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Stripper giving her email


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Aug 29, 2003
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Hi, I had time to kill, and went to a strip bar. I usually go about once a year, and come ot feeling ripped off.

This time though, I had a beer, and got a smile, so I figured, why not. Well let me tell you. It was great. Good grinding but not too far. There was enough grabbing that I could have releasd if I had wanted to, and my hands had acess to the clitoris and inside panties, which were dripping.

She did not overcharge, thaked me saying that she really enjyed how I massaged and treated her, and then gave me her email address.

1) What does it mean ? Does she do business on the side, or do you think she just liked my touch. By the way, I am in my mid 30's, petty decent looking and an all around good guy.

2) Would you folks email her ?




Oct 9, 2008
just create a new hotmail account what do you have to loose

chantal a dominican chick gave me her number at cleos about 3 years ago

i call her at 3am the next night drunk off my ass

she says come over when i get to her place we kiss a little i tell her i'm

wasted and need a shower i pull out money and she says i don't want your money

i want you to light somethin up and fuck me while i stare at your blue eyes

we saw eachother for a while

another time i give my number to a hatian chick from l'axe trying to get her home that night

she calls me 2 weeks later wants to hook up

i take her to chez alexandre we blazed in the car on the way home crazy fs

when we walk in the door then we watch besson,s taxi 3 ,crazy fs again

then she says that she has to be leaving and that i owe her 500$

gulp i ask for a quick bj before she goes she says 50$

she called me many times after i didn't answer

have many more stories but you get the point


Active Member
May 23, 2005
There could be alot of possibilities.

Maybe she wanted you as a customer at the club.

Maybe she does business on the side.

Maybe she REALLY liked you.

There's only 1 way to find out, I would email her.


Jun 1, 2004
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Go for it!

I've had the pleasure of dating a few wonderful ladies from the SCs.

You'll never know if you don't try...

Have fun!


Active Member
Mar 27, 2006
More than one option
Maybe she wants to keep you as a regular
Maybe she wants a sugardaddy
Maybe she likes you and wants to get to know you

but honestly most of these women just want your money

it also depends on how you want to keep the relationship going
strictly business or personal but be cautious cause alot of them
can be bad


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Aug 29, 2003
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I am not interesting in dating. Sex on the other hand is always of interest. My only question here is: Paid ot not ? Not paid would be great. Paid, well I have no interest in paying for sex, unless it's tu fulfill fantasies hard to get otherwise.


Sep 4, 2006
I've exchanged phone numbers with 2 strippers in the past, and all I got was a big headache. They weren't in Montreal though, so who knows. Send her an e-mail and see what happens. But definitely create a new hotmail or yahoo account for this.

Master Baiter

New Member
Jul 17, 2007
I'm good friends with a stripper in Toronto. She chats me up a couple times a week even though I haven't been to the rippers in a long time. Kinda weird relationship I think. She's never propositioned me for sex or anything, then again, I haven't either but she's a hottie. I guess she just likes talking to me like a big brother? ACK!

Hey VWJF, why not bounce her an email from a new hotmail account or similar and see where it takes you. You'll never know until you try AND if she invites you over and it starts getting hot an heavy, you can jokingly ask her if this is gonna cost ya. Could be a blue balls mood killer but if she says yes and you're flat broke... run. lol
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
You not going to know what it means until you email her.

I would email her in a second to find out, you never know!

Master Baiter

New Member
Jul 17, 2007
thebitchelor said:
i also have some email on my msn list...and we are

hey, thats my trick when i am starting to chat with a new client...when i feel enough confortable..i give him my msn adress....

LOL, great minds think alike they say. :D

I chat with her on the phone. She calls me up once a week and we just talk about anything. Sex, politics, work and personal problems etc. but I don't feel close enough to tell her too much details of my problems etc. but it seems she feels comfortable enough to tell me her personal stuff. We've done lunch a few tmes too. I've been given numbers and email addresses before in clubs but I only contact the girls that I click with or seem genuine. And it's always the same case for me and I'm their new platonic friend.

My best friend in Montreal tells me that I'm way too nice and which is why I'm cursed to being every woman's platonic friend. Damn... :mad:

VWJF, don't fall into the same curse I am in! Most strippers I know won't let you touch south of the border unless she's an SP on the side and is in the process of getting you horny so she can hit you up for a session. If she did not promote that and did not charge you extra, you may be onto a little romance. And as thegreatwalooo said, contact her soon! The longer you wait, she may forget who you are and lose that little glow in her for your company. Good luck my friend.
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Jun 7, 2003
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If it was a stripper in the USA, I would suggest it would be a waste of time, and maybe a headache. In Montreal, however, I have had some success in making friends with strippers. I think the attitude is just different in Montreal. Most of my experience has been with phone numbers, but a few email addresses, and some both. In the USA my experience is that the girls will simply call you to get you to come into the club, an invitation I can do without. In Montreal, you may find a girl to date, go to a movie, dinner, and maybe screw.


New Member
May 31, 2008
Think About It Man!

Here is some helpful advice!

3 years ago I Chased a stripper for her number, she gave it to me, we set up a date.

I forgot to meet her for that date:eek:

Then we saw each other the following week, got blasted by her!

3 years later, we are living together:eek:

All this to say, life is funny, i never thought i would see myself living with a stripper, i was just fucking around and got wheeled in.

Its amazing what women are capable of.....BE VERY CAREFUL!

Master Baiter

New Member
Jul 17, 2007
thebitchelor said:
well well well, ive got some clients that like my friends too...(anyway, i hate the hypocrite's side of almost all women..:rolleyes: )so i know what you friend is are probably the kind of guys a girl will ask you to come with her to choose some clotheries but you wont be the one who is going to take it off from her;)am i right?:cool:

Pretty much the story of my life. :p

Don't get me wrong. I play the game at the bar/pub/social event but for some reason, if I click too well with a girl and end up liking her, I smother her with too much affection and end up becoming the platonic friend. I'm trying to curb that these days but it's hard to change a leopard's spots. lol

Master Baiter

New Member
Jul 17, 2007
donethis4years said:
Here is some helpful advice!

3 years ago I Chased a stripper for her number, she gave it to me, we set up a date.
I forgot to meet her for that date:eek:
Then we saw each other the following week, got blasted by her!
3 years later, we are living together:eek:
All this to say, life is funny, i never thought i would see myself living with a stripper, i was just fucking around and got wheeled in.
Its amazing what women are capable of.....BE VERY CAREFUL!

LOL, well ended up at the rippers the other day. Had to take a foreign client out for some drinks etc and wouldn't you know it, there's a peeler pub a few blocks from the restaurant. Ended up walking out with another stripper's number (who wants to do lunch sometime) but this time I did not give out my number. She used to be a sports anchor for! Go figure!

Life's funny as heck. I'd have to hit up about 10 civilian ladies to get a single number.
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