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New Member
May 14, 2016
CIA was probably the one telling Bush there was no WMD in Irak but he shut them down. Or top CIA (which was put there by Bush) told his agent not to reveal anything, or to reveal the opposite. Bush needed a reason to invade and he got it.


This is something I suggested at the time of the events. Bush and Cheney wanted to go in there so they probably used any thread on WMDs they could twist to justify going into that country, as in the CIA saying we have no evidence but we cannot say it's impossible, or more likely given the dictators desire for weapons there was fear he would get them though the CIA never confirmed they these weapons were there.

Some Presidential Electors are calling for full exposure of the hacking investigation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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C.I.A. ...... That group that is backing Clinton, the same one that claimed WMD in Iraq. ...

That wrong announcement was made under political pressure from the Bush administration. In any case, even if it was 100% the fault of the CIA, do you suggest shutting down them and the other intelligence agencies and disregarding whatever they say?

The 16 intelligence agencies of the US have access to every phone call and text sent daily all over the world. Sadly, those tens of thousands of workers are all Democrats who are lying to reverse the result of the election. What a waste of $80 billion annually when Don the Con gets much more accurate information from his favorite websites.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
This entire circus with Russian hacking is pathetic as well as claims that Trump will be in Putin’s pocket. The opposite is exactly right. With current economic difficulties Russia is ripe and wants to be bought. Trump knows this and is preparing to close the deal. That is why Trump needs Exxon CEO who knows how to deal with Putin and his corrupted cronies. Trump is preparing to neutralize Russia first to get what he wants from China that holds almost 3 trillions of the US debt. This is the real story.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
C.I.A. ...... That group that is backing Clinton, the same one that claimed WMD in Iraq. Almost as reliable as the Toronto Star or CBC or Teletoon.
Millions spent on recount and the skank lost, trying for 3 in a row?

You've posted a lot of crazy stuff, but this one takes the cake! I'm laughing so hard right now my ribs hurt!!! Keep it up, my good friend. We all need to laugh once in a while, right? :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Republican ex-Representative Joe Walsh of Illinois live on CNN moments ago declared denial by T-Rump and Republicans "ALMOST TREASONOUS". Walsh declared Dumpster was acting like "a 3-year-old.

There are 17 separate investigative agencies who agree Russia interfered interfered to help T-Rump and that close associates of Dumpster were in contact with the Russians throughout the election campaign. Walsh characterized the interference was an invasion, an "AN ATTACK ON THE UNITED STATES" the entire country should be outraged about. Walsh further alluded that siding with Russian claims versus U.S. intelligence agencies (17 of them) was tantamount to "TREASON".

By 'Dumpster' are you referring to the racist bigot misogynist rapist upcoming 'Groper-in-Chief'??

I saw part of that interview and i must admit that i was very surprised a Trump supporter like Joe Walsh (not the rock icon) said the things he did, something that every single American should also be saying. Let me make a blunt statement: "Every American who is against investigating this is a fucking traitor!!!! The should be ashamed of themselves!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You are probably completely wrong on that. CIA was probably the one telling Bush there was no WMD in Irak but he shut them down. Or top CIA (which was put there by Bush) told his agent not to reveal anything, or to reveal the opposite. Bush needed a reason to invade and he got it.

Exactly. They manipulated the intelligence they had on Iraq & WMDs in order to give them an excuse to invade.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
This entire circus with Russian hacking is pathetic as well as claims that Trump will be in Putin’s pocket. The opposite is exactly right. With current economic difficulties Russia is ripe and wants to be bought. Trump knows this and is preparing to close the deal. That is why Trump needs Exxon CEO who knows how to deal with Putin and his corrupted cronies. Trump is preparing to neutralize Russia first to get what he wants from China that holds almost 3 trillions of the US debt. This is the real story.

Donald J. Trump IS the Manchurian Candidate.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Today would have been a good day for Donald J. Trump to finally release his taxes and prove he's not a crook and isn't in cahoots with the Russians. What is he hiding?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Insiders have been saying that Trump only attends 1 intelligence briefing per week. They've also claimed that Trump finds them very boring, which is why he prefers not attending. Now Trump is quoted as saying "I don't need daily intel brief, I'm a "smart person".

Un-fucken-believable!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Worry, my friends! Worry a lot!!! The End may actually be closer than we ever believed it was.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
In other news, the Benghazi Committee has officially closed down.

Of course, we all know that this wouldn't be the case had HRC won the electoral college.

It was nothing but a silly witch-hunt and a total waste of money all along. But hey, it probably lost her the electoral college, so i guess the rethuglicans' strategy somewhat worked, although they couldn't pin anything on her.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Yea, Russians are coming! Wait a minute, they are already here in several Montreal agencies and some are even Indies . We are already conquered boys ! :)

And they're influence is all over Trump's cabinet picks. And there's more to come.

Beware my friends.....beware of the Russian menace!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Romney will not be Secretary of State; the winner of Celebrity Apprentice will be named tomorrow morning

Word has just leaked out that Mitt Romney was just informed that he will not be the next Secretary of State. My guess is that Trump will go with Putin's best friend, the Exxxon CEO.

In other news, the 'swamp' has flooded and the water keeps getting higher.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trumps selects Putin friend & Exxon Mobile CEX Rex Tillerson as his Secretary of State

The official announcement will be made tomorrow morning. Not only is the swamp flooding, but i seriously believe that the United States of America has lost its way. The world is seriously going to the dogs! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

p.s. But getting confirmed by the senate will be another thing.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Trumps selects Putin friend & Exxon Mobile CEX Rex Tillerson as his Secretary of State

Much better than who he is taking over for by a gazillion miles :thumb:

Not only is the swamp flooding, but i seriously believe that the United States of America has lost its way.

Nah, that happened 8 years ago, things are now seriously looking up!

The world is seriously going to the dogs!

What do the cats get :noidea:

pesonally I was pulling for Jon Huntsman Jr. because of his hot wife and hot daughters!


Sep 24, 2009
The Russians are our enemies, why?

The only thing the CIA stated was that they had 'high confidence' which means nothing at all. Russia influenced the elections? Well, I have 'high confidence' that every other nation outside of the US did too due to things like twitter, poli-blogs and youtube.


Sep 24, 2009
'fake news'.

Who decides what is real news? Should we put blind trust into for-profit companies? No. All news is 'fake news' - if you want some facts you just go through the archives of Parliaments or Congresses.

Did everyone forget about Jane Akre so quickly (those that ever believed the news was true in the first place that is...)?

There is no law that says the news has to be true guys...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Who decides what is real news? ..

Doc decides what is real news and posts it here for the lefties to swallow. If it is not Doc certified it is fake.
Just my opinion.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Doc decides what is real news and posts it here for the lefties to swallow. If it is not Doc certified it is fake.
Just my opinion.

Well at least news press and agency have a code of ethics they need to adhere to. And be penalized or fired if they don't. On blogs or social sites you can say what the fuck you want and people are stupid enough to beleive it.

The main problem in my opinion is the education system. How come people come out of the education system and still be stupid enough to beleive that Pope Francis had endorsed Trump!!

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