may want to look at all of those years before you make another statement that just makes you look, well silly. And really, you want to start a PED discussion?! Really!? The guy who loves the empire built on PEDs?!

Do tell to what do we owe the resurgence of Andru Jones and Eric Chavez...2 down and out has beens that suddenly can launch HR's? Must be PED's...right? Maybe A-Rod* & Jeter shared their "fountain of youth"...Hmmm.
And what about the sudden power found by one Jose Bautista* after a very humble and lack luster homerun start?
If your theory holds water...then it holds water for all bud...
Iggy...Couldn't agree more "bud"...what about the class in this post? Do tell, how is "sorry assed last place Phillies" any less classy than "a steaming pile of shit" and "sucks donkey balls"?!? Missed your post to EB...? Double usual..."bud"?
Great to see the Pawsox beat up on the $200M men wasn't it?:lol:
BTW, Russell Martin sure sucks donkey balls now that he is off the PED's, doesn't he!
More Yankee fan class iggy!? Don't forget to post to dd41...

A third team now dd41?! I always remember you chanting Phillies and that the "other team" is doing well you have a third...well enjoy!
But...the mere fact that you won't announce it leads me to believe it is a team in!
Doc you agreed to set up a knock down please stop wasting my time.
How about those sad sack last place Jays? We are seeing exactly how thin their farm system is...lost a few guys to the DL and cannot win a game.
The Red Sox on the other hand are on their 3rd and 4th string of OF and
are still in it...Great to have talent. And how about that #77!
Well at least Toronto has that .240 power slugger Jose going to the All Star game.