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Taking a break from hobbying

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
My response to all your great comments


Thank you all for your contributions, I appreciate it. It is a pleasure to see that there are so many great reviewers which know how to elevate the level of the debate. I can honestly say we are touching the `core` issues for clients around hobbying in this thread.

First, let me respond to all of you who think that logging on to Merb is a huge mistake on my part because sooner or later, I`ll fall back into the abyss. For me, this is utter horseshit. Do you want to know the truth? I like Merb because I think it often produces excellent exchanges on all sorts of issues, including sexual issues. My favorite section is the Lounge where I value the input of other members, as well as the input of the SPs and MPs who contribute their thoughts (free of charge!). If I am not contributing on Merb, I am surfing the net and can land on some interesting sites but after a while, they bore me. Porn sites also bore me because they bombard you with clips that warp reality. In fact, I think porn sites do a lot more damage to your relationship than Merb because they require no reflection, turning you into an idiot with a twisted view on sex and relationships.

Gentlemen, do you know how many numbers I know off by heart? From massage parlours, to independent MPs and SPs, to agencies, etc., if I were to get weak, it would take one simple phone call to quelch my sexual thirst. And none of you would ever find out. In other words, for me, Merb has nothing to do with temptation. Temptation is within all of us so you have to find the inner strength to stick with your decision. I stated that my decision to stop hobbying is indefinite while I work out my issues but I never stated that I will stop contributing my thoughts.

>>btyger, you wrote: ``Sometimes people turn to therapy or religion to find the answers when there are none. They ask others if their behavior is a problem. They should ask themselves. As long as you`re not hurting anyone, it`s really only a problem if it`s a problem for you...or if you run out of money.``

I do not think that hobbying is a substitute for professional therapy or religion. I am a big believer in professional therapy for many people that suffer from mental illnesses like depression, anxiety disorders and other more serious conditions. And while I am not religious and agree with Karl Marx that religion is the ``opium of the masses``, I do admire people that have faith and convictions based on the good word and actually act upon their beliefs on a daily basis.

You are right to say that hobbying can be fun if nobody gets hurt but it isn`t always easy to realize you`re getting hurt until it`s too late. There is an illusion that hobbying is benign for clients and detrimental for SPs. Between, you and me, the cumulative effects of hobbying, especially intense hobbying, are far worse for clients even if they often deny it.

>>MakeIt, thank you for this honest reflection of yours: ``Like you, I have an existing relationship. Unfortunately, its being neglected as I get involved in this other life and I need to deal with this. While hobbying is fun and allows me access to beautiful ladies I would never had met otherwise, I don`t see where it can lead to without having a negative impact on the rest of my life. I find it even difficult sometimes to be a contributor on MERB when I am not honest and violate certain values in my other life.``

Neglect is the sure path to destruction. If you value your relationship, never ever neglect it. I realized that at some point I accepted the fact that my wife uses sex as a weapon, denying it to me whenever the relationship was not fulfilling her (she is not the only one, many women do this). I repeatedly tried to address this issue but I wasn`t getting anywhere. So, I told myself, go find it elsewhere. That was my mistake because I violated my fundamental values which will remain on my conscience forever. Moreover, I agree with you that hobbying can detract from your relationship, especially if there exist fundamental problems that both you and your significant other are unwilling to address. Each one of us should pause and reflect when we have reached a point where the incremental benefits of hobbying are quickly dissipating and/or detracting from our primary relationships.

>>Dear Doc Holliday, you wrote: ``So what i`m saying is that there is still a slight reason (for me) to justify hobbying, and it mostly has to do with satisfying the odd sexual need. One hour only.....rarely two hours. Never over $200 thrown away. No more 1 hour+ discussions over a bottle of wine or two. Real hobbying....chit-chat for 10 minutes or so, then time to take care of the TLC. TLC over, more chit-chat, shower, then it`s aurevoir and a-la-prochaine fois. Nothing complicated, nothing to regret about.``

I think you make a valid point. The long encounters can be very dangerous for those of us that open up on an emotional level. But if it is with the right person - and that is a big if - then I prefer these long encounters. The problem is that you get very close to a person, sometimes seeing her exclusively and you develop strong feelings for that person. You try to deny it but you end up falling hard for her.

The problem that I have with the one hour appointments is that I just do not like feeling rushed - in fact, I hate it. When I read reviews that go like this ``She came...we immediately started DFKing and then she gave me the most awsome while allowing me digits...and then pumped her hard in all sorts of positions, blah,blah,blah`` I kind of laugh and say, buddy you could have saved yourself a ton of dough by buying a nice lubricant!:D

On this last point, it is tax time and I realized that I spent a considerable sum on hobbying over the past year. I don`t regret it but I did get a lot wiser as I quickly realized less frequent quality encounters are much better than more frequent ones that leave you kicking yourself. Hobbying is interesting from an economic standpoint because it is not demand that creates supply - quite often it is supply that creates demand. Think about it, there is a lot of truth in that statement: Hobbying turns this conventional economic paradigm on its head.

