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The Unnofficial "Best of 2017" thread


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
I'm referencing here comment #92 above, not yours ...

Ahhh ok....too many people using the word "shame" in this thread, lol. Sorry dude, my bad :smile:


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
And again, maybe I'm mistaken, but I think Jalimon was the only guy to volunteer after a few days of no one else wanting to do it ....

I volunteered too (post #36 in It’s that time of the year again) but Mr. WillGill (actually banned) complaint that I was too Rookie here to take care of any best of thread!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
I volunteered too (post #36 in It’s that time of the year again) but Mr. WillGill (actually banned) complaint that I was too Rookie here to take care of any best of thread!!!!

Sixty-three posts (now) isn't bad. And it looks like you wrote at least one review this year.

Dunno...maybe you'd consider running the MP of the year award instead?


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Sixty-three posts (now) isn't bad. And it looks like you wrote at least one review this year.

I wrote 7 SP reviews so far since I joined in September this year with request/approval of the ladies!
I saw way more than 7 SP in the last 3 months but I'm a gentlemen and I don't review without SP approval.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
One of the local guys needs to step to the plate, suck it up and start the MP poll.

Doesn`t have to be a local guy. Past polls have been organized by out of have many parties.
Beav if you are so hot to trot why don`t you organize the MP poll ?


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Beav if you are so hot to trot why don`t you organize the MP poll ?
Lol!:pound: Cloudsurf, you make my day! :D

BTW, I can't recall anybody mentioned or complained about MP when we discussed about the form and rules for Best of the year vote last week in the following thread:

Personally I never been in any MP so far and I don't plan to be in a near future too so don't count on me to help with this.

I'm agree with Cloudsurf and Meta, those are complaining here about missing MP best of the year thread should set-up and start their own thread!


Mr. P


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Doesn`t have to be a local guy. Past polls have been organized by out of have many parties.
Beav if you are so hot to trot why don`t you organize the MP poll ?

Because there is a cadre or local guys who are sources of gold MP info backchannel and they aren’t stepping to the plate in this thread. They know way more than me, although probably not as much as Mr. P who is a know it all who had it all figured out after 65 posts.

I can’t out these b/c legends at risk of losing their intel. So my post was an exhortation and not a complaint Mr. Omnisicient P, not that you would know the difference.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I think people know by now I'm not on merb for everyone to like me and I'm not afraid of voicing my opinion, no matter if people disagree, if I sound like a bitch, if it makes me lose money... I dont care. Here.

EB, so far you're the only "know it all" on this forum. You keep calling people idiot and lazy and you're oh-so-proud of knowing every bit of merb history since the past 15 years. No one cares as much as you. I giggle everytime you post about merb history like your life depends on it. Like youre waiting for someone to throw flowers at you for spending 15 years on an escort review board and remembering every single thing that happened. If merb history knowledge is what makes your pride, you shouldnt be allowed to call people idiot. Some people know things about life, apparently you know things about merb and stupid lazy people. Fine. Now can you stop ? You're not superior to everyone. You're just a lawyer on an anonymous board. Get off your high horse. Constantly calling people lazy or idiot or trying to show how superior you are actually makes it seem like you lack confidence and you're trying to make up for it. Fucking behave. Bye.


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Oh Yes!!! Merci ma belle Julia! :clap2:

Non mais, enough is enough!!!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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No Julia, it’s because repetitive posting that shows ignorance rather than someone using the search function and figuring things out. Period. I don’t find this board as useful as I once did except for b/c with a few people who are very low profile. And Julia, you are engaging in name calling with someone you don’t even know and haven’t met. Did you bother asking Maria Divina or anyone else who has actually met me before taking shots at me? Obviously you aren’t here to win friends and influence people and in case you haven’t noticed, neither am I. What I have found annoying is the rash of more prolific posters who offer nothing. The real intel on this board comes from very low profile people and it is what it is. Anyway you calling me a loser for being on the board I guess also makes all posters who have been here since the beginning losers? Maybe we are just using the board for PM function, did you consider that?

