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At some point, the cap gotta stop


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
for me it's a question of well-being. when i worked at a spa i was not feeling good mentally and physically. i could not choose my clientele. seeing multiple clients in a row was very hard for me mentally, physically and emotionally. yes a lot of things i deal with as an indy are annoying but at least i have a lot of free time, i get treated very well by my clients most of the time, my mental health is so much better because i have time to recover if a date goes wrong instead of having to deal with another client right after.. when i was working both at a spa and as an indy i didnt even make more money than i do now. i imagine it would be the same if i worked for an agency. to each their own, i totally understand why some people prefer working for agencies but i like working for myself and being my own boss :) this is how i like to function in life.. i've never liked working for somebody, i like doing things my own way and being my unique self.
The challenges of maintaining good mental health are indeed significant in this line of profession, with potential side effects including depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Many individuals fail to comprehend the emotional toll that service providers endure in their line of work and the long-term impact it can have on their well-being, often necessitating psychological support. This can lead to a solitary lifestyle and various health issues for many in the profession. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with the individual. If you possess the ability to effectively manage your mental health while excelling in your work, I admire you, and i hold great respect for individuals like yourself who prioritize monitoring their health, mental well-being, and professional responsibilities simultaneously. Your dedication and commitment to your profession are truly admirable.
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