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The GoodGirls booker...


New Member
May 15, 2013
it happens the same thing with him while as was a very good client....i met almost all his nice girls....i don't work with him anymore.
There is plenty of good and respectfull agency in town.
We need to share those comments to let others know.
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New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
I recently called GG for the first time. My conversation with Mike was professional and courteous in the beginning. By the time the booking was complete we were laughing, telling jokes, and he even offered to come to the room and take care of me himself if the lady didn't fulfill my needs, or send James to do it. My booking was with Kaila. No, Mike or James weren't necessary. I had no problems. I didn't ask about the ladies who were done for the evening, except one. That was to make sure she hadn't decided to stay after her schedule.


New Member
Jun 10, 2006


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
@freedom3 - Big laughs. I think Mike is just practical. When one knows what he wants, one can deal with Mike. Kayla confirmed that he is a great boss.


New Member
Jun 29, 2010
This guy has a hard head..and no matter how he gets bashed,he resumes his vulgar approach towards clients.
I personally bashed him on several threads... With a follow up of many other members equally rudely treated.
I accidentally picked up this thread and seeing his behaviour is continuing on the same lines....i was "tempted to touch " base with him again........for the joy of it. I was never a regular of his ...and will never have an ambition to become one....he had the guts to hang the phone on me several times...then threw in a banning sanction.....what an asshole ,a real pitbull.....
He is glorified by closed inner circle brownosers who will defend him because of the "girl power " illusion ......his arrogance is inacceptable and several friends stopped calling him altogether .
This " girl power "is as stable as dictated by "client power" this slows down because of mistreatment ,phone hang ups,bans,and what have you.....he will start feeling the pinch....of decreased demand,
and less appointment work for the ladies ......there are so many out there,new ones are emerging with spectacular talent a much lower cost.......he is not as powerful as he might think...girls move in and out
and i have seen the ones i was interested in.....and should i wish i could make arrangements to get to see
anyone in his harem.........all that is the will and right contacts ,the rest are details.....but
i have an infinite choice on hand so i would not lose any valuable time with good god, good guy of gg.
May a pidgeon dish it out on your threw so much shit in the big guy


Feb 19, 2005
Don't really think this is the section to be reviewing mike. He is not an escort, But it seems as many of you have been serviced by him, or not. I have seen a hand full of "goodgirls" and each time I called the booker was easy to work with and the girls were on time and as promised. Yeah there was some banter back and forth but I was fine with it. First mike doesn't take himself so serious, second if you do its not his fault.


New Member
Jun 29, 2010
I thank for your advice have a valid point and i'm taking it seriously ....
However there is no agency out there who would feel threatened of any such action from my part.
I understand perfectly that they are in business and they need to run the agency efficiently to make a profit.....i would not pull out the dirty trick on their back...but braggers ,loudmouth ,arrogant "power full"
agents deserve about anything ....i know most agency owners and we have respectful friendly relatioships.
I appreciated mike taking the time to express himself and his concern for me.. Well although sarcastic
i do appreciate his effort to act as if whe were friends.... His idea of how he would like and should like to be ,and the reality of what he not fear anything my dear friend ....i really dislike writing negative thoughts about any take it as a friendly advice to help you to become more aware of your inward attitude and apply will be liked better, clients are not insulted,and your business will prosper
.....your girls will reap more benefits too.
You see mike,i was told by james with whom i have shared many times ,and other members that in the end you are a good guy......we are all defective human beings,i recognize this in myself,and the fact of becoming
aware of this is a first necessary step to move forward
you will see that most of my threads are positive and they usually praise the girls,psychologically and physically and they feel uplifted thus making their job easier and worthile in a tough competitive business.
I only write reviews for girls that impressed me for their personality,and initial exchage bringing out
the chemistry without which a connection will mechanicall....obviously face ,body shape and service
are of top importance .......i will write to report very poor bad experiences...they t are very few.
But the bulk in between i do not review.
So we are making positive advances.....even if negative contents is wearing a mask.
Who knows....... You may even evetually make an offer.....down ,down the line ......which might be considered


Time Traveler
Jul 29, 2006
Planet Earth

Just a simple "No", would have prevented this 4-page thread.

