Montreal Escorts

Unhappy members


Active Member
May 20, 2021
1) i always do a background check!
2) so you come here to question or critize people, who actually make reviews!!! or do you have too much time on your hands?

3) So how do we know your not one of those who always would complain if you never review!

4) i don't suger coat shit
if a sp deserves a gold star i give it as well
if i get a bad service they need a flame suit
although your observation could be valid, these people are unhappy, did you ever consider there 5)could be that many shitty providers. especially if they are from leos list announce 123 etc.
merb providers generally have a good rep, Some however feel beyond approach in discussions and cant respect peoples opinions.
6) which is actually good, saves us money we would waste on such a person!
7) Then there is the lurkes who just take and take and take and never give!
1) Good for you. It helps you make a better choice and increase your chance to have a great time. Which is what most people should do.

2) I question some people, I do not criticize them. I could ask the same thing to you. Do you have so much time on your hands that you are always participating in those threads?

3) You don't.

4) That's good. I never said you should sugarcoat reviews. Reviews should be honest good OR bad. *I AM NOT AGAINST NEGATIVE REVIEWS*

5) Back to 1) do some homework and check. Leolist has a higher chance to be scams so if you know that and still go there, then that's on you.

6) Again I agree with you. Because I'm not against negative review.

7) I give enough :)
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
While negative reviews can be valuable, it is important that they are shared respectfully and without causing harm to the service providers' feelings or reputation. If the same issue is experienced by other customers, it may signal a more serious concern. Let us all approach this situation with kindness and empathy. It is unnecessary to use derogatory language when providing feedback about service providers. Ideally, by offering feedback in a respectful manner, service providers can make adjustments to their behavior or services. This is my perspective on handling negative feedback.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
I have written both good and bad reviews of my experiences to date. The vast majority of my experiences have been good ones, there have been a handful of poor ones.

I understand that not all experiences will be good experiences and, the criteria I use to judge a bad experience are some simple metrics. The first and most important is hygiene. If an SP, does not have good hygiene it is apparent to me immediately and I will pay and leave. This has happened to me once with a highly regarded and well-reviewed SP. I have never booked with her again.

Secondly, I do not care for SPs who openly smoke, vape, drink or use drugs. I do not do any of these things. I understand that these are choices that individuals make regarding doing them, however, I usually make it clear that I am not and would appreciate the same before a visit. I am not trying to influence an SP not to do these things, only that they inform me if they do, so I can decide whether to see them or pass.

Finally, if I am paying for a certain amount of time I expect to receive that time, I find that SPs can be pushy and attempt to finish very quickly. I am grateful to Merb members who provided feedback good and bad on Merb. It helps me to make informed decisions moving forward. Thank you all.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I have written both good and bad reviews of my experiences to date. The vast majority of my experiences have been good ones, there have been a handful of poor ones.

I understand that not all experiences will be good experiences and, the criteria I use to judge a bad experience are some simple metrics. The first and most important is hygiene. If an SP, does not have good hygiene it is apparent to me immediately and I will pay and leave. This has happened to me once with a highly regarded and well-reviewed SP. I have never booked with her again.

Secondly, I do not care for SPs who openly smoke, vape, drink or use drugs. I do not do any of these things. I understand that these are choices that individuals make regarding doing them, however, I usually make it clear that I am not and would appreciate the same before a visit. I am not trying to influence an SP not to do these things, only that they inform me if they do, so I can decide whether to see them or pass.

Finally, if I am paying for a certain amount of time I expect to receive that time, I find that SPs can be pushy and attempt to finish very quickly. I am grateful to Merb members who provided feedback good and bad on Merb. It helps me to make informed decisions moving forward. Thank you all.
I appreciate your perspective. There are a few key points that I would like to highlight. The way a customer interacts with a service provider can significantly influence the overall experience and potentially lead to negative feedback. If a customer lacks understanding of how to engage with service providers, it can result in a disappointing encounter for both parties. Negative reviews are sometimes a result of a customer's poor approach, causing anxiety for the service provider. It is worth noting that some of my most positive experiences have been with service providers who have received negative reviews. It is important not to overlook the potential of a great service provider just because a member may not know how to effectively engage with them. If your intention is to base your decision on a review, I recommend ensuring that the reviewer is credible, knowledgeable and respectful when interacting with service providers.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
Chaque fois que je fais un review qu'il soit positif ou négatif c'est mon expérience personnelle pour la rencontre.
Je suis pas gêner de donner mon opinion sur l'escorte qu'elle soit favorable ou non.
Un forum comme celui ci sert au membre pour avoir un feedback sur les demoiselles.
Chaque expérience est unique.
La chimie lors d'un rendez-vous est l'élément essentiel que plusieurs recherches malheureusement y a pas de recettes miracle.
Chaque client a ses préférences et les goûts sont très différents d'un individu à l'autre.
C'est important de partager chacun ses expériences pour aider nos confrères pour qu'ils puissent faire un choix éclairé pour leur prochaine escapade.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Some of you seem to think that you’re making a wise financial decision by booking people at $100 from LL but often come back here and complain that this or that wasn’t working, that the place was gross, that a man was in the bathroom. Some of you book multiple people at low rates and never seem satisfied when you could book 3 reputable and well reviewed SPs for the same amount you’ve spent. In the long run, you’ll spend $1,000 on a few very disappointing dates while you could have just booked 3 good dates. Maybe that’s why so many people seem like they’re complaining all the time


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
bet you those 100$ bookings don.t have the time to make endless posts here
reninds m of the guy around he corner italian resturant charging 30$ for a place of spaghetti
saying pay more is better...... is not always the case..
you can get lowsy sevice attitude and poor hygene from an expensive escort
some so depoarate for money will have sex on their period using a surgical sponge as not not lose a cent

It looks like you didn’t understand my post so let’s try again.

