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US Passes Law Criminilizing Escort Boards

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Huh? You are really full of it and all that nonsense you wrote is based on an emotional response. Second thing your second statement is so sexist I cannot even begin to think how offensive it was. I do not even know why you had to bring up why there are not enough women CEOs or women in upper management. That is all so irrelevant to this. Your post is driven by emotion. Having said that I am not going to waste any time on you. Like it or not the US has a very strong conservative influence and they do not want men or women having men out of wedlock. It is the main reason the US has such strong laws against moral indecency up to prostitution. I know you love the right-wing conservatives so you are putting all blame on feminists. They are far from being responsible. Blame your conservative friends. Religion has a strong influence in the government and culture it will never be accepted. Consider it is so easy to buy a gun. Imagine. See how Quebec a leftist province by US standards has such liberal views on sex and there is a minimal enforcement of social behavario based from the bible. European countries are lightyears ahead of the US when it comes to sex and so are the Netherlands. The one thing these countries all have in common is the minimal influence from the conservatives and the bible. I see you are always in denial. Keep coming on with more nonsense. Find someone who does not know better. I am not one of them. Nice try. Anyways I am not going to waste anymore time on you. I do not got all that free time as you do.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Nah. This hobby is flourishing in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and many other countries. It will never happen in the US. Not till they move away from conservatism and the bible. The proof is all there.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Historically the US has always been a christian prude country. The conservatives (the US is dominated by conservative ideology) can never support prostitution since it is so immoral as per the bible. The conservatives has strong ties to the bible in fact they follow theocracy. You should read those quotes in the bible about prostitution. Funny you talk a long nonsense paragraph about why there are not females in upper management positions... You know what legal prostitution is the ultimate form of feminism. Your body your choice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Like I said there were only two dissenting votes.

It has nothing to do with the bible. In the US, the feminists are leftists and they want to emasculate heterosexual males because many of these ugly women never got asked to Prom or Homecoming. Like you, they went to the university and instead of learning a skill they spent 4-8 years becoming part of the liberal herd. The only thing they can be are activists. (Jordan Peterson - why are we sending people to school to learn to be activists?)

The militant feminists do not see it that way. If someone is prostituting themselves it can never be their choice. Somewhere there is a man behind it they will tell you, exploiting a women. Somehow, there is no choice when it comes to prostitution. There is only choice for abortion.

What I wrote is nonsense to you because you do not work in industry. I know that your parents must think you are a loser because you are not an Engineer or a Doctor. I'm sorry for all the pressure you must feel, but if you did go back to school for something worthwhile (something other than studying the teachings of your hero Karl Marx) you may actually be able to go out into the workforce. And if by chance, you were putting your marketable skill to practice you would notice that I am correct and what I wrote was not nonsense. But how could you?

BTW - It's not too late. Go back to school. Get in the game. Make your parents proud.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Thanks for the laugh. You are really pathetic that you have to stoomp to personal insults since you cannot make your point using facts. Your response is driven by emotion. Makes you feel like a big man behind a keyboard. Does it not? You obviously got ego issues. I had no idea how fragile you are. Bye Hungry101. Looool


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
I’m not an MP guy, matter of fact I’ve never been to a MP, but my friends occasionally use them here in NYC and elsewhere. Rubmaps, an extremely popular international MP board, is gone. Poof! Scary. And girls are tweeting that Wordpress has now removed escort websites it had been hosting. I’m beginning to fear US TER reviews will go away soon. What has this government wrought?

Patron and others, do you think this SESTA overreach will have any impact on the Montreal scene? Any carryover or halo effect such as governments working together with web hosting companies, etc? I guess I’m asking if we should anticipate Montreal being the last bastion eventually or where we NYC/NNJ guys seek escort refuge after saying fuck this US escort scene bullshit entirely. Montreal has thumbed it’s nose to C-36. Does Montreal say fuck you should the US and Canada ever collaborate on targeting prostitution in part of their effort on trafficking? Lots of hypothetical questions here but I think they’re valid ones even in the short turn based on what’s unfolding now.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You failed to explain how exactly I got it backwards. I am just pointing out that the government prescribing ISPs how to conduct their business is not freedom, at least in my dictionary. Power grab -- yes, freedom -- no. It is in fact conceptually similar to the Chinese model, where the government also has some bright ideas in this area.

So you think that ISPs and corporations deciding what they allow users to see is freedom? Please explain to me how that is freedom? And I am not talking about freedom for businesses... I am talking about freedom for regular working people?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Hungry101, you are arguing with someone about politics and prostitution who made this comment.

Former conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper for the first time in Canadian history made prostitution illegal. So as a result all Euphoria girls disappeared.

No matter what is wrong the Conservatives or Harper caused it.
Prostituton was fully legal before Harper passed his bill.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Hungry101, you are arguing with someone about politics and prostitution who made this comment.

No matter what is wrong the Conservatives or Harper caused it.
Prostituton was fully legal before Harper passed his bill.

Look who is talking. The same guy who 90% of his posts are dedicated to spreading right-wing garbage and calling Trudeau a POS. Nuff said! I stopped responding to you a long time ago since you are really lost when it comes to politics and the economy. Here you are on an escort board who never posted a review on anything or not one I can remember and you are a conservative fanatic who are so against prostitution. Their deep religious values can never be for it. No friend Harper for the first time in Canadian history made prostitution illegal. Thanks to your conservative friend. So tell me why are you on this board? Are you here just to spread right-wing garbage? One thing I should point out is you really got no life. You actually take the time to quote that post I made and you made a thread dedicated to calling Trudeau a POS. About that post you took the time to search and post it here you are trying to distort facts to your advantage. That sentence was written as a joke. You know what a joke was. Why not read the entire thread. But I for someone who is a conservative sheep must definitely lack intellect. My advice to you is to get a life. I mean seriously in the nicest way. Me personally I am done. People here cannot seem to debate in a respectful way without throwing insults. It always seems to be a war between conservatives and liberals. I got no time to waste with insults. I will not stoomp to your level.
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