Montreal Escorts

Special requests not reaching the lady


May 2, 2008
I'm not targeting one agency in particular cuz this happened to me a number of times (and not only in MTL) - and happened to others as i read on this board.

Here's the scenarios.

Me, texting the booker : " I'd like to meet _______ for x hrs. And if possible, I would like her to __(special request)_. Is that ok?"

Booker : " Sure, no problem, i'll let her know. Thanks !"

Me : "wonderfull thanks !"


Sometime later... Knock, Knock. Walk in. Chit chat.

Me: " So did the booker tell you about my special request ? "

Lady (doe in the headlights look) : " hmmmmm no? What was it ? "

Me : " Never mind. No worries. ". Not wanting her to feel guilty.


Why does this happen ? Happen a lot ? Or is it just me ?

And my requests a super simple things. When i do discuss them with the ladies they have absolutely no issue with it. Doesnt feel like they are resisting to it or playing ignorant.

I'm at the point where i dont ask anymore to avoid the dissapointment.




Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
I know when I worked for an agency this happened fairly often, and I always felt bad but it was out of my control.

It's hard to really say why, since each agency and booker are all different and there can be a multitude of reasons why, but some may be either because they are very busy with many calls and many girls working, and they simply forget to pass the message along, or perhaps they can't be bothered to put the effort into communicating it to the lady.

If it's something very simple the SP has no issue with anyways, then it might just be forgetfulness, but if it's something very detailed or extreme, they could be just agreeing to hook you into booking.
I know I had on occasion the booker agree to things I didn't even offer without talking to me first, and it makes for a fairly uncomfortable conversation in person sometimes.

The agency and booker should always be communicating properly with the girls so there isn't any issues or discomfort, as it can really put the SP's in potentially dangerous situations if someone were to get upset that he wasn't getting something he was told he would receive.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes I agree Rimshot. This happens most of the time. For me it is usally involves requests for clothing. I say "Make sure she is wearing heels" and she shows up in flat shoes. How about a nice black tube dress I ask and she shows up in jeans and sneakers wearing no make up. Part of it is that the girl should never show up for work so casual and the agency and booker should not allow that she show up so casually dressed.

I have had a few successful moments. Last trip Isabella D fullfilled my request to the "T" wearing a black tube dress and wedged heels. Up in the room she pulled out the exact lingerie that I requested from her pictures (however she only had one stocking with her lingerie). Bu I give her an"A" for effort. For Megan I asked Melodie to ask her to wear the purple outfit in her picture. I arrived and she wore the exact outfit. "A+" to Melodie and Megan of Nadya's for teamwork. Gabriel Garnier acting like she was trying to win the award for the best dressed in Montreal. "A+" from Hungry101 to Gabby and Phil. Maria SuperStar's secretary Yves went shopping and bought the exact out I requested from a picture I sent him of the pop star.
I remember Jimmy of Wildtimes sending a girl over dressed exactly as I requested and she gave me her stockings after. Little Chloe was ready with a sexy short tight dress and let me chose lingerie for the session. Christina wore the outfit from her pictures. Girls and Bookers - I salute you!

I remember the John of Eleganza yelling at me when I asked for stockings. He told me to go out and buy a pair. I started to buy fish-net thigh highs for awhile. At least he didn't say yeah yeah and then just send the girl over in jeans and a t-shirt.

For me some of this can be solved by having a dress sexy rule at an agency.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I remember the John of Eleganza yelling at me when I asked for stockings. He told me to go out and buy a pair. I started to buy fish-net thigh highs for awhile. At least he didn't say yeah yeah and then just send the girl over in jeans and a t-shirt.

A booker or an owner would only yell at me once. I am in a client service business and would expect that if I EVER yelled at a client I would lose that client forever. He would certainly lose me........period ! I have seen SP's and after meeting have asked for little things, both dress wise and sexual. If the girl is comfortable, fine, if not I have never pushed the issue and in some case the Sp has come to discover a side she enjoys as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
Usually I am told the request cannot be fufilled cuz the girl already left her home. I think they should always bring back up clothes. But a situation where the request was acknowledged but not followed through is not acceptable, because agencies are selling fantasies so special requests are just as important as good service.

