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To the johns: what is the most sex partners you've had in one day?


Jun 27, 2008
when i was deeply involved in the biz some of the men i met were oh so sweet. then there were those who would talk about other johns like they were their enemies but i discovered after that the very johns they were dissing were by very fact their friends. im bringing it up in this thread that's because some of the very same johns in this thread who professes to have been with 4, 5, or so sps in a day are not only the very same ones stabbing their friends in the backs and believe me when i say this, once was more than some could handle


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
when i was deeply involved in the biz some of the men i met were oh so sweet. then there were those who would talk about other johns like they were their enemies but i discovered after that the very johns they were dissing were by very fact their friends. im bringing it up in this thread that's because some of the very same johns in this thread who professes to have been with 4, 5, or so sps in a day are not only the very same ones stabbing their friends in the backs and believe me when i say this, once was more than some could handle

Ah those White Knights. LOL.

Remember communicating with a few of those. They ask who you have met. Then they go and meet the girl(s) you recommended. If they fall for any one of them or a number of them at the same time this could mean trouble. The next time you communicate with them their tone and manner would be quite different. This is the start of some major drama to come. Hopefully the communication is only electronic and not face to face.

Or even worse you seen the girl for free and only just to hang out for a meal or just coffee. They think there is something more between you and the lady and you are automatically labeled as public enemy #1 in their minds. After a few of these instances I learned and realized that a few bros see this not just a hobby but to pursue some sort of relationship with these women. Very Tucker Max worthy material. LOL.


Jun 27, 2008
Ah those White Knights. LOL.

white knights, yeah right. sucker in every pile

Or even worse you seen the girl for free and only just to hang out for a meal or just coffee. They think there is something more between you and the lady and you are automatically labeled as public enemy #1 in their minds. After a few of these instances I learned and realized that a few bros see this not just a hobby but to pursue some sort of relationship with these women. Very Tucker Max worthy material. LOL.

i've used to get together for dinners & coffee plenty but free ? nothing is free, just another way of putting my marketing plus public communication 101 skills to benefit me down the road. and i got a free meal.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

I have a anecdote about a guy seeing many escorts in the same evening ,
This happened about 22 to 23 years ago .
The client was a vet he had a Vet Hospital ,he was seeing 5 or 6 of my girls every night ,he did so for 4 to 5 months until he realized that none of the escorts he was seeing would be is girlfriend in real life .
But the girls reported he was talking more then anything else ,,some type of interview .Lol




Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
white knights, yeah right. sucker in every pile

i've used to get together for dinners & coffee plenty but free ? nothing is free, just another way of putting my marketing plus public communication 101 skills to benefit me down the road. and i got a free meal.


Translation: I need f*ck sticks and their $$$$$ because I am broke. Website and donations coming soon.

Welcome back!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
when i was deeply involved in the biz some of the men i met were oh so sweet. then there were those who would talk about other johns like they were their enemies but i discovered after that the very johns they were dissing were by very fact their friends. im bringing it up in this thread that's because some of the very same johns in this thread who professes to have been with 4, 5, or so sps in a day are not only the very same ones stabbing their friends in the backs and believe me when i say this, once was more than some could handle

da man kinda agree with you helene. but at one point all men can be sweet if the need arises. but johns are johns and men are men. dissing other johns whether under the impression they were bros or not is part of thee territory, if ya know what i mean. some may not mean it and do it to look cool, others simply dont give a shit and yo prefer putting blame elsewhere. but life is what life is and yo just gotta go with the flow, sista. If ya dont my main man biggie would say yo fucked.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
i've used to get together for dinners & coffee plenty but free ? nothing is free, just another way of putting my marketing plus public communication 101 skills to benefit me down the road. and i got a free meal.

Yo sista me agree nothin' for free in these parts. Yo get or want affection from bro or sis this usually means ulterior motive involved without bro or sis even knowing it or communicating it. usually benefit sis who is wise. usually opposite for sis who is not and believes everything bros tell her to get her positives vibes. this sucks of course but when bros and sis look around, this comes with the territory and it ain't no different in the giant game of life. peace sis, ya make valid points and this bro agrees with ya.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Personally, I don't really have much faith in the accuracy of the stories in this thread...;)

LOL. Well for those who can honestly pull off seeing 4/5 ladies a day and shoot twice with each of them, mad respect. For those who just paid them to talk and doing this as some form of bragging rights, keep it up! Ha ha. This well attract new talent into this thinking this would be easy money.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
LOL. Well for those who can honestly pull off seeing 4/5 ladies a day and shoot twice with each of them, mad respect. For those who just paid them to talk and doing this as some form of bragging rights, keep it up! Ha ha. This well attract new talent into this thinking this would be easy money.

Me just went down my list and it shows da numbers actually being four. Da third one according to my list shows she was not able to get any bullets from the gun, while number four persisted and proved that peristence often succeeds in the big game of life. but da list also shows some oral was involved so this must count also right? Oh the stupid things we did when we were young! Respect, bros...respect.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
white knights, yeah right. sucker in every pile

i've used to get together for dinners & coffee plenty but free ? nothing is free, just another way of putting my marketing plus public communication 101 skills to benefit me down the road. and i got a free meal.

Tell you what. It is definitely all part as a marketing ploy with some emotional manipulation thrown in for the girl to keep a predictable consistent cash flow and client list. For the SP if she plays this incorrectly without an end game, she can get herself into deep shit. As for the bro, he thinks he is some special delicate snowflake on cloud nine forgetting this is all pay to play. I have heard my fair share of idiot hobbyist/SP stories directly from some of these over the top guys. Yet they are not as bad as the ones I dealt with where some regular Joe who got into civilian relationships with women who are perceived to be out of their league. The hobbyist emotional butt hurt will just last for weeks or just a few months. The civilian ones last for years and soul crushing too.

So yeah nothing is for free.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Yes we should talk about Obama Care or why Elmer Fudd have such a big head.

Yeah back to topic people!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Personally, I don't really have much faith in the accuracy of the stories in this thread...;)

..........................................:nono: Some seem reasonable and some welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I myself have pulled off a hat trick a few times now, but to tell the truth, it was not as gratifying as if i just spent the whole day with just one beautiful and very open minded young lady, making love to the same woman 3 or 4 times in a day, was more exciting, by the third time, we knew what we wanted from each other and no awkwardness and especially when she initiated the activity in a very risky atmosphere(in a park, on a picnic table with joggers whizzing by, you get the picture) , anyway, i guess my answer would be 3....

Thor Jr


Jun 27, 2008
Alright, enough with the drama! Time to get back on topic, comprende? This is getting way too serious....and especially off-topic! ;)

hows this off topic ? you chose the thread "To the johns: what is the most sex partners you've had in one day? & im saying that some posting of their manly exploits are not exactly correct based on my experience. i see no drama in countering.


Jul 15, 2015
To answer the original question: 3: 2 girls and myself!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Doc, if you really do believe that "helene" is who you think it is, then you realise you just called him "dear", right? :eek:

As far as the thread goes i think 2, as in a duo (Kate and Brooke) that i was (willingly) forced into while one of the GG parties was going on lol....What a pair for a first ever duo experience :faint:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc, if you really do believe that "helene" is who you think it is, then you realise you just called him "dear", right? :eek:

What can i say? We're 2015, right?? Haven't i ever referred to you as my dear friend? :D

far as the thread goes i think 2, as in a duo (Kate and Brooke) that i was (willingly) forced into while one of the GG parties was going on lol....What a pair for a first ever duo experience :faint:

Yeah, i remember that night. I remember thinking "Poor guy. He got caught by total surprise. Not even time to pop a blue pill! :lol:
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