Passionne , don`t forget that Director Comey contradicted some of Clinton`s effect calling her a liar.
Serious stuff !
Clinton should have been indicted. This was major corruption. I know you Leftists are going to say I am just brooding and Hillary Clinton did nothing, which is false. Just look at the timing of the events. If you have a brain at all, you would clearly see what had happened, which is certain people in a political class of a certain political persuasion can do anything. Here's what happened:
Friday, Bill Clinton had a private meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch for a half an hour. Lynch laughed about it on a staged TV show and said she would never do anything like that again. Haha. That in the Lawyer world (let's hear from you EagerBeaver) is known as a gross conflict of interest, subject to disbarment. Lawyers cannot met with parties in which they have opposite interests. Hillary Clinton was the subject of a Criminal investigation. Bill Clinton met with her possible prosecutor. The meeting leaves a strong possibility of influence peddling.
Saturday, the FBI interviewed Clinton for several hours.
Monday, Comey makes his announcement saying there was evidence of her illegal activity, however, he does not recommend charging her. He mentions intent, but the Statute does not require intent: ... look at Subsection F. It only requires "gross negligence"
Clinton also Obstructed Justice by deleting the emails. Many of the emails recovered were Top Secret and some were Classified.
Clinton was also required to turn over all Classified information at the end of her term, which she did not. She deleted thousands of emails.
And as cloudsurf had said she had lied, and she probably lied in her interview, which is a crime in itself.
So you know who loses? The average person because those who associate themselves in the political elitist camp with Clinton will get a pass. All others will get slammed. And you Clinton voters are not part of the Elite. When it all hits the fan, you'll suffer like everyone else. That's the way it was in the good old USSR, Venezuela, Vietnam, North Korea ... well even the big bosses family can get fed to the dogs.