My pet peeve on merb is when people write long posts and don’t separate them into multiple paragraphs to ease the reading.
Unbelievable how a person can be such an asshole. Another Momys little boy that didn't get his favorite dessert and is all fwastrayted.Getting the following email :
"Hello ,
I am Kerry ,I am planning a business trip to Montreal next week , and I am planning you to be my bitch for a whole night. I am an assman , love to fuck directly your ass untill you bleed like a whore.
How much for the ass ??
I can send you a pic of the dick that will go inside you.."
Idk if anyone here has passed the word around to harass me about anal sex but it's the third time somebody contacts me with a violent message like this in the past few days
Luna, I am sorry you have to go through this. You seem like a kind and gentle soul who would be affected a lot by messages such as this. That said, I believe there is a good chance that sharing these kind of messages will attract even more weirdos your way (either from the board or other platforms) as they might see it as an open invitation to be rude. Take care of yourself.Getting the following email :
"Hello ,
I am Kerry ,I am planning a business trip to Montreal next week , and I am planning you to be my bitch for a whole night. I am an assman , love to fuck directly your ass untill you bleed like a whore.
How much for the ass ??
I can send you a pic of the dick that will go inside you.."
Idk if anyone here has passed the word around to harass me about anal sex but it's the third time somebody contacts me with a violent message like this in the past few days
Pet peeve: people being angry that you have boundaries
That said, I believe there is a good chance that sharing these kind of messages will attract even more weirdos your way (either from the board or other platforms) as they might see it as an open invitation to be rude. Take care of yourself.
Jesus, seriously. That's some fucked up and stupid shit right there which kinda leads into my pet peeve (and likely echoed by many on escort and dating forums all over the net). Dudes that say stupid shit in their posts or DMs and act like total assholes, then lo and behold, start a thread with a long diatribe about how no women want to meet them or talk to them and how they are all fake, blah, blah, blah. They go on and on about this, whining and telling us about how all the women are bitches and of course, at the end of their hissy fit, proclaim that they are actually a great guy and just misunderstood.Getting the following email :
"Hello ,
I am Kerry ,I am planning a business trip to Montreal next week , and I am planning you to be my bitch for a whole night. I am an assman , love to fuck directly your ass untill you bleed like a whore.
How much for the ass ??
I can send you a pic of the dick that will go inside you.."
Idk if anyone here has passed the word around to harass me about anal sex but it's the third time somebody contacts me with a violent message like this in the past few days
Pet peeve: people being angry that you have boundaries
Lol... you would hate me thenMinor pet peeve: people who drive with their windows rolled down while playing loud music.
ou bien ça:Quand tu ouvres la pellicule d'aluminium d'un petit yogourt et qu'elle se défait pas d'un coup, mais plutôt se sépare encore et encore à chaque essai.
AHHHHou bien ça:
Y a toujours moyen de l’ouvrir, une clé ça fonctionne. Ou un couteau de poche :AHHHH
ça m'est arrivé l'autre fois avec unes de mes boissons au THC, elles coûtent cher en plus
I did that when I was in my late teens to attract the girls walking on the sidewalk. I'm from a small town and that is what everyone did on Friday and Saturday nights. This was back in the mid 80's.Minor pet peeve: people who drive with their windows rolled down while playing loud music.
She left the trade, not the site.People who need to post they block people or mad and leaving a site. We don't care.
I think it is your personality that invites these lunatics.This already happens very often, whether or not I post about it on social media. Specially when I mention I had cancellations, which a lot of providers do to get new clients, that's often when this type of person comes out of the woodworks.
I never posted on this board or on my twitter that I don't do greek, but it's a known fact, and clearly some people about it are mad about it and are suddenly harassing me.
There's a ton of things I don't mention on social media. I just think these people think I'm going to stay silent and scared at home and stop working, which isn't going to happen. Sometimes I have to refuse seeing certain clients or I have negative interactions, and they go ahead and make a ton of fake numbers and fake bookings to harass me, which has nothing to do with what I post on social media or not. Like I said either here or on another thread, because I'm a "sweet person" it's expected of me that I am going to obey and stay nice no matter what, which will not happen.
She left the trade, not the site.
I have no problem with setting boundaries, but my personality is what it is. One thing I've noticed is that when I tried to change my behaviour, people did not respond well to it at all, and people get angry when I set boundaries. I refused to see a gentleman because he was being vague with me and I found his attitude entitled. He went ahead and messaged the SP he gave me as a reference and called me paranoid and other insults. It's really hard to have a balance between being my natural sweet self and setting boundaries, because the contrast of what certain individuals perceive to be who I am with me saying ''no'' to something is so strong in their minds. It's annoying.I think it is your personality that invites these lunatics.
You come across as such a sweet caring gentle soul but at the same time so fragile and vulnerable that you become the perfect object for these mental cases for abuse.
Hopefully you get just as many kind and respectful people wanting to see you as well who appreciated your personality.