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Using a Merb Handle for Discounts


New Member
Mar 11, 2003
StripperLover said:
You're right, I am obsessed with untainted reviews & I contend that there is no need to let any agency know what your handle is other than to get better treatment (not the usual) from the agency and/or the SP.
SL, you make it sound as though this is a bad thing. We strive to establish good customer-supplier relationships in every day life so that we get the best product, service or support. For this the supplier has to recognize you as a good previous customer. The main purpose of hobbying is to get the best sexual experiences for your money. Reviews are only a by-product, and they are honest because we are, not because we tested the agency as an anonymous consumer.


Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
Montreal, Canada
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If you reveal your handle your are in effect tainting in whole or in part that very service whether that be at the starting line of the delivery or in any aspect along the way. You may not intend it to be so but by revealing your handle, that agency will possibly provide you, the well known reviewer with a service that a non reviewer will not receive & as a result of this better service, you will write about it whereas the majority of clients aren't reviewers of notoriety & they will get a blurred or tainted picture of what can be had by them the unknown quantity.

I ask you, what do you get out of revealing your handle ?


New Member
Nov 15, 2004
StripperLover said:
I'm in shock! I need glasses, I must have misread. Did we just enter a new era?

No argument?! SL AGREED? :D

PS: I'm just teasing. ;)
PPS: No, seriously.... I'm just teasing. ;)
PPPS in case it's still not clear by now: I'm just teasing! ;)

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
StripperLover said:
You're right, I am obsessed with untainted reviews & I contend that there is no need to let any agency know what your handle is other than to get better treatment (not the usual) from the agency and/or the SP.

I also think that in some cases it is a need for some to flash their board notoriety when calling for a rendez vous.


If by special treatment you mean that a prolific board member will get first dibs on a lady and that she will likely be there on time, I agree with you, this can happen. I have no qualms whatsoever about this preferential treatment.

But in terms of what happens when that door closes, I am very skeptical about how much better service a "GFE" lady will provide a board member to a non-board member. If the guy is a well groomed gentleman, she will feel him out, and if she thinks he's a potential repeat client, she will provide as good as service as any. This is logical and to her advantage.

As far as notoriety is concerned, we all share our experiences. Some of us do it because we truly appreciate sharing our experiences and some of us do it for egotistical reasons to gain something.

It doesn't really matter because in the end, your reviews and your reviews. They are inherently subjective and tainted regardless of whether you revealed your board handle. This fixation of having an untainted experience is silly and a chimera. It simply cannot happen no matter what measures you take to ensure complete and utter impartiality.

I guess if we all reviewed our ladies in a sterile fashion, this would remove some hyperbole from the reviews but it would also remove the beauty of describing a wonderful encounter.

For those of you who prefer sterile reviews, stick to numerical scales. I will continue reviewing my encounters in the manner that I have done to date and I have no qualms whatsoever about revealing my board handle.


P.S. SL, I agree with Robin, if you feel that reviews are very tainted, then the onus is on you to provide us with your reviews of the SPs you've seen that are still working to "balance" things out. Failing to do this, you have no base to write your opinion/ contention that board handles should never be revealed. Let us all judge for ourselves how someone who fiercely guards his anonymity would review a lady.


Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
Montreal, Canada
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General Gonad,

I don't ever issue opinions, just facts & when you do cross over to the other side of the proverbial fence in this biz, pls let me know the facts.

It's your choice to write & submit encounters in whatever fashion suits your romantic ideal with an SP but this far from reality when paying for it.

I do not write reviews & I will not. My exposee explains it all & in some well known SP encounters over many yrs, I have included such reviews to explain my way of thinking.

As you are well aware, as a result of our numerous face to face chats, it's then & only then when I issue to you & anyone my verbal review(s) it is strictly factual of the services provided, the delivery, look & appearance of the lady.

I'm not interested in discussing with anyone what feeling I may or may not have received, as these are no non-issues to me in a paying encounter & as a result they are far from reality.

There is no onus on me (or anyone), as I am free to choose or not to submit reviews. As you fully know, I always do provide anyone that I meet face to face with my current reviews. I believe them to be full & complete but without the drama & subjective feeling nonsense that I think pervades many other reviews.

How are any single encounters, where there is no revelation of any board handle, a blocked cell # (sometimes no cell # given if going to the Chablis for an encounter), a fake name & only seeing 1 SP from a party (and she was too stoned to have a clue what planet she was on) going to reveal that she or anyone just saw SL. Oops sorry I deflated any hobbyists delusions in that last remark.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
SL and Opinions

StripperLover said:

You're right, I am obsessed with untainted reviews & I contend that there is no need to let any agency know what your handle is other than to get better treatment (not the usual) from the agency and/or the SP.

I also think that in some cases it is a need for some to flash their board notoriety when calling for a rendez vous.

This is post #148 in this thread,posted by SL.

Paragraph 2 is clearly an opinion based on what you think SL not on any demonstrable facts that you have presented.

Stop trying to re-define words to suit your own position.In many other posts you have clearly posted opinions.If you were just straightforward and honest
you could contribute so much ..................


