Montreal Escorts

The Unnofficial "Best of 2017" thread


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Kind of like the unofficial category of the OP here, so here I go with mine:

Best SP of 2017 you have seen: Tie, Sonia@MUH and Scarlett@xo
Best rookie of 2017: Meaghan@XO
Best indy SP: Jenny (indy in laval)
Best Agency of 2017: MUH - XO - Euphoria
Best Big Natural Boobs: Amelia@XO
Best ass: Rachel @XO
Best GFE: Tie Maie@XO and Alyson@velvet
Best PSE: Kylie@elite
Best Incall Location: XO
Most punctual On time Agency: MUH
Best duo: ho shit I have done a few, and 3some and 4some and... Can't write about that!
Saddest retirement: LillyB where are you!!! You shine! You were unique and very important for me!
Best Booker: see best agency above
Prettiest face....: Tie, Jaime/Meaghan @XO
Best comeback after multi year absence ....: NA
Best nympho ..... Jennifer @XO now indy
Best BBBJCIM: Scarlett @XO (mention to jade@xo and Jenny indy in Laval)
Best all around experience for me...: Tie, Sonia@MUH and Scarlett@euphoria (I saw Sonia in a 3some, she probably would have won in a one on one)
Most innovative agency: MUH
Winner of the best selfies....: Brittany
Most fun to spend time with ....: Scarlett@xo

And a few category of my own... ;)
Best chemistry with me: Sonia@MUH and Jenny in Laval
Best encounter: Detour098 haha I know Detour is a dude but ho shit did he changed my life!
Best sms received by an SP: "je me prépare à faire ma petite chienne pour toi" Ho my god I will not say who sent that to me! haha
Best sentence heard: SSJ to me, "Men you are sweating like a pig!" haha I will not write how come SSJ said that to me hehe
Best moment of 2017 (chosen from what I can write out ;) ): After nearly 3h of sex (part of it in the jacuzzi) I am now standing up climaxing in a bbbcimws while Thunder Road by Bruce Springsteen is blasting in the room... The girl continue for many minutes until she pushed me in the sofa thinking I was about to collapse (I was haha). Ha LillyB you were out of this world!!

Most anticipated meet up in 2018: Sonia@MUH can't wait!!!



Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Bon! My turn to provide my list!

Best agency SP: Sonia@Unicorn, Alyson@Velvett
Best agency rookie: Sonia@Unicorn
Best indy SP: Jenny (indy in laval)
Best indy rookie: Jenny (indy in laval)
Best GFE: Alyson@velvet, Amanda@XXXTase
Best PSE: Sonia@Unicorn, Julia Sky Indy
Best Agency: XXXTase - Euphoria - Elite - XO - Velvett- Unicorn - MM
Best Incall Location: XO - Velvett - Unicorn - MM

Prettiest face: Jade@Vogue, Victoria@XO
Best Natural lips: Alyson@Velvett, Samy@XXXTase
Best Big Natural boobs: Amelia@XO (in her own league!)
Best fake boobs: Amanda@XXXTase
Best ass: Kendall@Vogue, Silver@Vogue(ex-Kylie@Euphoria)
Best legs: Victoria@XO (in her own league!)

Best nympho: Kylie@Elite, April Rose@MM,
Best DFK: Alyson@Velvett (She is still haunting my thought!!!)
Best Daty: Sonia@Unicorn Alyson@Velvett
Best BBBJ/BLS: Julia Sky indy (in her own league!)
Best Greek: Sonia@Unicorn, Kylie@Elite
Best BDSM: Sonia@Unicorn

But these gem are still on my TDL and hope I’ll be “luckier” next year to meet few of them:
Meghan@XO, Scarlett@XO, Shelly@XO, Jaime@XO, mini Vick@XO, Heaven@Vogue (Pas mal “tanné” de me faire casser les oreilles avec ses filles la! “Hein t’as pas vue elle bla bla bla” Criss! sont pas bookable ces filles la!!!!)
Kitty@XXXTase, Alexandra@XXXTase, Alice@MM, Raphaelle@MM.

Saddest retirement : Kate@Euphoria/XXXTase (T ou Kate? Tu me dois un duo avec Pamy!)




