Montreal Escorts

The GoodGirls booker...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You have correctly analogized this to criticism of Eleganza and Devilish in the past. It's basically the same issue all over again, and we can search and find those threads which say the same thing. Whomever the successful agency of the day is always going to have a method of streamlining phone traffic which is not going to be popular with some. The bottom line is you have to adapt to the agency in this case, the agency does not have to adapt to you. The agency with the girls has the power, because they have the demand side of the economic equation on their side. This is supply and demand economics at work and you have to be able to understand that dynamic before you call.

Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
There is such a thing as customer service and proper manners. You will get all kinds of people asking all kinds for silly question regardlass of the buisness you are in. If you can't find a way to deal with that reality (and the sooner the better) you are headed down the wrong path. Escort providers are not immune to this. Just dismissing someone rudely to "go look at the site" is just bad buisness.

I've used this agency only once (Amy-Lee) back in April and even thought I was able to see her at the time I wanted I remember the guy on the phone seeming almost... not sure how to describe it....disappointed? It was weird, I guess he knew I was new and I was able to snatch (no pun intended) the girl before a regular had called for her. Instead of him being happy he got a new customer he seemed disappointed. Thats the best way i could describe it. In any case I never called back.

Yes Goodgirls has the best line-up in Montreal but you can only piss off customers so much, eventually they will go elsewhere and so will the girls. His recruiting will get harder and the nosedive begins. If the booker don't change his ways somehow the inevitable will happen. His solution might be as simple as hiring someone or two with more patience and a more pleasant personality on the phone, I don't know it's for him to decide.

This agency has got something good going, he's found a good formula, but it's a lot easier to lose a customer than to keep one. Pissing off potential customers right off the bat on the phone who can come to Merb and relay what just happened to them is a first step off a cliff.

It's not rocket science, it's commen sense.



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
jcstart.... si tu prendrais le temp de lire les annonces au lieu de juste
regarders les photos t aurait bien vue qu elle est annoncée de 12pm-4pm !!
donc pas dispo le soir !!! -c est la reponse que tu as eu .

Sorry Mike, but I have to admit that this response does come off as a bit rude (if the above is exactly what you sent).

From what I understand, jcstart sent his question via SMS. If he was calling, I could understand you being a little pissed (as phone calls take time, need to be responded to immediately, etc).

But for a SMS, you could have replied back with a simple "no", rather than a texting a whole lecture about reading the entire post, etc. The convenience of text as opposed to the phone is that you can respond back at your leisure. So I don't understand the impatience with the SMSs.


Feb 5, 2013
Drole d'histoire! Tu as les sous pour te payer des jolies filles et t'as pas d'accès internet sur ton cell en 2013? Vraiment?....Vraiment? Tout le monde est sur son cell ça parait pas pis si tu es accompagné et que tu veux être subtile, met merb en mode archive ou va au toilettes!
Avant c'était ma routine, j'allais au resto assez tôt, dans le millieu du souper toutes les agences ont leur line-up, pis je book easy en 3-4 sms, pas le temps de niaiser (sic).

Le client a pas toujours raison. Sur la poignée de fille de GG que j'ai vu les dispos annoncés étaient toujours bonnes. Donc si on part du principe que le gars fait du prébooking, affiche sur son site web et sur des sites d'annonces les dispos, c'est pour pas perdre de temps a répéter sa liste au tel pendant 5 minutes à tous les clients.
Vois les dispos, dit lui quel heure tu veux pis demande lui si ta Kate ou Christina est à libre tel heure a tel place pour tel prix. Si c'est oui vous êtes tous les 2 heureux pis pis c'est non il va voir que t'es sérieux et il va faire tout ce qu'il peut pour te proposer de quoi.

Ha bien oui... aller sur un site porn ou d'escortes au resto pendant qu'il y a des yeux partout autour... idée très brillante... surtout au bonaparte !

Le fond de la question demeure... et selon moi quand tu n'est pas capable de répondre avec classe et respect aux simples questions des clients, bien t'es juste pas à la bonne place...

et pour ce qui est de ne pas vouloir de clients qui ne savent pas ce qu'ils veulent... je dirais que c'est beaucoup plus le contraire... je sais ce que je veux et pose des questions pour m'en assurer...

maintenant si ca ne tente pas au booker de répondre aux questions... et de juste empocher le cash sans efforts... libre à vous, mais moi c'est clair que je ne traite pas avec ces gens là !


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
The agency with the girls has the power, because they have the demand side of the economic equation on their side.

Actually, its us (the customers) that have the power, as we choose whether to give our money to a business or not. No matter the amount of success a business receives, they always need to be mindful of this, otherwise they run the risk of alienating their clientele.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Je suis certains que lorsque Mike est servi bêtement à un resto ou magasin de vêtement ou autre, il n'y retourne pas.

En adoptant pareil attitude (Il semble l'admettre en plus), il accepte automatiquement de perdre de la clientèle.
J'assume qu'il a donc calculé que le jeu en vaut la chandelle dans le contexte actuelle où sa business est florissante.

Dans le passé, j'aimais bien booké la latina Sabrina (Et oui Delta, je l'aimais bien Sab). Je l'ai booké au moins 4 fois... Mike m'a aussi fait poiroter presque 2 hr alors que j'étais à l'heure mon rdv DT pour Leticia... J'ai accepté ça car il était cool...
Après ça, à deux reprises il a été bête avec moi par SMS... Bon c'était la première fois et le résultat a été automatique de mon bord, j'ai arrêté de booker chez eux pendant quelques temps. Est-ce que son attitude était justifié? Peut-être, je suis un gars un peu distrait par moment. Est-ce que ça fait de moi un mauvais client? Est-ce que je mérite pareil traitement?
Je suis aussi un gars sensible aux attitudes des gens donc pour moi, ça m'a choqué sur le coup évidemment.
Est-ce que la perte de ma clientèle a affecté sa business... Au contraire, elle n'a cessé d'augmenter en popularité.

