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Thoughts about Onlyfans


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I think there are different strategies in onlyfans creators.
I would not trust most girls advertising their onlyfans on Ad's sites like humpchies. Too much scams...
On merb, I believe every onlyfans ads are legits. But pricing varies and I guess content varies too.

I know girls that will charge 3$ per month, they put few teasing pics and videos at that price but you have to pay more (tips) to get the real stuff.
Others, charge 20$ per month, they put more kinky stuff at no extra charge.
And there are the HDH who charge 20+ month and you get almost nothing kinky... everything or almost is extra...
One girl I know who's doing this as her primary job now since almost a year is amazingly succesfull, having over 800 fans!!!
She put's a lot of work (investing time and money) into this though...
This is the problem as NOT all girls are able to take the time to upload new contents daily, promoting, taking the time to answer messages, taking requests etc...

It's difficult to understand how this virtual sex work can be successfull as myself, and probably many that give their opinions here, are not into that at all.
But I must admit, that knowing a couple of girls having success with this, that there is a market for sure.
And I'm glad for the girls...
I just hope that not all SPs will change for virtual indefinitely :-D, and will come back offering the real thing.

The only time I would pay for virtual stuff would be to encourage an ATF or SP that I met several times and that I like a lot.
I already give away some charturbate tokens to encourage an ATF.
I recently sent a etransfer to an ATF and she sends me pics (no face) on snapchat and 5 sec videos (no Face).
Totally useless for me really, but at least, we keep in touch and I'm happy to help her somehow.

I've never went on onlyfans, But I might try eventually... but only to encourage one or two atf's... Because, I can't jerk watching or even sexting or live videos... But with X-VIDEO, 5 min and I'm done :)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
It's only for me.

As for Onlyfans, I am not interested. Why, because paying to watch girls on a screen is not my cup of tea.
I can see as many as I want in all kinds of situations, for free. This is for videos.

For texting, pay to do that, never. By cons I understand those who do that, they surely have a lot of money.
Even if I consider myself privileged, I think that this way of doing things would not bring me any satisfaction, besides I find that texting with my friends, my children, the family is much more pleasant.
I also find that some escorts exaggerate prices.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Actually looks pretty interesting. Exclusive content. Get to see the girls faces and you can request specific things
I can’t join because of family situation. But could see the allure


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
All these platforms OnlyFans, SnapChat, etc... are just fantasy and dreams guys ! all these pictures and videos are turning in your head and in your imagination ! you can't feel, can't touch, can't F** the gal. All u can do is to jerk urself ! not for me for sure ! they are $ traps ! stay away guys ! Once you pay the subscription, the gal can lock you out anytime, and you are done! :fish:


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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It's good business......

I applaud you for making an effort to continue to support yourself through onlyfans and the idea of a lower initial price to attract and the hopefully retain those clients makes sense, my only problem is the lack of interactivity . I understand that to have an interactive connection with clients would require more time and obviously then a higher charge but the competition is the free video market. I would rather save the money and spend time with an SP like rosedelacourt once this is all over than pay for a service that I feel I wouldn't really have much satisfaction using


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Albacor, what you say doesn't make sense. Our goal is to sustain a regular clientele and support ourselves. We don't ''lock people out'' after they've paid. I don't know which girl you've followed on Onlyfans, but I haven't heard of any girl doing that. My goal is always to keep my fans happy and have them renew. OF COURSE THEY'RE A FANTASY... THEY'RE PORN??? That's literally what porn is...And it's huge profitable business, so clearly people like jerking off to girls they can't feel nor touch...

Doggyluver, what do you mean by lack of interactivity? Any girl who is remotely successful on OF will take the time to answer your messages, your comments, takes requests. That's how you build a clientele. Personally a lot of clients have chosen to follow me there to support me a little in this crisis (15$ is not a lot, but means a lot to me). They get a chance to chat with me every day and look at the content I put on there. I miss them and they miss me. I much prefer in-person work, but that's the best I've got right now unfortunately.

Unclebob, you got it right! One has to find what works best for her market. Is it a lower subscription rate and lots of PPV videos? Is it a higher subscription rate and a lot of XXX things on the wall? It also goes with the girl's clientele and personality. A lot of girls are successful on OF and it allows them the luxury to support themselves and their families in this crisis. And yes you're right, a lot of my clients are not necessarily into porn or video stuff, but they want to support me a little so they've followed me. Most of them are regulars whom I would see several times a month or such. It allows us to keep in touch and excited to be in each other's arms again :)

Bianca Jaguar

Passionately addictive
May 20, 2013
I agree with you Rose...

