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Taking an escort on a trip


New Member
Nov 9, 2011
Hi, I am travelling to the carribean next week and was wondering if it is possible to to have companionship in exchange for the price of the trip...I don't mind paying for the trip, but would not want to pay extra. Anyways, are there any SPs willing to go on a free trip to the islands? Let me know please and also if any merbites know of any sps willing to go!!


Sep 4, 2006
I really don't see how someone you haven't met before would go with you on a trip overseas and I am assuming sleep in your bed and provide a service for the cost of the trip. If this ever did happen, it would have to be someone you saw several times a year and had a special connection with.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello sir,

I had that offer just once from an escort who I had seen a number of times gotten to know fairly well by then. In my case it would have been "full service" but one of the reasons I did not take that offer was it's a 24-hour a day contact situation not just a few hours. I probably overreacted as we always got along well during much shorter times up to 6 or 7 hours together, but taking someone on a trip when you have no idea how either party is going to react to each other for so long is very risky, aside from the odds there's a lady who will do this for free (especially if you want any sex) and spend all her time with someone she is likely to have a hard time relating to will be practically impossible. In that case a free trip may not seem free to her at all. If you do mean companionship only you might have a shot if you had already made a real connection, but it seems like pure fantasy since you are talking about someone you have not even gotten to know at all.

Maybe if you offer someone a lot of free time to herself, pay for some shopping, take her out to some great place she might otherwise not be able to enjoy. But companionship will probably be as far as it gets in any case IF you find someone....and it will still cost you something more than a free trip.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Hi, I am travelling to the carribean next week and was wondering if it is possible to to have companionship in exchange for the price of the trip...I don't mind paying for the trip, but would not want to pay extra. Anyways, are there any SPs willing to go on a free trip to the islands? Let me know please and also if any merbites know of any sps willing to go!!

I think what you are looking for smacks of being really cheap ! These days you can get a trip to the islands for under $800./wk and you are asking an SP to service you for a week for this ???? I know some girls would take the trip, + $2-3,000 for the week to service you. At the bottom end of the scale here in Montreal an SP is looking for $500.+ for an overnight stay up to $2,000. so do the calculation for a week 7 x $$$ and do the math. :(
Hi, I am travelling to the carribean next week and was wondering if it is possible to to have companionship in exchange for the price of the trip...I don't mind paying for the trip, but would not want to pay extra. Anyways, are there any SPs willing to go on a free trip to the islands? Let me know please and also if any merbites know of any sps willing to go!!
All the previous posters have made some excellent points.

You might have better luck looking on a dating site such as POF or AFF and the likes as opposed to Merb (or for an SP) where ladies actually get compensated for their time, companionship and more.


New Member
Nov 9, 2011
Thanks, for all your responses...I could compensate for the week, I just would expect a good deal if I pay for the trip....Thank you Gabriella for the suggestions.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well i could accompagny you. But i am YMMV tough :lol:

Lol joke aside , yeah the problem is, how much would you expect to use her service... if its 1 week and you plan on having sex every day, you would need to pay her for that indeed. Maybe one could work something with you like you pay the trip and expenses (food etc) and when you want to have sex you pay for it too individually. But the ultimate problem, no girl not knowing you would accept to go there... unless she is very naive. Nothing personal against you, its just going with strangers to the other part of the world... hell i wouldn't even do it myself and im a 6 foot 300 pounds dude who can take care of himself.

pyjama guy

Jun 22, 2006
I've done this twice in the past 10 years with regulars I had seen on numerous occasions before going south. We obviously had good chemistry in and out of the bedroom and understood that we would not be together 24/7. (I need some space sometimes, lol) Funny enough we ended up spending more time together than I originally envisioned but my "space" needs were not denied to me when necessary. I paid for the trips and some excursions but nothing more. I also didn't expect nor did I want to have sex each and every day, the batteries need recharging after baking in the sun all day and alcohol takes its toll,lol.

This past year, 2 of my regulars, without prompting, have suggested we go away together. The particulars have yet to be discussed but I would certainly volunteer to pay the cost of the trip but nothing more. Guess they feel comfortable and safe with me, I'm a gentleman and have tremendous respect for women but I'm no sugar daddy.

The key is if you are going to do this best to know one another pretty well or it could turn into a disaster along way from home.
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