I have left over lingerie from my ex so sometimes I ask the SP to wear it. Makes life easier

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well i am sure Booker L will probably say something similar, but yes in fact lots of time the girl has left her home. Very often the clients are very confortable with what she "casually" wear. You have to take the other side of the coin. Lots of clients see girls outcall in hotel, they don't want a girl showing up looking too elegant or that basically just scream "escort" figatively speaking. Personally i really like girls with Cs or Ds and 4 out of 5 of the girls i see are big breasted. So if they show up too dressed up it really look the part if i can say. Casual cloathing for me is very fine, its actually my favourite. I like a tank top and a pair of leggings the best, or jeans. Some cleavage is always apreciated but again not too much for the look of it.

When it comes to make up i usually like light make up the best.

In any case i would highly sugest that if you want a special request, first of all pre-book, this way no excuse for her not having the best attire possible. Secondly multiple hours are a must, i would really not see somebody request a dress code only to have her get out of it after 5-10 mins... feel pointless to me.

Usually if agencies know in advance they will try there best to accomodate you. But if you just call "on the spot" and ask her to wear a very specific outfit... of course get ready to be refused this. Or buy it yourself... I know all girls have different size and stature, so its not like you can buy one attire for them all, but i mean thats your best bet of having exactly what you want.

Of course there is always personal preferences, and every clients is different, so as long as you take that in mind... you should be fine.


May 2, 2008
Hey all thanks for the thoughts! But here are a few clarifications.

First, I always book in advance. 3 to 4 days, usually (the Monday for a Wednesday or Thursday date). I always discuss my request at the time of booking.
Second, my request rarely has to do with clothing. Just some small things I like to do – nothing weird, not greek, ...

One time, I did ask a request about clothing (in Toronto). Asked if she could wear something she would wear at the gym (spandex pants and t-shirt showing belly button - something like : I said, she doesn’t have to come dress that way if she’s uncomfortable, she can change when she gets here. “No problem” they said. Well the lady get to my room, nicely dressed, but not like going to the gym. No problem, so I politely ask: “Did you get my request?” Of course she didn’t. I tell her about it. And she replies “OMG, I’m going to the gym after I see you and I left my bag with the driver! I could have worn that here.” Shisshhhhhh !!!!

Another example (in MTL): met a lady, had a great time, so I ask if next time I see her she would be opened to massages with lots and lots of oil – inside and out. She said “cool!” She even told me what to buy and asked me to advise the booker so she could prepare (something about her hair). So I booked for later that week. Advised the booker... well you can imagine the rest.

Anyway, I’m not bitter, just sharing my experiences!



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Well i am sure Booker L will probably say something similar, but yes in fact lots of time the girl has left her home. Very often the clients are very confortable with what she "casually" wear. You have to take the other side of the coin. Lots of clients see girls outcall in hotel, they don't want a girl showing up looking too elegant or that basically just scream "escort" figatively speaking. Personally i really like girls with Cs or Ds and 4 out of 5 of the girls i see are big breasted. So if they show up too dressed up it really look the part if i can say. Casual cloathing for me is very fine, its actually my favourite. I like a tank top and a pair of leggings the best, or jeans. Some cleavage is always apreciated but again not too much for the look of it.

When it comes to make up i usually like light make up the best.

In any case i would highly sugest that if you want a special request, first of all pre-book, this way no excuse for her not having the best attire possible. Secondly multiple hours are a must, i would really not see somebody request a dress code only to have her get out of it after 5-10 mins... feel pointless to me.

Usually if agencies know in advance they will try there best to accomodate you. But if you just call "on the spot" and ask her to wear a very specific outfit... of course get ready to be refused this. Or buy it yourself... I know all girls have different size and stature, so its not like you can buy one attire for them all, but i mean thats your best bet of having exactly what you want.

Of course there is always personal preferences, and every clients is different, so as long as you take that in mind... you should be fine.

Your about the only guy that does not like girls dressed up.

You would have liked Maude from Grils 4U. She made no attempt what so ever to look good.

As far as not being able to buy things for the girls before hand...yes that is tricky but you can probably get away with buy stay-up thigh-high stockings with the lacy top. One size pretty much fits all woth only a few exceptions.

And yes, I agree. A girl can look good in jeans and a too-tight too-small tank top.

