically block sp if they could identify her as such. Even then, they have no proof and, if the girl have some guts and you back her up, that could get them in serious legal trouble. I don't think that hotel still have that policy and no, I don't have a name.

S.C. Joe

New Member
Aug 19, 2009
The one place in Toronto I hear has a security officer after 10:30 pm and can refuse to allow non-register people to the hotel rooms for "safety of the other hotel guests".

Now as far as I know he doesn't check every bodies ID and makes sure they are register guest and I stayed at that hotel before and just walked pasted him (alone) like I had a right to be there (and I did, I was book in a room).


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hosting SP's in a non-friendly hotel

The last few visits I stayed at a well known chain on Sherbrooke. I dont have any idea if they reject SPs but they have the have the dreaded elevators that require a key for the room. My first visit I met the SP out on the patio bar and walked with her up to my room. I have kids older than her and she was dressed in the famous black tube - the uniform of the Montreal SP. Kellie of eleganza is quite a looker and I saw that many eyes were on us as I waited for the elevator to open which took forever and 1 day. A family with young children exited the elevator as we got in.

The next two times at the same hotel I made sure that I took care of the Bellman. I paid him 3$ a bag to take my bags up to my room (something I usually do myself) and then I told him that I would be meeting a business associate for a drink later and if he could help her get up to my room. He wrote down my room number and wanted my name, her name, and her description. I gave him 10$/girl. He would call as each girl arrived and 2minutes later she was at my door. I think he actually got a kick out of it. He also gave me his review after each date. So for an extra 10-20$, I got great service and avoided any awkwardness and made a new friend.


New Member
Aug 22, 2009
As My credit card is from europe i was nto able to bid through priceline :( I dont understadn why they limit to US and Canada

SO i tried Hotwire , i didnot see any bidding info, but direclty the rates when enter the date. I got a 74 USD per night + tax and at the end i got the Holiday Inn Express hotel & suite.

Is it good ? it is indicated as 3 star, hope it is SP freindly and well placed

any advise ? now anyway i cant cancel so it is too late, I can only crosse finger that some people will give me good news about it.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
netone, last I bid on Priceline, about 3 years ago, they didn't accept Canada either! What I found (from an old thread here) is to enter the complete address normally, as if you were in the USA, put something valid as the ZIP code and enter state as CA. It worked for me, even if my card is from Canada and Priceline didn't accept it officially. At the time, it might be different now, they just checked if the card number was valid, not the address.


New Member
Jun 14, 2009
. . .
He wrote down my room number and wanted my name, her name, and her description. I gave him 10$/girl. He would call as each girl arrived and 2minutes later she was at my door. I think he actually got a kick out of it. He also gave me his review after each date. So for an extra 10-20$, I got great service and avoided any awkwardness and made a new friend.
LOL. I would like a hotel with this kind of service !

btw, were his reviews spot on? his review == your rating?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
LOL. I would like a hotel with this kind of service !

btw, were his reviews spot on? his review == your rating?

He said Britany of Eleganza "Was cute as a doll." I should of added his comments to my review. especially for Britany because i was a little critical of her.

Anyway, He took care of me.


New Member
Jun 14, 2009
I may go with "Hotel de la Montagne". Someone on TERB said they were SP friendly. Cresent is a bit too busy for me, so I may go for something more east, near St Denis.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Is their any hotels that are proposed by priceline that refuse to have an SP ? How hotel can refuse ? what are the reasons ?

Hello Netone,

I have been using Priceline for almost three years. I have stayed at 6 hotels with a 3 star-3 1/2 star rating through them and I have never had an problem with an SP coming to one of the hotels that use Priceline bookings. In fact, since 2001 I have been at dozens of hotels and this issue has never come up at all, even at very small ones where the desk attendants would have easily known who was registered there and who wasn't.

Good luck,

Toronto Escorts