Thanks Shijak!
Wowwww! What a great party! I am still recovering from all the talks I had with so much amazing people!
That was my second GT and I have to admit it was a blast! Where to start ….
Got there around 10:30 with my so last minute exchange present! Already, I can see a bunch of folks surrounding the brown piano were everyone as to meet.
Nervous at the beginning cause not sure at all were to introduce myself, I finally get to see the tallest guy of the place Oliver. Huge hug and kisses that reminds me the time I have spend on the dancing floor at the first GT I attended. At the same time, SD with the girls is entering the circle and while some take a look at those beautiful Maeva and Megan, other look Peter from head to toe and seemed impressed about the entire outfit, only the tie was missing (gulp!). My first taught from what I recall from my first GT… great he left his jeans and Adidas running shoes at home this time! Ah! Ah! Ah! Couldn’t let that one go!!!
From one to the other, everyone is getting to meet and as I was introduced under other circumstances at my first GT, everyone seems to be surprised to learn that I am Dorothy – The Wizard of Oz. Good, no sour faces on this one.

Now I’m more relaxed and feel this is going to be a Wonderful Party.
I got to meet so many people, unfortunately I will certainly forget to mention many of them and also have some regrets to say that at one point there was an amount unbelievable of presence in the place witch made me missed some of them for sure. Back and forth, in between drinks, shooters and cigarettes I had the given chance to talk to …
Oliver Kloseoff: Can I say I have talk to him … Hard, he talks like a sawing machine! But don’t worry Oli, no matter how much you can say, it’s always very interesting!
Techman: Great talk about computers issues …I’m very happy to had your references into my personal knowledge. But above that, you seem to have that happy expression permanently glowing in you face. Hard to let you go and give others to enjoy your appreciable personality.
Sadbuttrue: You told me the story on how you came up to attending to this party. He was telling me that once he had a room at the HDLM and while he was chatting someone said there was the party in the Hall. He figure out it was just downstairs and decided to show up. So went he eared about this GT, well he decided to go. Funny sometimes how things happen! Hope you had fun each time!
Orallover: I was smoking outside in the company of others when this guy show up and started to rub himself on my shoulder like a cat. He looks at me and said: “You don’t remember me?” And I answered: “Hi Orallover!” I don’t think I have ever saw Orallover with bigger eyes but I can say in front of the surprising memory of him, I had the pleasure to had a bigger smile out of it!
Shijak: I saw this person walk into the HDLM. Never met him before but I did ask: “Is that shijak?” Of course it was him. There’s some personalities in life that just naturally glows and he’s one of them, guarantee. Hey, thanks for the extras … The party already became more legendary because of you.
Tom: Ahhhh Tom, we have talked so much and more could have been share. Funny, when I saw you I was telling myself: “ I know him …” Sorry, please forgive me for not remembering you were Tom. Let’s say for my excuse that is because of the alcohol! Cheers! Anyway, was the greatest pleasure to talk with you, more then before and on so may diversify subject. I did completely enjoy sitting a while in your company and you make me almost forgot there was a party going on! Shame on me!
Pete & Ashley EscortMontrealPlus: Very nice people. We did talk pretty much about business and business. Him, he’s a tall big guy, just a bit shy. Her, she’s a very tiny woman and kind of quiet but always smiling. Was a pleasure meeting both of you!
Ronnie the unforgettable NaugthyLady: We had the fortunate pleasure to meet in some others times and I’m always impressed about all her culture she has in the sex business not only because she’s an independent but also because she’s part of Stella organization. Without naming anybody, she find the way to make me enjoy some of her experiences and that night we had talk about the toys. Yes, the toys!!! I recall reading something not so nice about her toys …Obviously, that person did mist something!
Maeva & Megan the inseparable girls: We did share a couple of shooters and cigarettes outside. They were telling me funny things about the discussions they were having with the hobbyiest. They were both very excited about the party, so much that they kept on saying things to the guys and think about it after to finally figure out …”Shit that was a mistake!!!” They gave me good laughs!
Candy baby: Yes we did exchange a few times in the chat room. I was very stunned by her amazing look! Her sexy outfit that was showing wasp legs weren’t ignore by anybody including the entire woman in that place! Ouf! Not into woman, but I could recognized her legs from 3 blocks away! Anyway, she’s not only that witch wasn’t personally my first interest. She’s a very intelligent woman and I had the chance to talk to her more then once. Just can wait to cross you again Candy baby.
Annabelle: Each time I see this beauty it’s like what has been said about her in her reviews. She may give all kind of feelings to men, but me as a woman, she makes me feel like a young rose in the mist of the morning. So refreshing. What I prefer about her, not only she’s a smart conversationalist but also her voice could make you wish to not ear anything else. Was great to see you after all that time.
Maria: Did exchange once or two in the chat room and, because I love photography, I was very curious to put a smiley face on this lady instead of just her buttocks (referring in one of her review). Very nice by the way, well the pictures and the smile! Anyhow, didn’t have the chance to talk to her because while I was waiting to have an answer from: “How are you?” I think she saw somebody she knew and jump out the circle we were in. Bubbling person, for sure. More from her, oh well, next time maybe!
Pussinboots: How many time people tought that The Wizard of Oz was a men to realize I was signing Dorothy. Ok, well did that same mistake with this Lady. Met in the chat room, I think I remember seeing her at my first GT but didn’t exchange. This time was a bit more. I liked her lovely dress and got at the end of the party to take a taste of the chocolate on her predominant breast. Come on guys! With my finger! What were you thinking now!!!!

Ah! Ah! Ah! Was a pleasure Pussinboots!
… I could go on an on but like the party, every good things as to end up!
After going around like a tornado talk to all the nice visitors, all of us had the pleasure to admire Tom & Ronnie starting the distribution of the presents. Lucky me I was the first pick and received and penis-bank. Because Ronnie asked for some financial donations for Stella in another thread and I did come back on it, I have decided to take the advantage of the emotional moments to abuse of everybody’s wallet! Thanks to all the generous donations! Ronnie was really happy of the results.
As the tradition goes, everybody end up at Wanda’s were again some got abuse on their wallet! Ah! Ah! Ah! But it was for other good reasons! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Hi to Regular Guy, JohnnyBGood, Nednobody, Rook01, Roland, Sapmam, Tara, Emma, Jasmine and her lovely friend and to all of you.
Hopefully next time missing visitors will show up, talking about other agency’s and more of the companions we were used in the other GT’s.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!