for me it's a question of well-being. when i worked at a spa i was not feeling good mentally and physically. i could not choose my clientele. seeing multiple clients in a row was very hard for me mentally, physically and emotionally. yes a lot of things i deal with as an indy are annoying but at least i have a lot of free time, i get treated very well by my clients most of the time, my mental health is so much better because i have time to recover if a date goes wrong instead of having to deal with another client right after.. when i was working both at a spa and as an indy i didnt even make more money than i do now. i imagine it would be the same if i worked for an agency. to each their own, i totally understand why some people prefer working for agencies but i like working for myself and being my own boss

this is how i like to function in life.. i've never liked working for somebody, i like doing things my own way and being my unique self.