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I'm not saying spending 15 years here makes someone a loser. I'm saying being way too proud of remember everything about it does. Calling people idiot and lazy also does.

I dont need to know who you are to have an opinion on how you behave and talk to people on an anonymous review board. Let that sink in.

I agree with you on a pletora of other subjects, but not right now. I don't agree with constantly trying to make people feel like theyre less than you or make them feel bad for whatever reason.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Hmm ... I feel a chill; fuck, it's cold on the Plateau this morning: -25 c.

Let's have a group hug and then concentrate on the bigger picture:!&highlight=Official+sp

I like your way of thinking ;)


p.s. minus 23 up north, but windchill effect makes it feel like minus 38 celcius. No wonder montreal is such a hobby heaven, surviving such temperature the only thing left to do is hide inside and fuck like rabbits!

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
And here I am sipping an iced latte :lol:

It is very cold indeed.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I'm not saying spending 15 years here makes someone a loser. I'm saying being way too proud of remember everything about it does. Calling people idiot and lazy also does.

I dont need to know who you are to have an opinion on how you behave and talk to people on an anonymous review board. Let that sink in.

I agree with you on a pletora of other subjects, but not right now. I don't agree with constantly trying to make people feel like theyre less than you or make them feel bad for whatever reason.

Your post is way off base. If you actually knew me which you don’t you would know it’s more of a telling it like it is because I have no need to nor do I feel superior to anyone here, although I do take offense to Mr. P claiming to be omnisicient about review histories and not at all knowing what they actually are. It’s a case of calling out someone who needed to be called out. Your post is unfortunately badly misdirected at the wrong person. I am not one of the bad guys here and any number of people in the business will tell you that. What my board persona is is irrelevant, and hopefully everyone realizes board persona and real life persona are two different things. And I am also not here posting to draw attention to myself although it occurred to me that you have figured out novel ways to do that. I hope it’s worked well for you.


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
EagerBeaver said:
And Julia, you are engaging in name calling with someone you don’t even know and haven’t met. Obviously you aren’t here to win friends and influence people and in case you haven’t noticed, neither am I. What I have found annoying is the rash of more prolific posters who offer nothing.
Hmm, sounds like you are talking about yourself!

EagerBeaver said:
Maybe we are just using the board for PM function, did you consider that?
PM like the one you sent two weeks ago to your good friend WillGill (actually banned) and CC me to talk about my attitude in another thread?

BTW, are you still hobbying? If not I think it's time for you to call a lady my dear friend!
I just went through your latest 240 post and I can't find one single detail SP review!


Mr. P
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Julia Forget about eb, it’s useless, i’m Sure in real life eb is a good person and means well. People r who they r. Anonymous boards just get the extra juices going and every thing written here should not affect u in anyway.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Mr. P,

I have no recollection of the PM you are talking about and I have no idea why WillGill was banned. Could you please forward to me the PM you claimed to have received? I don’t deny complaining about you- but don’t recall the PM you mentioned. Also, in the last year I think you are the only person I would have complained about although mainly based on one post.

To answer I do hobby and use PM to share intel just like a lot of people here. The most valuable posters are low profile. And like it that way.

This is a bunch of drama over nothing actually. It’s an anonymous messaging board. If anyone is insulted over comments directed at a fake handle time to get a life.


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Mr. P,

I have no recollection of the PM you are talking about and I have no idea why WillGill was banned. Could you please forward to me the PM you claimed to have received? I don’t deny complaining about you- but don’t recall the PM you mentioned. Also, in the last year I think you are the only person I would have complained about although mainly based on one post.

That PM has been sent to MOD and deleted a long time ago and you know very well which PM I'm talking about!

It's time for you to move on my friend! You want best of year MP threat then step-up or go see another thread!

Mr. P
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