So Doc, is there a happy medium between a nice long encounter with a special lady and a short one where you take care of your sexual needs? I don`t think so - it`s either one or the other. I think you`re also coming to a crossroad in your life or probably have already reached it.

Finally, I look forward to continuing my thoughts and contributions on Merb, if they`re still welcome. But I look more forward to trying to work on my relationship with my wife. She is my number one concern right now. I am a lucky man to have her in my life and I plan on letting her know that each and every day. There are no guarantees in relationships - we all know that - but we should always give it our best shot. If it works out, great and if it doesn`t, well life goes on.

As for hobbying, it will always be there - that I can guarantee you. Be good to these ladies and always treat them with respect and kindness. But also be good to yourself. Only you know when you have crossed a certain point; have the mental fortitude to pull back and reassess. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

All the best,

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Just-ass-weet said:
I told him the first time I talked to him that I was going to talk him out of this stuff, he is married (contrary to popular belief - most of the guys I see are single, widowers or divorced), obviously loves his wife, and I am a romantic at heart, I love happy endings!

Yes you did tell me and I know you're a romantic at heart, which is a big advantage of yours, attracting me to you. I think you're at a crossroad yourself, sweet Anik, and I hope you find that special person to share the rest of your life with.;)



Dec 14, 2004
General Gonad said:
.....Finally, I look forward to continuing my thoughts and contributions on Merb, if they're still welcome. But I look more forward to trying to work on my relationship with my wife. She is my number one concern right now. I am a lucky man to have her in my life and I plan on letting her know that each and every day. .....

You are a very lucky man. It's not easy to find someone you can spend your life with.

Don't look back at the time you hobbied with a guilty conscience. It was what brought you to this point in life. The point where you KNOW what you want !


Nov 8, 2005
As the piper plays

Good luck with your journey. Look after your wife and enjoy each moment of true closeness. For you never know when a stormy night and a rental car in a faraway land might rip it from you and turn your everyday life into a living hell. Be well and contribute as you can. I for one will value your input.
Bonne chance!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
More from Doc

General Gonad said:
Dear Doc Holliday, is there a happy medium between a nice long encounter with a special lady and a short one where you take care of your sexual needs? I don't think so - it's either one or the other. I think you're also coming to a crossroad in your life or probably have already reached it.

Well, i've asked myself this question over and over in the past. I believe i discovered an answer, but the answer came to me and not the other way around. One day, several years ago, i saw an HDH and we hit it off very well. We kept in touch regularly and became good friends. When i'd be in town, we'd spend quality time together 'as friends'. She give me the option if i'd want to see her 'as an escort' during those times together. In other words, we could go out together, shop, eat at the restaurant, etc.....and it would be my choice if i wanted to have 'fun' later on with the business woman. If i agreed to, i'd pay for her 'time' for 2 hrs at her regular rate. This was the perfect arrangement for me.

With experience, i met different young ladies whom i'd click with and they'd make me an offer of going shopping with them on the next day...go to the movies...go to the the restaurant....and we'd later come back to the room for some intimate pleasures and we'd have a set rate....each rate would differ depending on whom the young lady was....and there would always be a pre-set amount agreed to....and a time limit, of course. No surprises, and for the both of us, our intimate 'paid' encounters would be part of a 'real' date...making it more enjoyable for the both of us and for some, more acceptable of the business we're in. Eventually, some friendships would become stronger, and it would come to a point where it was silly to keep on making $$ as part of the scenario. I won't say more.

You state that one hour is not enough for you to enjoy quality time with an sp. I used to say the same thing. However, if you manage your time well, you can have as good an encounter with a nice young lady and there will still be time left on the clock once the deed is done. Yes, and write a very nice review without specific intimate details which usually would be better left unsaid. What's strange is that a few months ago, it was a young lady herself who asked me why i always booked her for 1 hr only and told me that she wished we could spend at least 2 hrs together the next time. When i asked her why she was saying this, i was caught by surprise when she said 'because i like spending time with you, we click and it's silly that we only get to spend one quick hour together.' It was the first time in several dates that i had ever heard her open up like this. It was appreciated, of course...however, i'm not sure yet if i'd be ready to break my current routine.

I'm glad to know that you'll still be participating on the boards, GG. Try to avoid the outcalls section, and you shouldn't be tempted to return until you're ready to return to hobbying. Family matters are a lot more important than this fantasy world. YOU are more important.
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New Member
Jul 15, 2003
Visit site
General Gonad,

First, I just want to say that I admire your attempt to leave the hobby while still remain on the board to contribute.

Let me just say that perhaps you might consider heeding doc's advice about avoiding the outcall section.

I have made a conscious effort not to go to Mtl, yet I have found myself still lurking on the boards. The reviews about newly discovered gems or the resurfacing of old favorites can break a man's will easily.

