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The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I downloaded the Excelsior Pass in NY for the vaccine passport. It uses the info that the state has recorded from you in their system and then shows that you've been vaccinated. it can also be used for confirmation of a negative COVID test. Like many, I'm not a big fan of having to use this if or when I have to. But, if it means that I can go to a baseball or hockey game in the near future (which it is required) I'm all in. Big problem for Florida is going to be the cruise ship industry. Remember way back when that cruise ships were considered floating petri dishes and it now looks like the only way that this industry can reboot itself would be through the confidence of really knowing people have been vaccinated. Only way to really do that is through a vaccine passport. The catch is that Florida is the home to many cruise ships so I wonder how this all plays out. Again, I'm not a fan of vaccine passports, but if it gets us all out of the house again I will use it if I must.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
It is really difficult to predict when Canada and the U.S. will open to fully vaccinated tourists.
Indeed! I think, it's possible to see things going forward around fall 2021. It will depend on % of people fully vaccinated ( 2 doses when requested) in USA and Canada. It will also depend of the situation in the hospitals. Here in Quebec, the health minister, Christian Dubé, is talking about a digital QR code to certify the vaccination. Of course, the ideal situation would be a consensus with Canada and USA. As for money running the show, I wouldn't be interested to visit a country where the situation is not "under control". Don't forget, no vaccine is 100% efficient. So exposing my health is not worth it. I did cancel a reservation for Mexico for next summer. I'm not afraid of the Mexican staff... I think they will be fully vaccinated in the "all included" hotels. I'm more aware of meeting peoples from all around the world if no vaccination proof is required. We already saw Canadians and others trying to get in with false COVID testing papers. Anyway, I'm not interested visiting USA, much attracted by Caribbean and Europe, just personal choice. No offense intended.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Actually very few cruise ships are registered in the United States.
Most are in little Caribbean countries were labour laws are lax and taxes even more.
Staff is mostly from the Philippines (about 60-70%) and India, with some from the Ukraine and Serbia.
Most other citizens from Eastern European countries don’t work on cruise ships anymore since they joined the European Union as wages are much better at home.

Norwegian cruise line has one registered in the US ( Pride of America) that sails strictly around Hawaii and prices are much higher as they have to pay the staff much more and taxes are much higher for them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Cruise ships may not be registered in the states but they certainly use our ports of entry.
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Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
I downloaded the Excelsior Pass in NY for the vaccine passport. It uses the info that the state has recorded from you in their system and then shows that you've been vaccinated. it can also be used for confirmation of a negative COVID test. Like many, I'm not a big fan of having to use this if or when I have to. But, if it means that I can go to a baseball or hockey game in the near future (which it is required) I'm all in. Big problem for Florida is going to be the cruise ship industry. Remember way back when that cruise ships were considered floating petri dishes and it now looks like the only way that this industry can reboot itself would be through the confidence of really knowing people have been vaccinated. Only way to really do that is through a vaccine passport. The catch is that Florida is the home to many cruise ships so I wonder how this all plays out. Again, I'm not a fan of vaccine passports, but if it gets us all out of the house again I will use it if I must.
got my ny vaccine passport also. in the past my experience with state websites has not been good, so i was surprised how easy it was to download the app and access my vaccination information. i will be happy to use the passport if the opportunity presents itself.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
A buddy of mine was recently going to a Yankee game and wasn't let in because even though he had been vaccinated, his second dose was less than 2 weeks prior. Could you imagine getting turned away from a baseball game because of that? I guess he should of checked the fine print on his ticket.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

To travel to certain countries, we need to receive vaccines.

Canada is considering making an anti-covid vaccine passport mandatory for travel, as several countries are already doing and will do.

Biggie Smalls

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2019
Indeed! I think, it's possible to see things going forward around fall 2021. It will depend on % of people fully vaccinated ( 2 doses when requested) in USA and Canada. It will also depend of the situation in the hospitals. Here in Quebec, the health minister, Christian Dubé, is talking about a digital QR code to certify the vaccination. Of course, the ideal situation would be a consensus with Canada and USA. As for money running the show, I wouldn't be interested to visit a country where the situation is not "under control". Don't forget, no vaccine is 100% efficient. So exposing my health is not worth it. I did cancel a reservation for Mexico for next summer. I'm not afraid of the Mexican staff... I think they will be fully vaccinated in the "all included" hotels. I'm more aware of meeting peoples from all around the world if no vaccination proof is required. We already saw Canadians and others trying to get in with false COVID testing papers. Anyway, I'm not interested visiting USA, much attracted by Caribbean and Europe, just personal choice. No offense intended.
I live in USA and Im not interested in visiting it. No offense taken.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Moi, je suis totalement contre l'apartheid sanitaire. C'est créer 2 catégories de citoyens avec des droits différents. En plus, c'est encore un vaccin expérimental
Hum...après des millions de doses, je ne crois plus que c’est de l’expérimentation. Jamais vu autant de vaccinés suivis d’aussi près. Ça fait plus de cent ans que les vaccins sont dans le décors. Sans eux, certaines maladies auraient ravagé et décimé une partie significative de la population. Maintenant, l’enjeux plus que le retour à la normal est de donner du répit au personnel soignant.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Moi, je suis totalement contre l'apartheid sanitaire. C'est créer 2 catégories de citoyens avec des droits différents. En plus, c'est encore un vaccin expérimental

Personally i am really against the vaccine passport in a domestic form. I think thats what Hydargoos meant the most. When it comes to traveling, yes some country require vaccines for many different things, and i could see in the next 2-3 days that countries would require Covid vaccine before enterering, at least to skip a 2 week quarantine etc. I think down the line it should be waived when Covid goes back to the stage of regular flu (wich it should be be) after those 2-3 years, and personally having never traveled, i can wait a few more years.

