I agree with you that prostitution is the oldest line of work, and come boom or bust, escorts will have work.
But you are forgetting something. The economy is dynamic, not static. In a downturn, the supply of escorts goes up and the demand for escorts goes down. Less tourism, less money, more escorts, means a lot more competition, so rates will fall if things get bad.
The last rate increase was when oil prices skyrocketed and drivers had to pay more for gas. Yesterday oil prices had a record plunge as traders bet that a global economic recession is on its way.
Times are tough for everyone out there, including agencies and indies. How do I know? A few escorts that were next to impossible to book told me business has slowed down a lot.
I spoke to one indy yesterday that refuses to bring down her rates to reflect market rates. I told her that it may work initially but she will eventually hurt her business if she is not realistic in her pricing. It's her body, her call, but I gave her my opinion.
Hot dogs stands and titty bars will boom in a recession.
P.S. If it's a Depression, I would buy shares in beer and Vaseline companies.