Yes there are free porn...obviously guys that subscribe to an OF page, it's for that lady in particular...most of my content is free once you subscribe but yes at times some will post a pay per view that is unique or fetish...I do post a list of extras so guys know. Yes to keep your subscribers you have to be engaged and treat each and every one in a unique special way...well that's how i do it ;)

Happy Covid wednesday ;)
Bianca aka fitcougar50 :)


Dec 22, 2006
Moi j’ai découvert olyfan au début de la crise car je voulais trouvé un moyen d’aider certaine demoiselles que je vois régulièrement dans ma région (ville de québec). Mais aussi je m’abonne a des pages de demoiselle que j’ai l’intention de voir (québec ou montréal). J’ai même fait quelques rencontre skype mais toujours avec comme principe que c’est une fille que je connais ou que j’ai l’intention de rencontrer au retour à la normal.

Au pire je trouve ca amusant mais disons que je commence à être au bout de ma chaine :der:

En passant les indy sont assez facile a trouvé sur olyfan mais les filles d’agence connu sont plus difficile (même si j’ai réussi a en trouvé quelques unes). Si des fois y’en a qui en connaissent faite moi signe en p.m.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
A gal posts:

1/ Pic of me eating spaghetti $5
2/ Pic of me gargling soup $7
3/ Pic of me fitting as much as chicken snuggles in my mouth $10
4/ Screenshot of no one texting me $5
5/ Video of me getting good night sleep $20
6/ Video of me having midlife crises $25
7/ Custom screaming mix $30
8/ Feet Pic $50

Who wants to subscribe?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
1. nope
2. what is that?
3. nah
4. boring
5. more boring
6. Ok I am up for that, where to I subscribe?
7. no way
8. yeark!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Here is the logical continuation

9 / Pic of my breast $ 100
10 / Pic of my enlarged nipples $ 200
11 / Pic of my clitoris $ 250
12 / Pic of my sex $ 500

Do you think I will subscribe? :nono:


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
Here is a video with the inside scoop from an upscale Toronto escort. She made $7867 CAN in 12 days after subtracting the 20% onlyfans cut. But seems like she is well-known in the Toronto hobby scene and works a lot on her social media presence. Have to admit her voice is sexy.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I been following the scene a lot since the start of covid19 and the issue i see with "virtual gfe" is that its almost as expensive as real ones. Obviously i always supported that escorts can charge what they want but i personally won't pay 150/200h for virtual when i can have (in normal times) real sex for 220/240. That being said i may not be the target as i see one girl every 2/3 months anyway. The dude who book twice a week minimum is... HE is findind it long by now... lol.

Its the same for onlyfans. There is some girls i follow and seen charge 50US for 2mins of vids... CMON lol. A brazzers subs is like 30$ a month and i get a gigantic backlog. Yes i want to see YOU but not at that price.

Like everything price is psychological too. I been renting/buying a lot more on my xbox the past 2 months because they had tons of sales. Rents at 1/3$ and purchase at 5$. Renting at 7$ for me is just NO. Bottom line i rented more in $ but i felt i had my money's worth.

There is a lot of onlyfans ppv or manyvids etc i would buy for 10$/15mins of vids if i knew quality is there. But 2mins for 50$... huh nah sorry.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2011
I heard If you go to youtube and type in onlyfans hack you can get VIP for free and see all the profiles for free on ONLYFANS. Has anyone tried and does it work? Let us know.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^ Why don't you try it and let us know?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
never bored, thanks for the shoutout :) honestly I love doing online work, but it does take a lot of discipline and time. I wouldn't choose that over in-person work even if I technically could. I know a lot of providers prefer in-person as well. We're not going anywhere!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
park place.. what the hell? Why would you try and ripoff girls like that. We know it's a risk, but why encourage people to do it. We work really hard for our content.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2011
I never tried it I just heard about it. Its like downloading movies or music. People always find ways to get free stuff in life without paying for it. Go to you tube and type in Onlyfans Hack.

Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
Here is a video with the inside scoop from an upscale Toronto escort. She made $7867 CAN in 12 days after subtracting the 20% onlyfans cut. But seems like she is well-known in the Toronto hobby scene and works a lot on her social media presence. Have to admit her voice is sexy.

Having been active in Toronto for 20 years trying to keep up on TER etc had never heard of her. Looking up her website she is very high end so I would not have been interested. She seems very sharp business person on the Youtube link. Posts about every day on Twitter etc. I am not really a video fan and not interested in Onlyfans. But more power to her if she can make that much money, she obviously attacks lots of fans.
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