At the heyday of my hobbying I was averaging about 3 trips every two months--which came out to going to mtl about 18 times a year.
Now, I am proud to say that in 8 months time, I was only up to mtl one time within that time frame--a feat of which I am quite proud.

However, my continuing to read the boards has made me want to come back. Reading about ladies like Jacynthe and Samantha of Eleganza; Jewel of Celinesfantasies; or Angelina of Asservissante has made me reconsider about going back up very soon.

I guess what I want to say is if you have the confidence and the strong resolve to remain on merb while restraining yourself from hobbying, then more power to you. Just realize that the urge will always be there; and the more reviews you read, the stronger the urge is.

But, keep the faith, and good luck with your hobbying departure.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
What's strange is that a few months ago, it was a young lady herself who asked me why i always booked her for 1 hr only and told me that she wished we could spend at least 2 hrs together the next time. When i asked her why she was saying this, i was caught by surprise when she said 'because i like spending time with you, we click and it's silly that we only get to spend one quick hour together.' It was the first time in several dates that i had ever heard her open up like this. It was appreciated, of course...however, i'm not sure yet if i'd be ready to break my current routine.

My advice to you is break your routine. Read between the lines: it's her way of telling you the extra hour I spend with you is one less hour that I have to spend with Mr. GOKIHIAS (God only knows if he is a scumbag). I am assuming it is an agency lady but even if it isn't, this is the ultimate compliment.

Don't worry Doc, I spend 99% of my time on the Lounge but I still like to read some nice reviews from time to time.;)

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
donnyb said:
However, my continuing to read the boards has made me want to come back. Reading about ladies like Jacynthe and Samantha of Eleganza; Jewel of Celinesfantasies; or Angelina of Asservissante has made me reconsider about going back up very soon.

I guess if what I want to say is if you have the confidence and the strong resolve to remain on merb while restraining yourself from hobbying, then more power to you. Just realize that the urge will always be there; and the more reviews you read, the stronger the urge is.

But, keep the faith, and good luck with your hobbying departure.


I live in Montreal! I see beautiful women all the time and now that spring is upon us, the urges will be very strong. I think it is a lot easier for you guys travelling up here to arrange meetings with SPs. After all, the company foots the bill and all you have to pay for is her service.

Eleganza women epitomize temptation. A few of them are real gorgeous creatures. It's funny, I went to dinner on Thursday night and as I was coming home, I called them to ask if Emely is working. She wasn't and thank god. I told Miss Samantha on Friday that I was saving myself for her and it would have been a mistake to see someone right before. Even if Emely was working, I don't think I would have gone through with it. But let me tell you, the temptation is super strong!:p

I laugh sometimes thinking back at Eddie Murphy's skit where he talks about the "power of the pussy"....We are so weak, it's scary.



New Member
Jan 24, 2006
student of Venus

Many of you mentioned that there are various reason why you are thinking about quiting.
GG you have to face your own demons and what ever it is that makes you happy you have to live with your concious. For me personally I'm a student of sex. I love everything about a woman and wish to learn more about them and their quirky likes and dislikes in bed. I'm a firm believer in pratice makes perfect so the more I pratice the closer to perfection I can become. I dont visit sp because I have issues with my parents and or past girlfriend. I visit sp to learn more about being the best lover that I can be. I have intimate relationship with the most beautiful women in the world and if the chemistry is right find out more things about them sexually and this will enhance me as a lover.
Many of you hobby for various reasons, I dont know what they are and it is none of my business why you hobby. If this is something that will make you happier and fullfil your life for whatever short time it is, then God bless you go for it. This is much like anything else you get what you pay for. But remember at the end of the day it is a business transactions and that is all it is. You are buying a fantasy much like you are a fancy dinner, or spending money at the casino. It is entertainment without having to work and court a girl for months and months to find out that she sucks in bed. ( No pun intended.) Many of my friends who are married get little or no sex, this is equal to having a bad provider that bait and switch you and in the end they get nothing. Maybe I'm shallow by wanting to sleep with hot beautiful women but life is short and why shouldnt I get what I want or ask for.
I hope you conquer what ever demons that you are looking to conquer GG and this "lifestyle" is not for everyone. Someone said to me once, " nothing in this life last forever".

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
pookiebear said:
I have intimate relationship with the most beautiful women in the world and if the chemistry is right find out more things about them sexually and this will enhance me as a lover.

... Maybe I'm shallow by wanting to sleep with hot beautiful women but life is short and why shouldnt I get what I want or ask for.
I hope you conquer what ever demons that you are looking to conquer GG and this "lifestyle" is not for everyone. Someone said to me once, " nothing in this life last forever".


I have no demons to conquer, only reality to face. As far as your reasons for seeing SPs, there is a lot more to being a great lover than the mechanistic aspects of sex. Great lovers are great givers.;) Enjoy the hobby and try not to think of it in a utilitarian way. It's not what you get in terms of sexual tips that matters; it's what you discover about life through conversing with these ladies that truly matters. Sex without a meeting of the minds is mechanistic and void. Trust me on this and enjoy the whole experience.

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