... Girls who remove their footwear (shoes or boots) 2 and a half seconds after entering the room...
Pitty me! I SOOOO love a girl in high heels...
Pitty me! I SOOOO love a girl in high heels...
Counting the money twice and then holding the bills up to check the anti-counterfeiting marks.
......warts on their pussy,.
This thread is a turn-off.
translation: http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#fr|en|
Exactly this thread becomes downright pathetic ... turn off by itself!
It is so negative and I can not believe that girls are doing this!
Change your selection methods ... and above all to tell the girl and / or the agency would be more effective rather .. whining ... here in this thread So-Called!
Really pathetic!
i was merely translating pat98's reply. i think this thread is hilarious.This thread is such a turnoff for you, yet you continue to read and respond…either you like it or are sadists…
oh the world is certainly real... it's the population that is make believe.I think it’s funny too, especially since this is a “make believe world” anyway…
ha ha ha!!This one though is such a turn off and so damn frustrating that I had steam puffing out of my ears... she rushes off to the bathroom with cum spilling from her hand and dripping from her chin. If it wouldn`t have been so funny.....