Ms. Cairo,why is it as of late you mention me in oh say, i dont know,
EVERY post your dimwitted little mind can muster? even when you quote someone else's post you mention me, kinda scary i would say, i think doc was right and you are a stalker, but please, stalk one of your favorite olympic male figure skaters instead of me will ya?, i love women and trust me, you will NEVER have a chance ok? geesh! ... (but it is as always
very amusing seeing you come undone a little more with each and
every post) hihihi

(keep up the good work Mrs. C)
and for the record, what you do in your private life is fine with me, but stop being one of these towards me ok?
i counted 7 lame posts in roughly 30 minutes saying the same lame thing over and over, will you PLEASE take your medicine! maybe this will help you, repeat after me, GO HABS GO, GO HABS GO! cmon, try it, it makes me wanna puke but i am sure it will put a smile on
your face , just like this