When I have to go down and get a girl due to the elevator key, I feel a little more comfortable if the girl is dressed up nice.

Lily from Montreal

Not preaching for my ,hum,what's the word? Parish? But if you want to make sure the request reach the girl,skip the middleman?
Go Indy...Sounds like a sports call loll Go! insert team name! Go! loll


The decimator
Jan 15, 2011
Been there done that,agency X lost me as a client....until they had this cute new chick working for them and bad memories disappeared in oblivion (Yup you guessed it right,Junior is running the show!),oh well everybody deserves a second chance.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Ladies and Gentlemen,

...some may be either because they are very busy with many calls and many girls working, and they simply forget to pass the message along, or perhaps they can't be bothered to put the effort into communicating it to the lady.

If it's something very simple the SP has no issue with anyways, then it might just be forgetfulness, but if it's something very detailed or extreme, they could be just agreeing to hook you into booking.

I know I had on occasion the booker agree to things I didn't even offer without talking to me first, and it makes for a fairly uncomfortable conversation in person sometimes.

There was a time when I would make some what I thought were reasonable requests like wearing stockings and garters, always a big turn on for me. The booker would either agree or say he would tell the lady and hopefully she would comply. I would offer to pay more and still she would not fulfill the request. I figured she was either too busy to remember to bring the items or the booker was being agreeable to get the appointment. I stopped requesting after numerous tries with several agencies.

Calling Indies definitely makes a huge difference. They are rarely running tight consecutive meetings and they are far more accommodating for time and attitude to fulfill special requests. In one case we shopped for something very sexy to wear before the intimate time and it was soooo much fun from FINISH!!! ;)

...they don't want a girl showing up looking too elegant or that basically just scream "escort" figatively speaking.

Maybe you mean trashy looking or too obviously extravagant. I don't see why an elegant looking lady would be taken for an escort unless someone catches her knocking on a room door and being greeted by an older guy instead of using her own key. It's a shame a lot more women don't bother to look elegant more often. The tight jeans thing is so common that when a lady arrives dressed that way in the back of my mind it feels like she couldn't be bothered to make much effort, even if I don't let it interfere with enjoying the encounter.




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Maybe you mean trashy looking or too obviously extravagant. I don't see why an elegant looking lady would be taken for an escort unless someone catches her knocking on a room door and being greeted by an older guys instead of using her own key. It's a shame a lot more women don't bother to look elegant more often. The tight jeans thing is so common that when a lady arrives dressed that way in the back of my mind it feels like she couldn't be bothered to make much effort, even if I don't let it interfere with enjoying the encounter.



I coudn't agree more Merlot. I was in the airport Marriot and a well dressed woman in a short cotton summer dress and nice black heels entered the elevator from the parking garage. Her bare calves looked awesome. I looked at her and I thought how nice. Why can't girls show up dressed like that for me? In the lobby a 40ish man in a suit greeted her and they made it for the elevator to his room. I thought "damn. What agency was she?" almost exactly 2 hours later I was sitting in the lobby waiting for my SP and she walked by me for the parking elevator. I wish I would have said hello in the elevator when the two of us were alone. She looked so classy. Over the years I can count on one, maybe two hands when an outcall girl showed up dressed like this. More often than not they don't. This is why I like the parties. The girls dress their best. I need to start a thread for the best dressed SPs.

Lily from Montreal

I know,it is depressing to see ladies who could look so good wearing jeans and flip flop or running shoes, it is the same in real life,at the casino at the airport ,name it...

Tomorrow morning I am leaving for Cuba,plane is at 6h45 am ,how do you want to bet I will be the only one wearing heels and a dress?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well i supose its because i come from a different breed as most of you guys. I don't book in big hotels, i don't fancy myself on expensive alchool. Maybe if i could i would... who knows... but i can't. I generally receive the girl in a casual small hotel, room is nothing impressive. I value mostly what happen itself than the rest all around. I mean sure if i could book huge hotel rooms and have 200$ bottle of wine delivered to my door, i would probably. But i rather come more often in montreal than spending more on the "background aspect" if i can say. I don't have sex in real life, so i guess just the fact to be able to have sex, and with very hot women on top of that, is more than enough to me.

