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Trump in Europe


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

i never said they are all the same, I said they are all scumbags and luckily we live in countries where the people will only stand so much until they get rid of them.

Obviously both you and Valcazar are anti Trump and criticize everything he does, had Hilary won there would be an equal amount of Republicans calling her a total idiot and bad for America.
Perhaps that is the very reason these scum bags are kept in check and can only do so much damage before they are outed.

I am not a Trump fan but I certainly wouldn’t have held Hilary’s arms up in victory either had she won.
I don’t get so exited over North American politics, the main reason is I come from a country where there was no vote for 50 years and people would have given their lives for a real one.
I don’t get that over exited about politics here as the changes in the last 20 years in government here in Canada hasn’t really changed my lifestyle to any noteworthy point at all, whether it is Harper or that dick JT.

You guys bitch and complain no matter who is in power but reality is that even with all these scumbag politicians and all their faults
you are still living in a country that millions would give anything to take your place.

Not such a bad life when you can bitch about your President and then turn around and take your pick of which SP you are going to spend the next hour or two with.

Have you ever lived in refugee camps, know what it is like to live on bread and sugar and water for months.
Did you ever start new lives with nothing not knowing the language, yet it is easy to call someone ignorant because they don’t agree with you ( I didn’t mean you obviously).

WTF Trump won learn to live with it, you will have your chance at the next vote, even he can’t fuck America up to the point that it won’t remain one of the best places to live in this world.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
So all things being equal the competent, knowledgeable <...> lady should have beaten the guy who can't buy a fucking clue with all the money he has.

So, to sum it up: the smart, competent, knowledgeable lady lost to a blithering idiot who can't buy a fucking clue with all the money he has. Come to think of it, that makes perfect sense. Obviously, any regular person would have beaten the blithering idiot hands down. And it took all of Hillary's extraordinarily powerful intellect to develop (and execute) a brilliant strategy that would lead her down a narrow path to defeat.

Thank you for clearing that up.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Fradi, that was a lot to unpack. You merely rambled about a bunch of things that had nothing to do with if politicians are the same or scumbags or not. I'd have to write a tome to address everything. But I'll pick a few.

- I wouldn't have held my arms up in victory for a Hillary win either. I would have been happy the marginally better person won and that's it. I purposefully mentioned that they were both unliked. There was a reason newspapers who haven't endorsed a Democrat in nearly a century picked her over him.

- Every one here is at a certain level of comfort that affords us the luxury of opining about politics and deciding on what SP to see next. We're all at a higher level on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and as such, we do it because we can. That includes you. Whether I live in a country that allows me to that is irrelevant. It so happens that there are many people in this rich country that can't begin to waste money on sex because they are merely getting by. I only have the good fortune of being able to. A few weeks ago, my workplace was asking for food donations for a school's food pantry: because the only way some families can eat is by getting free food from their school's pantry.

Sounds like you lived in a place where democracy wasn't well established. I get your casual dismissal of politicians. I lived in Nigeria for an extended period of time. It didn't matter who came into power because people wanted a job in politics just to raid the public coffers too. That's why I said in a country with an established democracy, not every politician is a scumbag. It doesn't mean we don't have self-serving, stealing or power-hungry politicians. You can find at least one of each kind in every country. But some people actually give a shit.

I hope you're right that Trump can't fuck up America enough before the next election. In the meantime, we'll just have to contend with the rolled back environmental regulations (clean water, air, death from particulate matter don't care if you're a Democrat or Republican), relaxed auto fuel economy (which affects a gajillion car owners of all political affiliations), unnecessary tariffs (which hike the price for everyone) or emulating all the worst aspects of all those places that don't have a rich history of democracy. It sounds like complaining on bits and bytes, but it is essentially about what type of lives we'll live in the future because of what we're doing-- or failing to do.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

Yes I rambled on a bit, but let me summarize my ramblings for you.
With all its faults and scumbag politicians ( no I haven’t changed my mind about this) luckily we both live in countries, where despite them anybody who is willing to put in the effort and work can make a decent life for themselves and their family no matter who is in power. Democrats, Republicans, Liberals or Conservatives.

I believe in the people’s right to chose not the power hungry, self serving politician what ever colour he is wearing at the time which tends to change to serve his purpose, wasn’t Trump a Democrat before ( was he a better person then).

You make your own luck in life.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
I believe in the people’s right to chose not the power hungry, self serving politician what ever colour he is wearing at the time which tends to change to serve his purpose, wasn’t Trump a Democrat before ( was he a better person then).

Ahh. So it seems you are arguing against ideological sorting? As you point out, Trump was a Democrat in the past because being Republican in NYC high society was vulgar (even if you bekirvednin the policy)

It's like Rhode Island, where there are no Repubicans so people who label as Democrats are cover the right wing votes.

Mind you, that means you need to research ideology and how it can be implemented


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Mind you, that means you need to research ideology and how it can be implemented

I don’t need to research squat, I will let you intellectuals do that.
I have lived under communism, and in several countries and many different governments, I have never met a politician I would trust or consider anything else other than a scumbag out for power and fame or to fill his own pockets.
The only difference between them is the amount that they will screw you for, and because of that I reserve my right to vote and excersize it without fail.
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