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The art of nylon/hosiery (SP's and agencies plz wake up!)

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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally i prefer them to be casually dress, a tank top and a pair of pants is the best way for me, or a sexy tight tshirt can do it too. Then under that a bra and panties.. white or black is the best to me, and thats it.

I like it casual. And its easily removable, cause anyway in a matter of minutes the girl will be naked... Im not into skirt too much, and i love a beautifull soiree dress, but in the right context.

Don't forget also these girl undress and dress a bunch of time everyday... im sure they don't like to waste time on nylon or whatever.

I had a girl one time that spent like 10 min in the bathroom to come back with some lingerie piece, then when it was time for sex she pretty much removed only the panty part and pulled the strap around her breast, it was always in the way and pissing me off, she even refused to removed it saying it was too much time putting it back on...

Thats why i rather have her come in simple attire, then have her get naked afterward.


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
Couldn't agree more. Stockings, as high up the leg as possible (preferably sheer with lace top) with a pair of ankle strap heels will get me going everytime. I see them being worn in girls pics online, but never in person unless requested. Unfortunate...

Lily from Montreal

I think it i a seasonnal thing...spring and fall is more nylon-incline for me but summer? No way...bare it is...and winter? Sorry guys but thigh or jeans are in- order...I suggest try a bus ride in garther belt and if you enjoyed it we will talk...
when I get request for those I ask if it is okay to come and change,but if the fantasy is to show up already bare ass or almost,then sorry ,what you are looking for is not a real lady but a scripted fantasy...stick to porn...


New Member
May 22, 2006
Bumping this thread up, because like the original poster, I'm a fan of nylons/pantyhose/stockings.

I think Nylonlover really hit the nail on the head in his original post when he observed how rare it is for women here to opt for nylons as a sexy accessory. It's a cultural thing. And I suspect, women in Montreal are still more likely to wear them than in the RoC.

I'm in a long term relationship, and it took a long time to convince my woman of how sexy she looks in pantyhose. she wears them all the time now, (bless her), but will still opt for jeans, bare legs....if I let her. ;)

It's an uphill battle, and I feel sometimes I was just born a little too late. When I think back to my childhood, the memory of how prevalent nylons were.......aieee...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Do you mean pantyhose or thigh high stockings with either the stay up lacy tops or suspender straps/garters...preferably sheer or fish net and solid black or white? White looks best on a well tanned or black girl.


New Member
Jan 17, 2013
I AM A STOCKING NYLON MAN! Naomi, and Candy from montrealsexcity are always wearing sexy thigh high stockings every time i see them. jezabelle of satin dreamss is the same. it seem that the girls that have been around longer understand the importance of stockings. the new young debutantes never seem to hav the sexy lingerie that the more known girl have. is it just me or are the newer escorts putting less effort ?


New Member
May 31, 2011
anywhere and everywhere
Disclaimer for mods: what I am about to write, it is only for funny purposes, nothing else.

Here my answer to Mitsou XXX:

''ah! Man! I wanted to see you badly in stockings'', ah well! I will have to settle for you completely naked!''
I think the main reason girls don't wear them is because they are so fragile. When I wear a pair to work I'm sure to have a rip by the end of thr night :( for that reason I only where them when I have a dress ot skirt (which means only the summer) fully knowing I'll have to toss them at the end of the night.

Lily from Montreal

You are right,in real life work I wear nylons once the weather allows it,so last week I worked four days= 4 pair that goes straight to the waste basket at 17h...and it is not as if it was cheap,I am still looking for a brand that won't rip the first time I wear the depth of winter I favor thigh ,not as sexy as it kind of make me feel 12 years old (!) but at least it is warmer and sturdier...


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
I think the main reason girls don't wear them is because they are so fragile. When I wear a pair to work I'm sure to have a rip by the end of thr night :( for that reason I only where them when I have a dress ot skirt (which means only the summer) fully knowing I'll have to toss them at the end of the night.
If you wear them to come see me, I will subsidize you :).


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I am a stocking lover as well. It gets me going big time. I think SPs should carry a pair with them at all times. Considering they always have their huge bag of stuff where they can easily shove a pair in there. I'm pretty sure that anybody going to see an SP and she asks them "would you like me to wear something for you?". We would all give her big extra points for a tiny effort.
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