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The Bad in Montreal

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New Member
Oct 19, 2004
About my previous post...

I regret there are so many lapdogs on MERB as I only assume this was a constructive review board and not a shill for those who want to curry favor with their ATF.

It was not my intention to ruin the lady's livelihood, as many of the white dudes such as JustaJohn has pointed out that they favor a lady who is choosey about excluding certain ethnic groups. So you see I did make a contribution. This is as it should be for a review board.

For us grow-ups, we know that the ladies we patronize are not as reliable as Fed-x. And that is part of the adventure. But so should be input from all points of view; whether you like what you hear or not, you can sort it out and decide for your self. And not just a promo board?

I honestly didn’t think I’ll be attack by those on this board. Especially by people who do not know me or the lady. Nevertheless, I still love Montreal and Canadian!
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Criticism Was Deserved

Jim D,

With all due respect, the criticism you received was deserved. The thread you started was closed for good reason.

It could be that you had a legitimate concern that an SP did not see you because you were Japanese. However, your thread was never framed as such. You posted a whole lot of bullshit and contradictions, which did not make sense, which were refuted by the SP, and which practically screamed out for criticism. Then, instead of looking in the mirror, you castigated your critics (of which I was one) as "locals" and "lapdogs" who were trying to "curry favor" with an "ATF."

I got news for you, bud. I am not a local, I have never met the SP in question, have no present intention of doing so, and I am not even a member of FKS. Frankly, your comments in this regard show far more prejudice on your part than what was probably ever directed at you.

You say that JustaJohn stated that he is a "white dude" who favors ladies who exclude certain minorities. I do not recall JustaJohn saying any such thing. I do recall him roundly criticizing you.

I would suggest that you stop making yourself look foolish about this whole thing. If what was bugging you was that you felt prejudiced against because you were Japanese, why not have just said that rather than beating around the bush with a bunch of disingenuous bullshit?

I have an Asian friend who has seen more SPs than you can ever hope to in Montreal, including a number of FKS ladies, and he has never indicated to me that he has encountered any prejudice. Which leads me back to the original conclusion that it was you, not your ethnicity, that caused your problems.
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I am not familiar with the particulars of this incident but I do agree with the observations that many users overrate and suck upto the SPs/ATFs/Agencies when anyone is critical to them (rightly or wrongly). Why not let the SPs/Agencies defend themselves without taking sides. Many reviews here and certainly the spreadsheet ratings are grossly overrated as clients feel the need to suck up to the agnecies/SPs and it does not benefit the community at all.


Nov 21, 2004
Many reviews here and certainly the spreadsheet ratings are grossly overrated as clients feel the need to suck up to the agnecies/SPs and it does not benefit the community at all.

Meeting an SP like "real" dating and relationships I have learned is totally YMMV so yes that darn spreadsheet would be quite misleading at times. I know because I used it to choose my second SP from a very respectable HDH agency and it was like one of those bad dates from Hell where you just have to walk out of the restaurant and end it early just so one has to be cruel to be kind. The funny thing was that the SP that I picked who was not on the spreadsheet at the time became one of the best things that happened to me. Yet that spreadsheet does serve as a great starting point and narrow things down making things alot easier. The lesson from my experience? If one plans ahead instead of doing things at the last minute, things will go that much more smoother. Having a Plan B and Plan C would not hurt either!


Well I am sure there are SPs out there you can truly connect and vice versa with sincere respect. I hope you would not allow one bad experience get to you. You win a few, you lose a few but you keep on living.
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Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
time to move on

Jim D,

It is time to move on.

I think you would be much better off to put this behind you and go seek more enjoyable and satisfying rendezvous with other SPs. Why get hung up on one SP when there are so many other options available?

The SP in question seems to be doing well. She is advertising on this board and appears to be doing good business. She is a FSK associate but is not taking appts thru FKS. She is going after longer appts, at least a lunch or dinner date, definitely no one hour deal, no FKS discount, no last minute appt, no one under 35, downtown and Old Montreal hotels only, must know your real names for her safety, and the list goes on.......

I think you have made your points and contributions to this board, but may be in a different way than you think. If revenge is even remotely on your mind, it is not working. There is no such thing as bad publicity, only publicity.

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Rating an SP is a higly subjective process. one guys fantasy is another guys nightmare.
By reading a review you have to look for the tangibles and seperate them from personal views.
" Her face was was ugly" "she gave me the best BJ ever" " Her butt was fat" etc.etc.etc.
The above are all subjective comments.

"She was 10 minutes late" "She had a scar on her belly""She kept watching the clock" etc.etc.etc.
These are all objective and fact based observations.

The "sheet" is not a scientifical spreadsheet created by Consumer reports. It is a complilation of opinions and should be treated as such.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
EagerBeaver said:
Jim D,

With all due respect, the criticism you received was deserved. The thread you started was closed for good reason.

You say that JustaJohn stated that he is a "white dude" who favors ladies who exclude certain minorities. I do not recall JustaJohn saying any such thing. I do recall him roundly criticizing you.

I also don't recall stating such nonsense, and never did say this. Seems like JD is attempting to slander me. However, i do recall saying that i was fed up with JD's constant whining, if you want to consider this criticism. Poor JD...another one of those chaps with a huge chip on his shoulders, blaming everyone else for their situation(s). Let's hope that Santa brings him a mirror for Christmas! :)
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Minor Point


I just need to correct one minor point: what JD is attempting is to libel you, which is written defamation, as opposed to slander, which is verbal. In any event it is a violation of Board rules in addition to being nonsense and further reducing the already negligible credibility of JD.
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