I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Nice list Mr. P

I like the fact that you use many different agencies and indy as oppose to many (like me) here who pretty much stick to very few agency and indy.

I could have named you in my best moment of 2017 both getting a whipped cream bbbj at the same time by you know who ;)



Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Nice list Mr. P

I like the fact that you use many different agencies and indy as oppose to many (like me) here who pretty much stick to very few agency and indy.

Hehe! Thanks! :)
There are so many gem and good agencies here at MTL that It's difficult for me to stick to only few agencies like you!
But that also explain why I have too much ladies on my TDL! ;)

I just realized I forgot to list Unicorn for Best agency! Sorry Jasmine! I'll reedit my list!

I could have named you in my best moment of 2017 both getting a whipped cream bbbj at the same time by you know who ;)


LoL! :D

Chutttt! Don't tell my trick! ;)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Stay tuned / Reste branché

the official vote thread will open tonight.


Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Just for fun, completely subjective and only a little insane ... lol (and because I'm not allowed to put any of this in the official thread):

Best Accent: Elena XO (7)
Best Attitude: Tessa @ MM (2)
Best Auditory Support: Chelsea @ MM (1)
Best Body: Casey E. (2) [now Vogue]
Best Boobs (natural): Alena @ Elite (1)
Best Butt: Amanda XO (1)
Best CG: Sarah E. (1) [now Vogue]
Best DATY: Adriana @ MM (1)
Best DS: Chelsea @ MM (1)
Best "Goodbye kiss at the door": Elena XO
Best GFE: Mila E. (1) [innactive - but single best session of the year]
Best GND: Marina @ Elite (5)
Best Hair (brunette): Kiara XO (1)
Best Hair (blonde): Candice E. (6) [now Vogue]
Best "Heartbreaker-extraordinaire": Bella E. (3) [now XO]
Best "I-can't-believe-that-just-happened!": Mischa E. (1) [now Vogue]
Best Kisser: Elena XO
Best "Lana-Del-Rey-Is-Not-Available": Camila @ Elite (4)
Best "Most likely to be a Bond Girl": Nikki E. (4) [inactive]
Best Oral skills: Alice @ MM (1)
Best PSE: Kylie @ Elite (1)
Best Smile: Erika E. [Now Vogue] (1)
Best Tattoos: Alice @ MM
Most Charming: Alexis E. (3) [innactive]
Most Elegant: Elena XO
Most Engaging: Paige E. (3) [now Velvet Love]
Most Fun: Charlotte @ MM (2)
Most Sensual: Elena XO
Most Stylish: Emily @ MM (2) [inactive]
Nicest: Katia E. (3) [uncertain]
Prettiest: Kayla E. (2) [inactive]
Quickest point to Heaven: Katie XO (2)

And how I could I not have been mentioned:

Luna XO (1) [now as Indy Gaia]
Meghan XO (3)
Scarlett E. (2) [now XO]
Elissa @ MM (1)
Mia @ MM (1)
Shelly E. (2) [now XO]
Catherine XO (1)
Marilou XO (1) [now inactive]

* (#) = number of times seen


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Ho my god sorry to say but and I tough I was a pig haha!

Joke aside, very but very interesting. Love your choices and you opened my eyes on a few there!

So Meta I see that now you have practice a little bit, you are ready for Unicorn! ;)


Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Lol ... just a little bit, Jalimon, just a little bit ... lol.

It's either the unicorns, if they'll have me in 2018, or the looney bin, if they won't!

Thanks for doing this!


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017

I tough I was a old pig (some SP told me ) and I saw to many girls this year but looks like you beat me! ;)

Seriously, if you don't get tested on a regular base, It's really important you go get tested asap!! You never know!



Mannish Boy

Sep 12, 2011

Did I miss something in the official thread? I didn't see any mention of when the voting period ends.
Is it December 31st at midnight?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Salut Mannish,

If someone can let me know how it was done previously. For myself I just tough I would let it go until January 2 or 3 then check if we need to give another week or not depending on number of participants.

I will pull result and paste them on a spreadsheet on a regular basis that is why I wrote that deletes/updates to post will probably not be taken into accounts after a day or 2.

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