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Sp's reviewing members


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
I am quite curious about the screening & referral process, that some ladies will undertake on a client before agreeing to meet them. How much information do you require? Where do you go to find out more about someone? Do you store this information, for later reference? Etc...

Speaking for myself, I like to be as discreet as possible, and cringe at the thought of giving out personal info, beyond a 1st name and general line of work. But I certainly understand and respect the ladies right to know more about who they are meeting with, and to ensure their own safety. I wonder if there is a sensible way to bridge this gap of information, without revealing too much personal info.


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
As for the asian girl from Eleganza that you mentionned, i don't remember the incident very well. It probably got deleted by the time i would have noticed it.

As I remember, it was Kaii. I had a great time with her. She worked her in Toronto briefly as well.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
For screening 80% of the escorts in Alberta ( CAF site ) require a reference, real pain in the ass but the site is run by escorts, bad review and you get no service, real shit show there.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
As I remember, it was Kaii. I had a great time with her. She worked her in Toronto briefly as well.

That's who it was. Her posts were up only for a few hours, but she really gave it to that reviewer like I have never seen given to anyone on this board. She took personal shots at the reviewer, some of which were amusing in the way that they were written. It was much more than what Emmanuelle wrote when she made her so called "farewell" post, in which she criticized MERB in a more general way as opposed to any one person. I think Kaii was stung by that review, and her rebuttal was basically a case of "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." I did not think the reviewer she attacked had really written anything that was that bad (certainly not worse than many negative reviews I have seen), but it was a negative review, and more or less the 1st one she received on MERB.

I think some guys assume the girls do not read MERB, but they do, and they hold you accountable for what you say about them.

Lily from Montreal

And Merb is a screening tool...not only the review per se but the way you write and comments is very informative and I do not know about the other ladies but for me I will decide if I want (or not) to meet some of my friends-to-be based on your Merb persona...


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
In perpetual bliss
Don`t mean any disrespect to the women or man on the board... But if you think about it... this is kind of a weird thing right? as men review (or vent) and girls have little or nothing to say... obviously men don`t want to be singled out and not get serviced. Obviously girls don`t get to ``work`` when more than a few reviews (or venting sessions) are posted. Have to change names, change agencies or start touring.

It makes you wonder right?... I`m sure there are more jons than girls... could you (and give me some rope here for the fun sake of argument) imagen a site where jons post an ad;

``slightly overweight, 35yo, good looking guy looking for /CIM/Greek for two hours - $380 at the Hilton, ASAP`` - what do you think a review from that ad would look like?

Just turn the table a little and you will have to note how thick of a skin an SP has to be - to be reading/accepting reviews. I had a bad personal experience with a review. I was unfair without realizing it. That is why I say they are one sided. It made me think what the reviews really meant. They are not reviews in the same sence we review wines or restaurants. They are more like warnings to others (she might not be what you expected). But very one sided... They are the modern internet equivalent to writting a note on the wall of a public men`s bathroom. Just that the girls get to walk into the bathroom and get to see it...

Don`t get me wrong... hooray for the reviews... I for one, I`m very thankful for the reviews (one in particular ;)). While curious, I would hate to be reviewed, and that was the point... how weird it must be reviewed in public.

Thank you girls for being kind to us and not let us know :D


Sep 19, 2005
On the very rare occasions when my Internet persona was revealed to Escorts or Strippers, the verdic has been always all the same "MERB Reviewers are assholes". I guess that providers like it when we write positive reviews about them, because they bring more business though and at the same time they hate the details of what was meant to be an intimate encounter to be revealed on the Internet.

This board has helped me avoiding some rotten apples in the past. I think we should keep sharing this information regardless what some providers might think.


Dec 2, 2008
SP's reviewing members. Hmmm.... Let's think about this... :confused:

There would have be a whole new set of "Short Forms (Abbreviations)" created for the Member Reviews. Like:

BFBB = Big Fat Beer Belly
DLD = Drools Like a Dog
KLF = Kisses like a Fish
JH = Jack Hammer
HLG = Hairly Like Gorilla
DA = Dumb Ass
NW$ = Not Worth the Money

I am sure that you Ladies would have an endless list of Abbreviations. :rolleyes:


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
In perpetual bliss
Roadtripr.... dude, you made me laugh for 5 minutes straight...

Janus - advertised as 35... closer to 55... the DA goes into his knees and does DAY like he is DLD... what in the world was he thinking? that his tounge was a JH?

Face= 2/10 because he KLF
Body=BFBB/HLG - *yikes*...
Repeat... only at $600 an hour, otherwise - NW$ !!!

Ok, that's it... I don't want to be reviewed... :lol:....
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
It's all fun and games, until they start giving ratings for penis size and shape...

Talk about hitting below the belt! :)


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
In perpetual bliss
I would definitely be always on this board just for a good laugh and just to read the guys registering just to insult the concerned SPs! :lol:

Janus joins and goes... "what do you mean? that is the technique I learned when I was at school... you.... you, were not into it because you where on your phone all the time... texting..."

Girl reviewed goes... "school? you mean 40 years ago? babe... I was on the phone for a reason... the sexting was better than your DAY... Why you think SPs pull their phone in the middle of service? Go shave your back next time... ok?"

This is just horrible... I can't take any more of this... I'm leaving this thread alone... I'm not even getting reviewed for real... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
Bonjour EB:

I understood, I half jokingly meant that SP's should create their own forum, maybe something called



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Bonjour à tous,

Je pense que ce serait tres drôle de comparer les commentaires écrits par les clients avec les commentaires écrits sur les clients. Qui n'est pas le goujon il pense qu'il est? Je n'ai pas peur ... Je n'ai pas peur ... Je n'ai pas peur. :lol:

Si les dames ne comprennent pas les noms ou descriptions il n'ya pas de mal. Il serait bon divertissement. :thumb:

Modérateurs, comment à ce sujet?

I think it would be hilarious to compare reviews written by clients with the reviews written about the clients. Who is not the stud he thinks he is? I am not afraid...I am not afraid...I am not afraid. LOL!

If the ladies do not include names or descriptions there is no harm. It would be great entertainment.

Moderators, how about it?




Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
Hurry up, someone register the handle "WomanApart"! j/k lol :)

Sure some ego's will get bruised... but I think it would be glorious & endless amusement! Especially if it was done in the spirit of good fun. But if a vengeful review slips in once in a while... So be it! Bring on the pain! lol

It would be the equivalent of handing Bambi an AK47...

Or better yet, being out of KY, handing a strap-on to the lady, and whimpering "be gentle..."


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
In perpetual bliss
Jaxan/Merlot might be on to something. I don't think the mods would mind there is a volunteer that allows one encounter to be reviewed (as an experiment)... But in reality it wouldn't work. Not for the Jon, for the girl, the agency or the board.

I'm with Alyssa on this one though... It would just be hilarious and entertaining as hell. But trust me guys, I still think the girls would have to have much thicker skin than us to put up with reviews. I just hope the end of my reviews always says that where I failed/erred - I made it up with a joke and a smile :)
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