2 letters.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Bonjour a tous,

si vous savez pas ce que vous voulez comment je le saurai pour vous ??
alors je suis sur que vous pouvez imaginer que vous risquez d hésiter , de
changer d idées et bref au bout du compte nous faire perdre notre temps
tandis que fort probablement quel qu un serais en attente et qu il sait lui
ce qu il veut ...


Le client ne doit pas perdre votre temps. C'est vrai . Pourtant , tout le monde dans l'entreprise doit répondre à des questions pour fournir la meilleure information. J'ai eu certains de mes meilleures rencontres lorsque l'agence ont précisé des informations sur leurs dames. Avis ne fournissent pas toute l'information nécessaire. Ensuite, j'ai pu correspondre à mes préférences pour l'une des dames qui étaient disponibles . Si l'organisme répond aux questions patiemment qu'ils montrent qu'ils se soucient de service à la clientèle . L'agence pourrait perdre un peu de temps , mais l'agence gagne le respect et plus d'affaires. Patience est rentable. Dans mon expérience, Jessy de MSC et Martin de Xxxtase cela très bien. Toutes les agences devraient. Malheureusement, faire de bonnes affaires inclut le risque de perdre du temps.

Je ne dis pas que les plaintes sont exacts, je dis patience devrait être la norme dans toutes les entreprises.

The customer should not waste your time. That's true. Still, anyone in business should answer questions to provide the best information. Reviews do not provide all the information necessary. I had some of my best meetings when the agency provided more information about their ladies. Then I could match my preferences better to one of the ladies that were available. If the agency responds to questions patiently they show they care about customer service. The agency might waste some time, but the agency gains respect and more business. Patience is profitable. In my experience, Jessy of MSC and Martin of Xxxtase do this very well. All agencies should. Unfortunately making good business includes the risk of wasting time.

I'm not saying the complaints are accurate, I'm just saying patience should be standard in all businesses.

Do your homework and do not foist your laziness on others. If you want an agency that will hard sell you other girls when the one you call on is not available, then call someone else.

The idea that there's only a choice between knowing exactly who you want without agency assistance, and being driven by a "hard sell" is a misrepresentation of choices. No one knows or should know what their ladies are like than an agency owner. If any owner is unwilling to simply help out in a reasonable way then that owner is showing they aren't interested in serving customers, they're trying to run something like a fast food sort of business. Order for it...bye. :rolleyes:

I accidentally picked up this thread and seeing his behaviour is continuing on the same lines....i was "tempted to touch " base with him again........for the joy of it. I was never a regular of his ...and will never have an ambition to become one....he had the guts to hang the phone on me several times...then threw in a banning sanction.....what an asshole ,a real pitbull.....

IF...any agency owner or handler had a habit of bad service they should be exposed. However, turning a problem into a constant negative agenda only makes your complaints look like some kind of shady persecution. There's nothing wrong with repeating what you know when the subjects comes up, just to back up what is being claimed. But taking shots "for the joy of it" isn't helping anything.

Last time, I was in Montreal and used his prebooking system for one his popular girl.

Any chance of clarity on this? I thought I had read pre-booking was no longer available with this agency?

Bonne chance,



Time Traveler
Jul 29, 2006
Planet Earth
mais souvent, lorsque l'on se prends pour quelqu'un... on en rajoute inutilement...

Je ne suis tout à fait pas daccord et je ne veux pas élaborer sur le sujet.

Je crois juste que Mike était frustré. Et quand on est frustré on a besoin de parler (ouvrir la valve de pression). Mais aussi quand il y a de la frustration on ne prend pas le temps de réfléchir et on dit ce qui vient.

On a tous le droit à nos frustrations. Il faut juste essayer de bien les gérer.