I am not saying that paying more guarantees you to have a good experience. I said that if you spend $1,000 on trying to find gems on LL instead of using merb and meeting SPs that are well reviewed, it might not be the good deal you think it is. Emphasis on the reputable and well reviewed it means a lot more than the rate. You could have someone at a lower rate with outstanding reviews and someone with almost unaffordable rates with poor reviews.


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2017
Some of you seem to think that you’re making a wise financial decision by booking people at $100 from LL but often come back here and complain that this or that wasn’t working, that the place was gross, that a man was in the bathroom. Some of you book multiple people at low rates and never seem satisfied when you could book 3 reputable and well reviewed SPs for the same amount you’ve spent. In the long run, you’ll spend $1,000 on a few very disappointing dates while you could have just booked 3 good dates. Maybe that’s why so many people seem like they’re complaining all the time
Over time, personal experience has taught me the same thing.
In my opinion, the logic works with agencies as well and my reason for avoiding MAE for example, except when I know the provider visiting, like K these days and I have confirmation that it is not the usual misrepresentation.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
SP's are different "experiences" they are more expensive. So why see multiple different girls, never liking them, losing money, and doing it all again. When you can stop seeing multiple SPs (when they know the outcome will be mostly negative) and focus on the few SPs they actually like (if they find them).
Makes sense. I think they’re keeping the good reviews to themselves. Or as was said, many of us are inclined to report negative experiences rather than positive ones.
Personally, I don’t feel I have much to add when someone has pages of positive reviews.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
All that said, there are members who mostly visit providers with existing reviews and then always end up having negative experiences to report about. As others have already mentioned, they are most likely the problem themselves, not the SPs that they're seeing.
Great reviews also set high expectations. So, are you are likely to be disappointed in most cases.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
This does happen all the time though and the rare and hidden gems are frequently shared. Just not necessarily always in public but often only between groups of people who know and trust each other with certain information. At least for a while.

As for the reasons, there are multiple. In my experience, once these gems become more publicly and widely known, there is an unfortunate tendency for the weirdos and freaks to start flocking to them, which then creates a risk of the girl disappearing entirely if she can't handle dealing with that. Then everybody loses.

With negative experiences on the other hand, there isn't really any downside of posting them right away and warning people to stay away from danger, scams, etc. Some membes seem to prioritize posting these negative experiences publicly, which can give the impression that they're overly negative people a.k.a. "unhappy members" although they might not necessarily be.
Shameless plug for my thread "Current gems" which wasn’t very popular! Hahaha
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
that a man was in the bathroom.

Some of you seem to think that you’re making a wise financial decision by booking people at $100 from LL but often come back here and complain that this or that wasn’t working, that the place was gross, that a man was in the bathroom. Some of you book multiple people at low rates and never seem satisfied when you could book 3 reputable and well reviewed SPs for the same amount you’ve spent. In the long run, you’ll spend $1,000 on a few very disappointing dates while you could have just booked 3 good dates. Maybe that’s why so many people seem like they’re complaining all the time
I would complain too if I had 10 bad $100 encounters!! Wouldn’t feel too happy with me-self!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
There are people who prefer fast food joints and those who look for cheap “hole in the walls” (no pun intended) in the hope of finding great authentic culinary experiences.
Then there are people who go to well reviewed and established restaurants where they expect a certain level of quality and service.

I think both are equally valid. But one should not be surprised if those cheaper and unknown places pose a bigger risk/reward.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
your argument although could be considered sound sounds like more of a self promotion
Emphasis on the reputable and well reviewed it means a lot more than the rate.
love your argument your trying to subliminally justify your rate to us...
good luck with that
4x 100 or 1x 450 ill take the 4x 100

You yet again missed the point. It’s not just about the rate but about the quality.

I said men prefer meeting ladies for $100 a pop, then they get disappointed that they received poor services, they’ll repeat 3 other times and be disappointed 3 other times. This whole time they could have booker someone for $300 with great reviews and be happy. Sometimes trying to save money doesn’t work and that’s ok.

It’s an exemple. I am sure you could find someone around $150 with amazing reviews. Then it would be totally justified to go and see her rather than someone who is charging $1,000 with no reviews, no recommendations from other pooners.
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
you just cant accept $100/hr has gems has great service some can be much superior to those who charge higher rates

Because you left this part out:
I am sure you could find someone around $150 with amazing reviews. Then it would be totally justified to go and see her rather than someone who is charging $1,000 with no reviews, no recommendations from other pooners.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
But also, not everyone wants to see 4-5 men a day. So they just set higher rates so they don’t have to.

It doesn’t mean they give better services than those who charge less.

No one is stopping you from seeing women that charge less, all I’m saying is don’t be surprised when they appear to be tired or not truly enjoying it (like I’ve seen in many reviews.)


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
@Oberstdorf very sorry for derailing your thread.

All I was trying to say is that many men that seem to complain a lot see SPs with no reviews and that haven’t been recommended by peers. They go because the price is low and they want to find a gem. It’s normal, it’s human nature.

They would probably have better experiences and leave more positive reviews if they went to see companions that have good reviews about them. Whether they charge $5 or one million dollars.

On that note, I’ll unwatch this thread. Very good question though, sorry to have derailed.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Be happy guys:)
I don’t want to write Michael Buffer’s catchphrase again. Ha!Ha!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
Moi je trouve l'argumentation des deux parties très intéressants.
Faudrait arrêter de penser que le prix = service rendu est proportionnelle au montant dépensé.
C'est faux chacun est libre de payer le montant qu'il veut pour rencontrer des escortes.
Y a pas de garantie de belle rencontre.
Je le répète la chimie entre deux personnes est le facteur principal pour être certain d'obtenir un bon service.
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