Anyway, je comprend que Mike est un être humain et qu'il est parfois débordé, pré-occupé ou autre...
Mais, il a le Girl Power... Donc je fini tjrs par avaler ma pilule mais disons que il pourra témoigné que ma business avec GG est pas mal à son plus bas...

Mais aujourd'hui, ce n'est plus son attitude rude parfois qui fait que je ne book quasiment plus chez eux mais plutôt son succès qui rend les quelques filles qui m'intéressent quasi impossible à booker quand moi je suis disponible. Je ne book pas d'avance et je ne peux pas booker à mon travail... Mais ça c'est mon problème...

J'ai rencontré Mike et je dois admettre que c'est un maudit bon Jack et c'est un privilège d'avoir été invité à son Party privé et ce malgré nos petits différents...


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
Strange, my last post here did not work. I honestly can say that I have only contacted them twice so far and have had absolutely no problems with them at all. They have been accommodating and helpful in every way, answering my questions and putting up with my strange requests. Anyhow that is my two cents. :)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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No, it's not: the girls have the power. Mike's role is to make sure that the girls get bookings, otherwise they'll go somewhere else.

100% correct. The girls always have the power. If they didn't, the human race would not reproduce, let alone do so as prolifically as it does. Again a post is defeated by the basic laws of biology and science.

Simply put, the majority of the posters in this thread do not understand or appreciate the power dynamic. The power dynamic changes consumer behaviors and adapts the behaviors. This is I think touched on in Uncle Bob's post, but the translation of it was choppy, so I am not certain of his point in this regard. But he seems to say that the power dynamic has modified his booking behaviors and protocols.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Jcstart, je compatis avec toi!
Car dans ton cas, un peu plus de courtoisie n'aurait fait de mal ni à toi ni au booker...

Je crois qu'après avoir répondu à 12 clients d'affilé pour des questions déjà traitées dans ses annonces, tu as malheureusement été celui qui a écopé de son écoeurantite passagère ;)

Si tu peux un jour faire preuve d'un peu de compréhension et de pardon, peut-être tu avaleras ta pilule et refera un essai car ça vaut le coup...

Pour répondre à ton autre question, Je suis certains que Mike traite bien ses filles. Force d'admettre qu'à date, la réalité semble le prouver...


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
La gang, je ne veux pas me meler de cette chicane, mais que vient faire cette discussion dans la section 'Outcall - Reviews'?
Jcstart: comme dis UncleBob, oublies et comprends. Ces gars là recoivent des milliers d'appels, donc vient un temps, ca peut tomber sur les nerfs . Pour le traitement de ses filles, ne te poses pas de questions: elles me confirment toutes qu'elles sont bien traitées et ca vient de filles qui n'utilisent pas la langue de bois.


Apr 29, 2007
Drole d'histoire! Tu as les sous pour te payer des jolies filles et t'as pas d'accès internet sur ton cell en 2013? Vraiment?....Vraiment? Tout le monde est sur son cell

Oui on est en 2013 et je choisi de ne pas utiliser un cellulaire pour pleins de raison :)


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
Funny thread....stop calling GG months ago. I thought I was the only one who found dealing with the guy not worth the hassle. He once cancelled just prior to an appointment and when I inquired who he could send instead he just mumbled something and hung up. When I called back, he just hung up again after saying "I don't f*cking care"?? I got the hint. It was very strange. Never called back. For what it's worth, I did find reading his dyslexic like texts entertaining.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Popular agency owners in Montreal, through the years, are a little bit like rock stars. A rock star does not book every gig that is offered to him. He is a rock star after all, and he gets to say no to a lot of people who seek to book gigs. Those people are pissed that they have no said to them, but that is life.

Among agency owners, Mike is the Elvis of the moment in Montreal. Like Elvis, he picks and chooses his gigs, like this one:


Dec 30, 2003
Visit site
I have to give credit to Mike for promptly delivery his girls. Last time, I was in Montreal and used his prebooking system for one his popular girl. When I arrived to my hotel, gave room number... But he could not find my name. The girl had been overbooked. I tried to recall SM I sent few days ago and he realized his mistakes and apologized. I was cool with that. Next day I had no hesitation to use his service again when MSC girl did not show up. In future, I will use his service when I am in town next time. I know his agency is little more expensive than other agencies, but my time is valuable and do not mind to pay extra for reliable and consistent service


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You are being sarcastic, right?
Sadly, no. Just Beav being Beav. While the Beav is well known in these parts for his preposterous posts and bizarre analogies, I really think he's outdone himself this time.


May 22, 2008
Probably a coincidence, but I cannot connect to GG website as my browser is saying there is too many connection to the site. Mike's message seems to work... :lol:


New Member
Jul 28, 2011
Mike tries hard to render excellent service, is friendly and bilingual.But he (like all all bookers) can't control sp's. Regardless , his service is typically perfect.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2013
Guys..he has the best girls on the know how many people call him? he's been rude to be several times but i understand why..the guy gets so many messages and calls and people jerk him around, undecided. Thats the business. Cut the guys some slack! He yelled at me once for calling private number. I forgot he does not like that, but i get it. Its a tough business. But all in all, his agency always delivers. I never left there upset!

Good Job Mike regardless...


Feb 5, 2013
n'importe quoi... il semble tellement se préocupper de nos problemes... pourquoi se préocupper des siens ??? j'ai un peu plus d'amour propre que ca...
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