New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Je n'ai jamais fait affaire avec lui, et bien que ça ne semble pas être le genre d'agent avec qui j'aimerais booker, c'est sa business et il peut s'y prendre comme il veut. J'aime autant un agent qui est parfois bête avec ses clients, mais correct avec ses escortes, plutôt que le contraire. Pour ce qui est du service à la clientèle, ce n'est pas un dépanneur ou un restaurant qui doit servir tout le monde, mais un service très spécialisé où clients et distributeurs se choisissent mutuellement. J'imagine que ça fait partie de son screening. Cela dit, moi je préfère avoir un peu plus de magie et de sensualité dans le booking, alors je préfère les indépendantes. :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010

Just a simple "No", would have prevented this 4-page thread.

2 letters.

That's exactly what I was saying! One second answer: done!


New Member
Sep 4, 2013
Who knows....... You may even evetually make an offer.....down ,down the line ......which might be considered

seems like you're hoping Mike could take you back as a client. Hard to live without goodgirls these days......


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Pour ce qui est du service à la clientèle, ce n'est pas un dépanneur ou un restaurant qui doit servir tout le monde, mais un service très spécialisé où clients et distributeurs se choisissent mutuellement. J'imagine que ça fait partie de son screening.

Je soutiens le principe selon lequel un propriétaire peut gérer ses affaires comme il l'entend. Je n'ai pas d'objections. Tout ce que je demande, c'est que le propriétaire soit véridique et cohérent. Ne mentez pas, ne dites pas escortes sont disponibles pour tout le monde si elles ne sont pas. Si le propriétaire a un club spécial pour certaines escortes, être ouvert et honnête à ce sujet. Puis tout le monde peut faire un choix basé sur des informations précises, et de traiter avec les tarifs. C'est juste. Ne pas utiliser les meilleures escortes comme appât pour vendre d'autres. Si les escortes sont la publicité comme disponible pour tout le monde, être certain que c'est la façon dont les affaires sont traitées.

Si une agence tente de deceive clients , ne pleure pas sur les critiques que vous avez gagné ne pas utiliser compères et les chevaliers blancs pour défendre la fraude.

Tout ce qui précède est ce que j'attends d'une agence. Ce n'est pas une accusation, c'est attentes. Concernant les GoodGirls d'agence, j'ai parlé à Mike à quelques reprises et il n'y a pas eu de problèmes.

I support the principle that an owner can manage his business as he wishes. I don't have any objections. All I ask is that the owner be truthful and consistent. Don't lie, don't say escorts are available to everyone if they aren't. If the owner has a special club for some escorts, be open and honest about it. Then everyone can make a choice based on accurate information, and deal with the rates. That's fair. Don't use the best escorts as bait to sell others. If the escorts are advertised as available to everyone, be certain that's the way business is handled.

If an agency tries to deceive clients with phoney advertising, don't cry about the criticism you earned...and don't use shills and white knights to defend fraud.

All of the above is what I expect of any agency. It's not an accusation, it's expectations. Concerning the agency GoodGirls, I have spoken to Mike a few times and there have not been any serious problems.




New Member
Aug 4, 2011
Hey Mike,
You do not have any excuse to treat a client in this manner. I understand the fact that you spend time publishing the ads , but man, this is your job and everybody deserves respect and this has nothing to see with having money or not to pay Internet connection on his cell. Change you attitude an you will be providing the great whole package. Everybody will be happy to deal with you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
I think Mike is just a little rough around the edges. I understand his position, but at the same time it doesn't take that much more time to answer questions "politely". Plus there's also text, which can be done whenever it's convenient.

That being said (and I'm surprised no one's mentioned this), but the GT a few weeks ago...I mean cmon! Awesome venue, a chance to meet (almost) the entire GG roster in person, (almost free) booze, etc. It's probably the closest I'll ever get to visiting the playboy mansion, lol.

Most agencies don't go to this much trouble into putting on such events like these for their clients, and that's in no small part due to Mike. So in the end, the "good" of Goodgirls/Mike far exceeds the "bad", imho.
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