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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Lafleur,Robinson,Shutt,Dryden,Gainey,Napier,Houle,Tremblay,Risebrough,Lambert,Pete and Frank Mahovelich,Langway,Engblom,Jarvis,Larouche and a few others were aquired via normal draft or trade.

Oh and btw,HOW MANY CUPS have the Maple losers have won since ''access to talent became fair''?:rolleyes:


The question re the Habs and their so called French Canadian 'advantage' is so routinely botched up it should be addressed on Hockey Night In Canada.

I believe this fallacy was born primarily by frustrated anti-Montreal fans who for decades suffered through parade after Stanley Cup parade.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Can you imagine the Scabs w/o decent to great goaltending this season? i seriously think scab fans are the most moronic fans in all of sports, at least the bangwagon scab fan, which describes MOST SCABS FANS

A typical lg post: it contains absolutely nothing except his same boring insults with no basis whatsoever in fact. Guess what, loser fan of loser franchise: goaltending is part of the game. Even the leafs once had good goaltending (Bower, Sawchuk, Broda) - but that was roughly half a century ago, when the leafs could actually win some games.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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But what astonishes me (no, not really!) is the arrogance & stupidity expressed by the majority of Habs fans over the years, especially over the past 2 seasons. THESE CLOWNS ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT THEY HAD A TEAM THAT WAS ABLE TO WIN THE STANLEY CUP!!!! LOL!!!!

That’s the difference between Habs and Leafs fans – our expectations are set a bit higher than they appear to be in Toronto (for the Leafs these days it’s staying out of 30th place). Btw, how’s the view from down there, looking up at the 28 teams ahead of Toronto in the standings?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Yes it is, since most Leafs fans are not delusional about their team. We admit we're disappointed in our team, and that they're not playing well this season. But we have hope. Most Habs fans are delusional and don't realize that they're team is one of the worse in hockey. They still cheer for bums like Lapierre, Sergei Kostitsyn & D'Agostini, who shouldn't even be playing hockey in the NHL. Sometimes i wonder if most Habs fans are not bipolar?

Not playing well THIS season? When was the last season that they did play well? 1967? The Leafs haven't played well in years and the future seems no brighter.

When it comes to injuries, the Habs have suffered as much as any team in the league this year.

As far as supporting the team, a true fan sticks by their team no matter what. I don't like what Gainey has done over the last number of years and I think the latest change in GM is a joke. The coach is useless and should never have been hired, and wouldn't have been if he wasn't French. We've hired over rated and over paid players and had a coronation of a goalie who has done nothing yet to deserve it. And the team has yet to name a captain. Yup, they've made a lot of screwups but they're still my team and I'll cheer for them no matter what.

And despite all their problems, they'll still finish way ahead of the Leafs.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
And despite all their problems, they'll still finish way ahead of the Leafs.

Yes - as will EVERY other team except possibly the Oilers (who at least DID win 5 Cups in the 80s - which is 5 more than the leafs have won since 67).

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to admit not being uncomfortable listening to gay people, watch them on tv or in movies, or even be around them in a social setting. Heck, i've made love to several dozens of openly gay women in my lifetime. But are you comfortable with your own sexuality? Your comments towards gay people in general & towards figure skating almost make it look like you have something to hide. Are you a closet homosexual, Ms. Cairo?

As for figure skating, i don't mind it. I will be cheering for the likes of Joannie Rochette & Cynthia Phaneuf in a week or two. I like ice dancing. And if a Canadian pair is skating in the pairs, or Patrick Chan has a chance at a medal, of course i'll cheer for my fellow countrymen. Why not?

One of the best winter Olympics in my opinion were the Calgary games of 1988, when we were thrilled to the 'Battle of the Brians', when USA's Brian Boitano edged Canada's Brian Orser by an extremely narrow margin. In the women, we were thrilled by the sensual Katerina Witt, and were happily surprised by Canada's own Elizabeth Manley, who won the silver & could have beat Witt for the gold if it wasn't for questionable judging.

I like all sports......not crazy about UFC, but i'll watch it if St-Pierre is fighting. Curling, golf, boxing, soccer, tennis, you name it. Figure skating too! I won't prevent myself from watching a certain sport just because the stigma of homosexuality comes attached to it. But i do understand why a closet homosexual might pretend to object to this.

Go Canada Go! :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A typical lg post: it contains absolutely nothing except his same boring insults with no basis whatsoever in fact. Guess what, loser fan of loser franchise: goaltending is part of the game. Even the leafs once had good goaltending (Bower, Sawchuk, Broda) - but that was roughly half a century ago, when the leafs could actually win some games.

