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Tats/piercings? Y or No?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Tattoos do not bother me either way. I never really notice them of course as they are small and discreet. The kind huge tattoos covering a good portion of the body is a turn off.

As for piercings I do not like facial, nipple, or clit piercings. In addition they interfere with the experience you might have with the girl as in case of a SP if I am doing DATY i do not want to taste the metal or in case of DFK i want to feel her tongue not the metal ring on her tongue, etc..

I find eyebrow piercings disgusting as well with tongue piercings. Quite frankly I do not get the purpose of tongue piercings as I thought the whole purpose of them is to display the jewelery but since it is in the mouth it is hidden :confused: ?

However a belly ring is sexy I also find a piercing on the side of the nose is kind of cute on some girls not the bull ring type on the nose that is a turn off!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
What I have never understood about tattoos is the pride that those who have them seem to show in them. I can understand the pride of the tattoo artist who actually made the tattoo as it is his or her artwork. But the person who wears the tattoo is nothing more than a walking canvas for someone else's artwork. And in most cases the 'artwork' is hardly original as there can be hundreds or thousands of other people with exactly the same 'artwork' on their bodies. I can just imagine the explanations many grandmothers will be giving to their grandchildren when the tattoo fad has long faded away, along with most of the barbedwire tattoo they are trying to explain.

Seeing people with tribal tattoos on their body that have absolutely no meaning to them other than they like the design makes me laugh. It also makes those for whom those symbols do have meaning quite angry as witnessed by the outrage when Mike Tyson had his tribal tattoos put on his face.

When tattoos have great meaning in a particular culture I can understand why people get them. But they have become nothing but a fad that most who get them will regret when their skin is no longer taut with youth and has begun to sag and wrinkle. They will then look in the mirror and wonder what the hell they were thinking when they got it in the first place.

As far as class is concerned, I have yet to meet a truly classy lady who has more than a discrete tattoo on her body. No more than I have met a classy lady with a giant set of enhanced breasts. To me both things suggest a person who is unsatisfied and insecure and is looking for something that is lacking in their life and personality. Something that makes them different but in the end makes them the same as hundreds of others with the same problem.

Tattoos are for those whose culture has a meaningful history of them, for brothers in arms who wish to remember what they went through in wartime together or to possibly remember a life changing event.

Or for Yakuza.:cool:

Everyone else is a pretender.
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