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Terry DiMonte leaving CHOM!


Mar 31, 2005
I would have thought the point was quite obvious.

Oh and by the way, it's customary to spit things out from the mouth so your suggestion seems to be anatomically impossible.

joelcairo, you seem to be full of opinions, but lacking in details... why the attacks, it sounds very personel... do you know the man ??? are you jealous ???



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Sep 24, 2003
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joelcairo expressed his opinion concerning a public personality, his right in a free speech society. He does not need to 'explain' his opinion to you or anyone else.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
joelcairo made 7 posts in this thread. He could have expressed his opinion once, like most everyone else and left it like that. But if you look at his posting history, it seems to be full of such remarks and comments. I went back to May and was unable to find any real contribution to the board from him other than more of the same. Now, like most of the threads he posts in, this one has become centered around his comments instead of the topic which seems to be his only goal on the board. Maybe his handle should be trollcairo.:rolleyes:

Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
This is sad........

Some dummy on the radio chewed on his saliva and talked about how he mooched a meal the night before and people connected to this? How friggin' lame are people's lives? This tugged your emotional heartstrings? This is a sad commentary on the pitiful caliber of MOntreal radio. Do I need a dummy to remind me that I Like To Rock by April Wine or Rock n Fuckin Shitty Roll by Led Zep was played for hte 76th time today?

Sad and funny at the same time.

Go back to reviewing hookers please.


Mar 31, 2005
He does not need to 'explain' his opinion to you or anyone else.

Ricola, need, I do not think I need anything from joelcairo, but a decent man would stand up and voice his opinion...


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Techman said:
joelcairo made 7 posts in this thread. He could have expressed his opinion once, like most everyone else and left it like that. But if you look at his posting history, it seems to be full of such remarks and comments. I went back to May and was unable to find any real contribution to the board from him other than more of the same. Now, like most of the threads he posts in, this one has become centered around his comments instead of the topic which seems to be his only goal on the board. Maybe his handle should be trollcairo.:rolleyes:

Hey Techman, I apologize for not making valuable contributions like the thoughtful and fact-filled one I am quoting from you here. But at least you haven't issued a loser leaves town challenge...although from what I understand it sometimes happens that the loser doesn't leave town after all.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Porter said:
Ricola, need, I do not think I need anything from joelcairo, but a decent man would stand up and voice his opinion...

Porter, in your previous post you said I was "full of opinions" and now you say "a decent man would stand up and voice his opinion". There seems to be a contradiction in your thoughts, does there not?

Perhaps you should start a club with Techman. The two of you seem to share the common philosophy that opinions which differ from yours must be suppressed at all costs. You also seem to share the strategy of insulting a poster if you disagree with him. In your defense, I guess this is easier than using logic to either examine or refute alternate viewpoints.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Joelcairo, you did voice your opinion in your first post and you could have left it at that. But no, just like in most of the threads you post in, you had to keep coming back to comment on other posts until the thread became focused on yourself. I have no problem with people who didn't like DiMonte voicing their opinion but I do have a problem with people who think they have to make every thread they post in turn into a flame war. Would you please give yourself and the rest of us a well needed break?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Techman said:
I have no problem with people who didn't like DiMonte voicing their opinion but I do have a problem with people who think they have to make every thread they post in turn into a flame war.

Oh really? Have you read your post # 19 lately? And as for the flame war comment, it might be a case of physician heal thyself. Reread the thread Mr. T. and you might find that it is only you and Porter who have made derogatory comments toward fellow posters.


Mar 31, 2005
Porter, in your previous post you said I was "full of opinions" and now you say "a decent man would stand up and voice his opinion". There seems to be a contradiction in your thoughts, does there not?

Perhaps you should start a club with Techman. The two of you seem to share the common philosophy that opinions which differ from yours must be suppressed at all costs. You also seem to share the strategy of insulting a poster if you disagree with him. In your defense, I guess this is easier than using logic to either examine or refute alternate viewpoints.

First the last thing I want is, you posing for my defense! You are right! You are an intelligent, brave and somewhat challenged individual! There now feel any better!

Also I should not of typed "you are full of opinions" I should of wrote "you are full of yourself". My logic failed me here, since I assumed that I was talking to a civilized individual, guess I was wrong..


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Porter said:
First the last thing I want is, you posing for my defense! You are right! You are an intelligent, brave and somewhat challenged individual! There now feel any better!

Also I should not of typed "you are full of opinions" I should of wrote "you are full of yourself". My logic failed me here, since I assumed that I was talking to a civilized individual, guess I was wrong..

Ahh, the usual Porter strategy: when unable to come up with anything resembling a logical premise, use insults and unsubstantiated attacks. It's reassuring to observe that there are certain constants in life which can always be counted on. Thanks, Porter.
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