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
SL and Opinions(2)

StripperLover said:
General Gonad,

I don't ever issue opinions, just facts & when you do cross over to the other side of the proverbial fence in this biz, pls let me know the facts.

You issue opinions see above post.Q.E.D.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Re-writing history

StripperLover said:

You are right, I removed paragraph 2 in post #148

I'm still wondering if you have ever paid a supporting fee to anyone in the sex trade ?

Ah so now you are re-writing history = seriously damaging your exposee.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Supporting Fee

StripperLover said:

You are right, I removed paragraph 2 in post #148

I'm still wondering if you have ever paid a supporting fee to anyone in the sex trade ?

An author of an exposee should do some investigative reporting with documentation or his credibility may suffer.Said author should also have basic reasoning capacity.

Cleo's is part of the sex trade.The bouncer/doorman is an employee of Cleo's.You admit that I have been to Cleo's.There is a standard $2.00 gratuity given to the bouncer/doorman upon entering.Obvious conclusion is yes.

Trust this puts this issue to bed while respecting the privacy of all in the sex trade.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005

StripperLover said:

I'm still wondering if you have ever paid a supporting fee to anyone in the sex trade ?

Proving your fallibility(correct spelling) once again.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

StripperLover said:

Still no answer !

I'm still wondering if you have ever paid a supporting fee to anyone in the sex trade ?

Boring - answered your question above.No further comment about your invasive meddling in my affairs.

Why are you posting opinions in other threads?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Write from the heart...

StripperLover said:
I don't ever issue opinions, just facts & when you do cross over to the other side of the proverbial fence in this biz, pls let me know the facts.


When you state: "I contend that there is no need to let any agency know what your handle is other than to get better treatment (not the usual) from the agency and/or the SP," I consider that more of an opinion than a fact.

There are many valid reasons for stating your board handle that have nothing to do with "preferential treatment." Yeah, I might bump the next guy, especially if I book for my typical two hour session, but this benefits all parties involved (i.e. me, the owner and the SP).

If Joe Blow books a two hour session with a GFE lady I am looking to be with before me, chances are he'll get to see her no matter who I am. He'll also get the same sexual services provided he's a well groomed gentleman.

I know, I am being naive here, but I don't attach too much significance to my board handle except if it allows me to see who I am looking for because they trust me.

StripperLover said:
It's your choice to write & submit encounters in whatever fashion suits your romantic ideal with an SP but this far from reality when paying for it.

Again, this is your opinion. How do you know what SPs tell me in private? You've got no clue of what they tell me because you're not privy to these discussions.

I submit that your experience of "crossing the fence" in the past has tainted your perception of how SPs think & act in a very negative way. You have a lot of valid points to make but to dismiss my reviews as romantic idealism is quite frankly very insulting. Who are you, or anyone else on these boards for that matter, to judge my reviews? Why don't you put up a review so I can judge for myself how untainted your experience really is?

StripperLover said:
As you are well aware, as a result of our numerous face to face chats, it's then & only then when I issue to you & anyone my verbal review(s) it is strictly factual of the services provided, the delivery, look & appearance of the lady.

I'm not interested in discussing with anyone what feeling I may or may not have received, as these are no non-issues to me in a paying encounter & as a result they are far from reality.

Well, by reducing an SP to just her "services provided, the delivery, look & appearance," you neglect the most important component of an encounter - i.e. chemistry. How did she make you feel? It's alright to write that she made me feel great because I connected with her. This is not romantic idealism but I am conveying subjective feelings that are worth mentioning in my reviews.

StripperLover said:
There is no onus on me (or anyone), as I am free to choose or not to submit reviews. As you fully know, I always do provide anyone that I meet face to face with my current reviews. I believe them to be full & complete but without the drama & subjective feeling nonsense that I think pervades many other reviews.

How are any single encounters, where there is no revelation of any board handle, a blocked cell # (sometimes no cell # given if going to the Chablis for an encounter), a fake name & only seeing 1 SP from a party (and she was too stoned to have a clue what planet she was on) going to reveal that she or anyone just saw SL. Oops sorry I deflated any hobbyists delusions in that last remark.

As long as your writing facts, opinions and views on the boards, I contend that it is your duty to back-up your assertions and put your reviews out there in writing. It is convenient to dismiss others for writing HOW THEY FEEL but let us judge you by what you write as well. You can choose to ignore them but they might also choose to ignore you as well.

Finally, I will repeat what I have written countless times: there is nobody that has the monopoly of wisdom on this industry. I have met enough people to figure out that everyone has tainted views. Everyone thinks they know the "Truth" but the reality is that this "Truth" is more often than not shaped by our own personal interactions.

I count myself lucky to have met some wonderful ladies in this hobby. My biases are mostly favorable as they are reflected in my reviews. I will also let you know that I see these "credibility cockfights" as a silly waste of energy. We are all trying to prove our points but we often overeact to what is written if it doesn't fit our preconceived notion of what is a "right review."

There is no such thing as a "right review." If you're smart, you're going to write what YOU feel and ignore what other people think.

Your unflinching romantic reviewer,

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New Member
Jun 6, 2005

General Gonad

We may not always see eye to eye but you are a good and perceptive man.Yet in your moment of triumph you change direction and disappoint the masses by snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
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