BUT vaccine passeport for domestic stuff? Like movie theatre, restaurants? Hell NAW !!! That would be a form of segregation. I could MAYBE see it pushed for the first year of the return of big events like comiccon and music shows(because for having done them, i know everybody is stock piled on everybody), altough it would make me frustrated and sad to miss them, but if its only for the first year ok i guess, just to make sure Covid regress back to a regular form of flu like we been living with for years, but mundane stuff no !!

Ultimately yes this is STILL an experimental vaccine and we don't know the long term effects. Im sure that 70% at least of the popular will willingly take it even if some of them only do to "get done with it and please the govs" and therefore the disease will regress to a similar stade as influenza. There will be a few cases here and there, even some deaths, but the health care system should be able to handle it. Cause ultimately lets not forget the only reason Covid is what it is in Quebec and Canada is because our health care system is SHIT ! It can't handle 200 peoples in intensive care beside being millions in the province. There is litteraly 120 peoples in intensive care at the moment and 500 overall hospitalized (and lots of them are simply in observation) and we are STILL having a curfew and extreme measures... Like litteraly liberty infringing measures, for 120 peoples in intensive care... wich is nuts.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Some places are bribing people with lottery type events to win prizes if they take the vaccine.....WTF!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
^^^^^ Some places are bribing people with lottery type events to win prizes if they take the vaccine.....WTF!
I saw something about free burgers and fries at some place in the US, taught it was a joke, but i guess not lol

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yes I read that.

The Republican governor revealed on Wednesday that people who get at least one shot of the COVID-19 vaccine will automatically be entered in a lottery to win $1 million.

Although more than half of U.S. adults have received at least one dose of coronavirus vaccine, more than 40 percent (44) of Republicans have consistently told pollsters they’re not planning to be vaccinated — a group that could threaten efforts to tamp down the virus’s spread, public health officials fear.

And only 8% for Democrats.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
WTF, vaccination is free pretty much everywhere in the world.
Yes we need vaccination passports, those who do not want to get vaccinated can simply stay the fuck home not go to restaurants or movies or anywhere that it will be required, they want to make that choice fine live with it.
There are some people here that were perfectly willing to lock up all the old people so they could ” enjoy life to the fullest“ but now bristle when the shoe is on the other foot and they may not be allowed to do things if they don’t get vaccinated.
We have had vaccination requirements for a long time when you go to certain countries, you better believe I got all my required shots when I went to China, never know when they will serve you a disguised bat burger.
I don’t want to be on a plane or in an airport sitting next to a person who is not vaccinated and not wearing a mask.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
WTF, vaccination is free pretty much everywhere in the world.
Yes we need vaccination passports, those who do not want to get vaccinated can simply stay the fuck home not go to restaurants or movies or anywhere that it will be required, they want to make that choice fine live with it.
There are some people here that were perfectly willing to lock up all the old people so they could ” enjoy life to the fullest“ but now bristle when the shoe is on the other foot and they may not be allowed to do things if they don’t get vaccinated.
We have had vaccination requirements for a long time when you go to certain countries, you better believe I got all my required shots when I went to China, never know when they will serve you a disguised bat burger.
I don’t want to be on a plane or in an airport sitting next to a person who is not vaccinated and not wearing a mask.
Fradi I agree with you 100%.

If I remember the last time I went to the restaurant, it was March 01, 2020.

In short, that more than a year that I had not socialized, in real life. Since I have been vaccinated I have felt myself come back to life.

I was rather moderate on this question, but today the time has come to assert myself.

Yes for vaccination, yes for the vaccine passport , and that the speudos protecting individual freedoms go and be seen.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
BUT vaccine passeport for domestic stuff? Like movie theatre, restaurants? Hell NAW !!! That would be a form of segregation. I could MAYBE see it pushed for the first year of the return of big events like comiccon and music shows(because for having done them, i know everybody is stock piled on everybody), altough it would make me frustrated and sad to miss them, but if its only for the first year ok i guess

How about the Montreal metro ?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
How about the Montreal metro ?
I think alone Hospitals its a place it make sense, because peoples are very sandwiched there especially during peak hours. Im not against it there. Also you rarely spent more than 20 mins in subway at one time.

What bothers me is mandating it everywhere all the time.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
What bothers me is mandating it everywhere all the time.
From what I understand, what bothers you is your freedom?

The day where you will understand that this is for the good of all, I hope you will realize it?

We live in society and we must respect the freedom of the majority.
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