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The Trump Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
To Purplem......... Here on a Trump thread please show any clip where Trump told his supporters to riot at Capital hill. Take your time but you claim to have many such posts.
Come on Sol. Just check the "Trump Second Impeachment Trial". That thread alone has tons of evidence that I know you've already seen. You can also check other threads here (Capitol Riots Aftermath" for example)...or you can check any legitimate news site. I'm not going to waste my time posting even MORE proof just so that you can say "ha ha" and deny what's staring you in the face. Time to admit reality: Trump's guilty and everyone knows it. Look at the video that was presented at the hearing. I posted a link. Now if you want to deny everything, go ahead, but stop pretending you haven't seen anything just because you're unhappy that your hero is guilty.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I see you still can not show me a transcript, it was a simple question which I did not expect an answer from you, your cheering section gave your answer a high 5 though. Tough for you to admit you have no answer? As for watching the impeachment trial, I have a life.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

A judge has ruled that Donald Trump's hotel in Chicago has been breaking the law for the past 3 years by not renewing an environmental dumping permit. Because of this, the company could now face as much as $12 million in fines.

Trump and his organisation violated another law... Such a surprise.

Trump violates laws, and grab women's pussies. Eveything is all rignt for him.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
I just heard a very bad news : Joe Biden annouced that he will close the Guantano prison.
I thought it would be the perfect place where Trump would live the rest of his criminal life.
Sorry it is Guantanamo.
My brain work much faster than my fingers.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Even his most ardent supporters finally realize how rotten he is.

Yet Another Person Faces Reality and Jumps Off the Trump Train:
This is only after a short time, wait a few more months and only the TDS group will be his fan base.


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
“When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley said. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship Trump had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it.”

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
This is only after a short time, wait a few more months and only the TDS group will be his fan base.

Thanks for posting. Your comment made me curious about the Washington Times so I looked it up. Long article but VERY interesting:

The Washington Times - Wikipedia


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

According to financial disclosure forms, Donald Trump has been spending tens of thousands of dollars from his campaign funds at his own properties since the election ended, effectively putting that money back into his own pockets.
Not to be outdone, the RNC has also been spending big at Trump's properties since the election ended, with over $300,000 in receipts.
Trump has a lot of bills coming due, and he apparently isn't afraid to use his donors' money to pay them.

The biggest con ever. His corruption and self enrichment knows no bounds.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013

According to financial disclosure forms, Donald Trump has been spending tens of thousands of dollars from his campaign funds at his own properties since the election ended, effectively putting that money back into his own pockets.
Not to be outdone, the RNC has also been spending big at Trump's properties since the election ended, with over $300,000 in receipts.
Trump has a lot of bills coming due, and he apparently isn't afraid to use his donors' money to pay them.

The biggest con ever. His corruption and self enrichment knows no bounds.

That's nothing.
Remember that the Former Presidents Act Trump gets a bunch of benefits, but specifically is the right to “rent” office space, anywhere he wants, from any landlord of his choosing, at any rent that “landlord” wants to charge.

So legally he can rent office space from himself at Mar-a-lago or anywhere else he owns at whatever cost he wants to charge the taxpayers and put that money directly into his own pocket.
(I suppose he will not just charge a gazillion dollars, but he will probably want to equal the cost of the three most recent presidents combined so I assume this would be about 1.5 million a year paid to himself?)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Thanks for posting. Your comment made me curious about the Washington Times so I looked it up. Long article but VERY interesting:

The Washington Times - Wikipedia
Do you think I have the time for your leftwing papers to publish something like that? Did you comment on Sene5hos choice of media or is that OK in your books.
See all Left Bias sources. Overall, we rate The Ring of Fire Network strongly Left biased based on story selection that always favors the left and the use of loaded sensational language that portrays the right negatively.

Ring of Fire - Media Bias Fact Check

MSNBC another of his media choices you all high 5 him on.

MSNBC - Media Bias Fact Check

Best not to throw rocks in a glass house ( Think I may patent that saying )
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Trump says and does so much bullshit that they have no choice but to talk about it.

There are limits to making people believe many things he says without any true source.

He is a great manipulator, it's easy for him to fill empty jugs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Some people prefer right-wing lies to the truth. Fact of life. Sad but inescapable. Luckily more people still prefer the truth. That's why Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million the first time he ran for president. That's why he lost the popular vote by 7 million the second time he ran for president. That's why the vote to convict him in his record-setting SECOND impeachment trial was 57 to convict, 43 to acquit. That's why even 7 REPUBLICAN senators voted to convict him. That's why even some who voted to acquit (like McConnell and Portman) later ADMITTED that Trump was guilty.

But...there are still too many rightwingers who prefer websites that have been exposed as being cesspools of lies AND too many total wackjobs who believe QAnon conspiracy theories. Sadly some of these nutjobs are elected politicians (MTG) and sadly some of them think they're "patriots" because they carry Trump signs, attack the Capitol and use US flags as weapons while they look for the vice president in the hopes of HANGING him. These right-wing wackos exist largely because the lying right-wing media takes advantage of the gullibility of its stupidest followers in order to enable dangerous wannabe dictators like Trump. Thank Heaven there are still enough EDUCATED Americans that it hasn't happened...yet.
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