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Sticky Proposal On GFE Definition To Curb Agency Fraud


Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
Montreal, Canada
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With all due respect, the so-called acronym "VIP" in the Mirror (if that's what you're referring to) is being used by 1 agency ONLY, who dominates almost all the Mirror ads & disguises themselves in the large ads & the mini (Indy) ads, as if it's several agencies.

Where is it that you saw such an acronym ?

What you may have seen is in fact not anything more than a non hobbyist(s) generally approved acronym but rather an agency using a common abbreviated expression that denotes a sort of ultra girl or service made up by them, to lure in a horny idiot. Much like those infomercials


New Member
Oct 5, 2005
Well, my opinion will match many here. Understanding YMMV based on hygeine and the ``clicking`` between you and the SP, at the minimum, GFE to me is DFK, DATY and . GFE should not be a paid extra. Sure, we have to wine and dine ``real`` girlfriends, but I`ll be damned if she asks for $100 before doing the deed.

CIM, Greek or drenching facials are not a GFE requirement as there are plenty of girls I`ve been with who would kick my ass if I sprung that on them.

When advertising, I think GFE should describe the service. I think attitude is very important, but I don`t see the point of advertising that. To me, the SP has to be friendly at least. She doesn`t like hockey or discussing politics? No big deal. I think the ability to have a GFE conversation is nice and makes the session more enjoyable, but let`s be honest here, if you`re calling a SP, it`s not for that. To be blunt, if the SP isn`t friendly to begin with, she is in the wrong profession.

I`m with one person`s post earlier though. 90% of the time, the GFE tag means nothing to me. When I read the review, I`ll draw my own conclusions, but given the latest GFE advertisments lately, I`ve become a bit jaded by the descriptions.


Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
Montreal, Canada
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Perhaps the "GFE" advertised acronym means nothing to you because we as hobbyists have allowed agencies to slip their foot in the door as we haven't insisted as to the finality of the meaning ?

In separating "GFE" into 2 completely separate meanings

1) GFE Service

2) GFE Attitute

& standing pat on these the agencies will soon follow suit & know that we mean what we say.

Yes there will be some agencies that won't at first, but they'll be soon see it in their pocket books as those who put it up on their websites will be cashing in.


New Member
Oct 5, 2005
I get what you're saying, and yeah, the GFE Attitude and Service separation makes some sense. I do think those are two different things though it may still be difficult for new hobbyists to understand between the two if there is no clear glossary to refer to.

I know that's what we're trying to establish, but I guess the attitude part is still on the fence for me. I'm still pretty new to the hobby, but GFE service has some intimacy to it and by nature, there may be some emotional closeness, at least more so than staying away from her Y, no kissing and CBJ. Sure, SPs can mimick a GFE attitude while not providing the expected services, which causes a lot of the confusion, but I think it would be more to the point to simply say GFE = GFE services.

I mean, here's an example. I have female friends that I can talk about almost anything. One friend has very similar interests and I love talking to her. As great a time we have platonically (if that is a word), sex is out of the question. Now, take my far fetched example and put it on a SP with GFE attitude and non-GFE services. Ok, that didn't really make sense.

What I am saying is while I have a GFE attitude with my friend, there isn't any GFE services, hence not a GFE, um, experience. Sure, I'm shallow, but any girlfriend I have I will expect sex, so I guess I relate my "normal" world to the hobby, and hence my expectations.
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