Montreal Escorts

Things You Like That You Can't Get Anymore

Rod Blagojevich

New Member
Jan 18, 2011
Your little jack knife in your pant flies open when the busty teacher pulls your head on her bosoms.

The sight of that poor guy on the back of the salt truck in the cold winter months that stops at the intersection of your street and throws a shovel full of salt on the street.


Mar 28, 2007
Fresh material from Bob and Doug MacKenzie, eh?

Ah it's ALL new material when you haven't seen it for 30 years. I'm currently re-watching some of The Flintstones. As an earlier poster mentioned he missed watching at Fred, Wilma, Barney, Betty and Dino at lunch time. I did that too in grade school, but now most episodes are pretty well new to me (the show went downhill when Pebbles and Bam Bam were added.) Bob and Doug were such hosers!

Someone else mentioned Brador beer and paying hardly anything. I'll add John Labatt Classic to that list. Both Brador and JLC had foil over the bottle cap. Something about that that made it special.

Someone else mentioned a big 'ol inefficient carbureator (maybe a 400 cubic inch, 4 barrel) where you could SMELL the raw gas spilling as your head snapped back when you hit the gas peddle. Yeah I miss that too, five bucks and you could drive all night. I also miss being able to identify the make and year or nearly any car on the road right away. Now I can't tell if it is a Hyundai and a Lexus.


Mar 28, 2007
Lately, I've been missing windows XP, now that I am stuck with Windows 8.
I also miss being blissfully ignorant of weekend company or personal emails. It was nice to claim that you only check email every few days - not so plausible in 2014 with smartphones.

I miss getting individual ketchup packets in fast food restaurants. Lately, everywhere makes you fill up little cups from a communal ketchup pump.

I miss the days when I could put whatever I wanted out on garbage day, and as many bags as I wanted. Now, I have to take bags and put them within other bags to meet the limit. Same amount of trash, but I have to "pretty it up" for the garbageman.

I miss male sportcasters. Now it is mostly women coming up through the ranks to make up for their exclusion in the past. They are usually less pretty than the weather girls who have disappeared so that men can be weather girls, sigh.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I miss male sportcasters. Now it is mostly women coming up through the ranks to make up for their exclusion in the past. They are usually less pretty than the weather girls who have disappeared so that men can be weather girls, sigh.

Yes, I noticed that the Yankees have some woman doing play-by-play. Sorry but I can't stand listening to the tone of her voice during a ballgame. Let her do woman's fast pitch softball. enough already.


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
Original Montreal Pool Room
Pimps Kook Juice
Ben's Smoke Meat and their Latkes with sour cream
Maple Leaf chips in the little waxed envelope..
Pong Tennis in Brasseries
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