My taste are very mixed tough, i can like the californian pornstar look as much as the tough looking chick. For exemple i would totally dig a girl in army camouflage pants and a tank top, but with DDs :) For exemple imagine Demi Moore in GI Jane before she shaved her head :p

In any case, tastes are so different from one dude to the other. And don't think hungry i do not like a well dressed woman that look like Cinderella, i mean i totally would love that as well, but i know its not something to expect out of a 1h meeting, maybe if you book an overnight or something, but she won't spend hours to make her hair and do her make up only to be naked 10 mins in...

Anyway thats how i see it.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Well i am sure Booker L will probably say something similar,
Hello all

In fact there is many different scenarios about this .Its a topic I have already touched a few times on different thread .
Does every companion get the same service ?,,,

A fact of life in any business, not all clients are created equal .
YMMV and Clock Watchers acronyms exist for a reason .

Happy hobbying !

Blame it on the Booker!:lol:




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Well i supose its because i come from a different breed as most of you guys. I don't book in big hotels, i don't fancy myself on expensive alchool. Maybe if i could i would... who knows... but i can't. I generally receive the girl in a casual small hotel, room is nothing impressive. I value mostly what happen itself than the rest all around. I mean sure if i could book huge hotel rooms and have 200$ bottle of wine delivered to my door, i would probably. But i rather come more often in montreal than spending more on the "background aspect" if i can say. I don't have sex in real life, so i guess just the fact to be able to have sex, and with very hot women on top of that, is more than enough to me.

In any case, tastes are so different from one dude to the other.

Mike - You make a great argument for what the marketers call segmentation. Marketing and sales depts. spend millions of dollars studying customer buying behavior. Sometimes this data is used so that they can appeal to the segment of that market that they can extract the most value. Other times they use this so that they can be all things to all people. Many agencies do this without knowing so aftert they got to know us.

Maybe my question should be which agency has a dress sexy policy or fullfills clothing or lingerie requests? Which Indy really likes to dress elegantly? This is my hot button. I like the window dressing and I am willing a bit of a premium for it.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I am willing a bit of a premium for it.

Special request and Premiums ,in the mind of many hobbyist = Up selling,

Any one of you should try to be on the lines for escort service ,4 out 5 clients is unreliable if not more ,he agrees to a price with the booker and then tells the SP it was included in the regular price .

He doesn't have the money or doesn't want to pay or if he decide to pay ,he will make a poor review of the booker .

Any way you slice it .It's a loose loose scenario .

The girl gets angry ,the driver and so on .

Blame it ,on the Booker




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Wait a second Bookmen. You are right. Ala carte can be annoying. What I am saying is that I am willing to pay a bit of a premium for a better girl or a dress sexy agency. I may have even explained in the thread that you attached that I was in Vegas last year and I booked Marie Styles. 500$/hour. I didn't care because her pictures were so hot and her reviews were stellar. I asked her to dress like one of 2 or 3 photos and to do her eyes like one photo....After several e-mail discussions, texts, and phone calls she said that clotheing requests were an extrra 100$. 600$?????? I siad OK then just wear stockings and heels and she reminded me that that was alos a clotheing request - 600$. She never showed up and never responded to any of my texts, e-mails, or phone calls. So, Booker, as you can see, I am willing to pay a bit of a premium for an elegant girl but you are correct, I don't like the upsell.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Wait a second Bookmen.
I love that nickname ,I am Hungry for more :lol:Maybe One hundred and one ;)
You are right. Ala carte can be annoying. What I am saying is that I am willing to pay a bit of a premium for a better girl or a dress sexy agency. I may have even explained in the thread that you attached that I was in Vegas last year and I booked Marie Styles. 500$/hour. I didn't care because her pictures were so hot and her reviews were stellar. I asked her to dress like one of 2 or 3 photos and to do her eyes like one photo....After several e-mail discussions, texts, and phone calls she said that clotheing requests were an extrra 100$. 600$?????? I siad OK then just wear stockings and heels and she reminded me that that was alos a clotheing request - 600$. She never showed up and never responded to any of my texts, e-mails, or phone calls. So, Booker, as you can see, I am willing to pay a bit of a premium for an elegant girl but you are correct, I don't like the upsell.

Just the way you are writing ,we can see you a elegant Gentlemen ,the 1 out 5 .Keep it up
Always luv readin yah


Bookmen Lol
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