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To the johns: what is the most sex partners you've had in one day?


Jul 15, 2015
Two girls & Miss Rosey? Now that's impressive only if you're past the age of 40. ;)

What about 60?
And you know, with age all is a matter of quality, not quantity. Just like aged wine!
When you can make a beautiful 19 years old cum just once, what else can you ask or be proud of!
As you mentionned yourself in the introductory post, and I do agree:

Now i'm more laid-back and take my time appreciating every single encounter that i'm privileged to be able to afford. It's no longer a track's no longer the Sex Olympic Games, so to speak.

I would say i'ts now more like: La tournée des Chateaux de La Loire with wine tasting at each stop!


Jun 27, 2008
Doc, if you really do believe that "helene" is who you think it is, then you realise you just called him "dear", right? :eek:

Excuse me sir, but I am not a " Him" nor a "deer". maybe I should come to vip 3 or 4 or 5 or whatever number vip we are at now, and we will see. and just to let you all know I been doing very good so far. I already picked up 6 dates. :eyebrows: Now all you horny pigs better not cancel on me because of a few doubters. Do it and on the blacklist you go.

Why don't you pigs pick up the phone and call elfies Bitches. You do 5 bitches and its free or almost fee, just a small elfie Administration charge :nod:

helene aka "Elf FULLY BOOKED"


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009

Elf Bitches Foreva!

So much for that website.

Ha ha. Them sleeper nicks. Gosh darn. This would be quite hilarious if the Elf just kept going instead of revealing himself so fast.

As for the real Helene/Karma, I wonder if she is still that nut job today as she was back then. Man did she suckered many folks who turn things into something you find in some mating documentary in the Animal Channel. LOL.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Ha ha. Them sleeper nicks. Gosh darn. This would be quite hilarious if the Elf just kept going instead of revealing himself so fast.

He still has one more handle going now, just waiting for the mods to catch it, then he will pull out another one.
Five. Four SP's then my wife.

Yeah, I know... ancient thread resurrected from the dead to roam MERB zombie-like.

Now that would be six. Five SP's then my wife.

I haven't been to Montreal in 2 years and that followed a 3-year hiatus. I neglected to post a trip report or reviews from that last trip, and have been more-or-less out of the the flow of things on MERB for quite some time.

New trip report and reviews coming soon.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Just reading some of the above posts ...

... do elfs really count? And if so, what about dwarfs and hobbits, too ... ?

Asking for a friend,


Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
Visit site
Well, since the thread's back --

Two girls in one day is my top. I've done this three times. The last time was the day after seeing another girl, so that would be three in two days.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Mine is 3 all at Le Gent, Jada, Summer & Christine.
The cialis kicked in well that night.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

But there was also 3 other dudes at the same time. To what I recall each guy fuck each girl at least once.

Does that count?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
2 is (still) the max for me.

I don't really think it would be "worth it" to go at 3 unless i do 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon and 1 in the evening... Something to have plenty of time to recharge and get hornyness level back. It would need extreme timing to happen.

I would prefer personally to have 1 in the evening and one in the morning before leaving, something like that. But funny enough i did had 2 in the same day (1 late morning, 1 afternoon) this year for the first time in years. But it happened due to circonstance. Lets say things didn't go as plan that trip. My buddy wich i made the trip with for a show refused i see escorts on that day. So had to reschedule/cancel my initial plans. It ended up costing me more on hotel since i had to rent a room the next day and well... lets say it turn out great considering it could had gone completely ape shit. Thanks Jasmine and Hanna from Unicorn for that :)
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Are you starting a club?

Yea a club of one!

Actually the most I ever did before seeing sp’s was one at a time.
Since I started late in life seeing les femmes de joie, I had to curtail my ambitions
However my max was 4 and popped 5 times in a 16h period, I was very surprised
That I was capable of this.
However since then I’ve never booked more than 2 per day and 90% of the time
One SP on that day.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
2 in 1 day.
had sex 12 in 1 day at 28 yrs old if that counts for anything.
come to think of it i was on testeserone injections for bodybuilding
other than that back then 3-5x a day was the max
present age
1x is enough usually

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I saw 2 girls in one day a couple of times. Last time was actually last month, had been a while since i had done it. But a threesome is still on my bucket list.

Once i saw 4 girls in 2 days at 2 girls a day. I had a pretty lucrative job that summer (compare to my usual schtick) and while i was in Mtl with pockets full i "exagerated" a bit lol. Still i had a lot of fun, every girl was great.
Dec 22, 2017
I saw 2 girls in one day just once (Victoria Mini and Jennifer).

Victoria Mini had a lot of energy and she left me exhausted after the session. I took a nap and when I woke up I saw that Jennifer was on schedule and it was her first day at XO so I booked her in the evening the same day.
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