Wrong thread again, my fairy-like habs fan friend. :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Montreal: 63 games played, 64 points, 29-28-6.
Toronto: 61 games played, 49 points, 19-31-11. (They have won LESS than one third of their games - pathetic!)
And, just for comparison, Detroit: 61 games played, 68 points, 28-21-12.

You talk a big game (just like Burke and Wilson) but the FACTS say otherwise.

I see you've added your bandwagon team, Detroit. So let me add mine:

San Jose: 62 games played, 89 points, 40-13-9


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
the difference is you cant admit your team is going nowhere this season, and the future will be worse, i know it is hard to do that as i am a Leafs fan and had to live thru the jfj/cliff fletcher years like everyone, you had your jfj (gainey) and now have your CF to look forward to (gauthier)...tale to 2 franchises, one with a very bright future and one with a very dim future, enjoy the next 3-5 years scabs fans.

the difference between Habs and Leafs fans – our expectations are set a bit higher than they appear to be in Toronto


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ahhhhhhh the puppet master has ONCE AGAIN made his puppet speak his usual drivel with just a tiny nudging... you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to easy these days Mrs. C, and lame as usual, cant take a lil ribbing towards your team , so all you got left is to jump on any lil thing to make your little self feel relevant, ahhh , well, go ahead , it shows one thing, your getting closer and closer to the edge, and that edge i fear is a full time commitment to watching your favorite sport, yes yes, you guessed it everyone, mens figure skating :eek: and to get this straight so you dont do your best and typical bandwagon routine on us like you do with hocley, is your favorite the guy with the pink tights or the guy with the purple headband/wristband combo? here is a picture of Tanith Belbin for everyone into women in here, i will not post a pic for your viewing pleasure however Ms. C, your on your own there buddy!


A typical lg post: it contains absolutely nothing except his same boring insults with no basis whatsoever in fact. Guess what, loser fan of loser franchise: goaltending is part of the game. Even the leafs once had good goaltending (Bower, Sawchuk, Broda) - but that was roughly half a century ago, when the leafs could actually win some games.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
here is a picture of Tanith Belbin for everyone into women in here...

Ah! Tanith Belbin!! One of the main reasons why any heterosexual man should watch ice dancing!! :D

By the way, she's from Canadians can also cheer for her.

(She does have a really annoying squeaky voice, though....but she's hot!)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
As for figure skating, i don't mind it. I like ice dancing. And if a Canadian pair is skating in the pairs, or Patrick Chan has a chance at a medal, of course i'll cheer for my fellow countrymen. Why not?

One of the best winter Olympics in my opinion were the Calgary games of 1988, when we were thrilled to the 'Battle of the Brians', when USA's Brian Boitano edged Canada's Brian Orser by an extremely narrow margin. In the women, we were thrilled by the sensual Katerina Witt, and were happily surprised by Canada's own Elizabeth Manley, who won the silver & could have beat Witt for the gold if it wasn't for questionable judging.

Hey, you got that lg? It's your favorite Doctor who likes figure skating. So keep on posting your assholic remarks, but rememember they really all apply to your idol (you know, the only other guy on the board who acn't tell the men from the women).


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to admit not being uncomfortable listening to gay people, watch them on tv or in movies, or even be around them in a social setting. Heck, i've made love to several dozens of openly gay women in my lifetime. But are you comfortable with your own sexuality? Your comments towards gay people in general & towards figure skating almost make it look like you have something to hide. Are you a closet homosexual?

Gee Doc, perhaps your final question should be directed towards your best butty lggy, since he is the one who first decided to post TOTALLY FABRICATED innuendoes about those who love figure skating (something which of course only you have ever posted). Then again, maybe your VERY close friend is no longer IN the closet.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
your getting closer and closer to the edge, and that edge i fear is a full time commitment to watching your favorite sport, yes yes, you guessed it everyone, mens figure skating :eek: and to get this straight so you dont do your best and typical bandwagon routine on us like you do with hocley, is your favorite the guy with the pink tights or the guy with the purple headband/wristband combo?

See Doc, here's your halfwitted little lapdog posting his usual BS. I hope it doesn't strike too close to home for you. It might ruin those lovely moments you two share when you're "hanging out" (as lggy so delicately describes it).


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to admit not being uncomfortable listening to gay people, watch them on tv or in movies, or even be around them in a social setting.

Good for you Doc! Your sexuality is no one's concern but your own - and of course the same goes for your very good friend lggy.

No one has the right to criticize the two of you for your particular preferences so you the two of you have every right to be proud and defiant.

What you do NOT have the right to do is to make totally unfounded allegations about anyone else. Sure, some of your comments (and MOST of lg's) can be attributed to confusion and lack of intelligence, but at some point those two obvious problems must cease being used as excuses.
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