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Strange encounter at the US / Canadian Border today...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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just pull over and piss in the bush, why would you speed and wait for the next rest stop? sometimes they are so far away

No opportunity to do so on that stretch of the highway. Trees do not encroach on the median in that area and in fact the cop car was sitting in the median. I was negligent for not seeing it, I should have spotted it but I didn't. I had a feeling that the next rest stop was not far away, and in fact I was not that far away from one in the area where I was pulled over. I was looking to my right for clues as to how far away which is why I did not spot the cop car which was in the median between the southbound lanes and the northbound lanes, or to my left.

In a perfect world there is always a bush conveniently waiting for you to pee behind. It is not a perfect world out there, and shit (and piss) happens.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Eagerbeaver, just learn this guys secrets and you will 1. never get a speeding ticket again (because they will never catch you) and 2. Not only could you have stopped to pee, but had lunch, did some shopping and still made it back to Connecticut in 30 minutes. :D


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

My experience is the the US customs pricks are the worse scum you can find, never had any trouble with the CDN border guys.

They're just doing their job. I have had some impolite-to-ignorant treatment but remained calm and went on my way. I think they just want to rattle you loose if you are loosely anchored.

Isn't it always a little rougher for those entering a foreign country. In 10 years I've been pulled over three times and told to get out of the car and move way over to the benches at High Gate by Canadian border guards, yet only once reentering the U.S. did they pull me over and just check the trunk while allowing me to stay in the car. I didn't think the Canadians were "pricks".

I got a speeding ticket...going 86 mph in a 65 mph zone cost me $500 between fines

What about pulling over and pissing in the empty Starbucks. Isn't that just recycling. :lol:

Between Concord, N.H. and Burlington, VT there is nothing but small towns along about 160 miles of the way except for Montpelier, and some of the roadside rest stations have been closed. But an exit seems to come up at least every 5-10 minutes or so. It must be the same along 89 and the exits must stream by (pun intended) at 86 mph...vvvrrrrrooooom! Why not use a gas station bathroom which seems to be next to every exit?

BTW...since you were so ready to burst does the $500 include the cleaning bill for the car. Women...they never cooperate when a guy really needs them for a good release.



Tigers' WOOD!

Jan 26, 2011
Also, be careful at the Canadian border, answer with yes sir, no sir, etc, they're being ballbusters today!" I found his candidness to be quite refreshing when most of the guys are always being hard asses.

How would a U.S. Customs and Border Protection know what was happening across the border. These are two separate agencies from separate countries. They are not even allowed to fraternize as this might open opportunities for these people to conspire for the purpose of criminal activities.

In my experience it is the US side that is full of angry dickless assholes,
Feb 24, 2006
I guess 98% of the time its a boring glorified mall cop job
but once a day something interesting happens at this border

she gets 4 months behind bars

more details .... They were not stopped at the border; she went into Canada, she drove his Bentley into the US and she was waiting for him at a hotel near the border, and he somehow crossed the border and met her. they got caught driving away from the hotel.
the Bentley registered to him, convicted drug dealer and pimp, was the thing that caught the feds eyes and not her tits ;)
they probably gave her, a beautiful idiot, a hassle at the border while the higher ups huddled up and gave the green light to let her in , but to also follow her.
they were hoping to find alot of drugs at some point.
he already has done 6 months in jail and was then thrown back into Canada
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