CNN - Communist News Network or
CBS - Communist Broadcast System or
ABC - Accredited B.S. Channel
NBC - No Broadcasting Credibility
NPR- National Propaganda Reporting
Ok then tell me what is a reliable source of news for you?
Are some of you that far removed from the American news?
Trump endorsed Moore's opponent in the primary run-off. Unfortunately, that candidate had his own baggage in Alabama. With the help and impeccable timing of the Washington Post, Roy Moore was accused just after the primary run-off by several women of propositioning them in their teens when he was in his thirties. One made claims that he touched her when she was underage.
Thanks for the clarification. Kind of knew he was not much welcome in his own party, which is good. But heard today that with god's help he will still win after recount. May the lord be with him if that is what he needs. Where are we, in the states or in Iran?