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Using a Merb Handle for Discounts


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Mar 12, 2003
Montreal, Canada
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How can you be sure what totally goes on at these parties/dinners if you've not attend a single one ? There are those who have attended & just introduced themselves as Moishe & for all any of us other attendees knew or still know he could have been you MG. And perhaps the girls only know him as Moishe & not his handle ? He could also write his reviews disguising his specific dates so the agencies wouldn't know who he is by handle. As for Celine's dinners there are thos ewho get invited who are regular clients & they too only introduce themselves as "their 1st name".

Everyone who has been witness to my discourse with Celine in public knows that I do & will always speak my mind bluntly but you're right others may have some trouble in doing so but that is their own problem & they should get over it & say what they have to say no matter what & I sincerly believe that it will be welcomed .


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
EagerBeaver said:
However, if anyone called her or anyone else claiming to be me and asking for a discount, the owner should know it is pure bullshit because it is not something I would ever do.

First off, any handle would have to be verified by PM - simple as that. Mods - I have decided against the thing, so no worries, but basically, on TER lets say - I would PM the person to respond... if they couldn`t, then they are not VIP members - simple as that. On TBD - every email address is registered with the handle, and ladies can verify PAID memberships with the registered email address (I will only check the senders email address and not some other one written in the email) - so in fact, unless someone else had access to your PMs it would be impossible to "fake" being EB.

SL - no one can verify what goes on at the parties, that is true, but just like discounts, the lines are blurred... How come you are the only one that cannot be shaken from your ground by preferential treatments? I don`t believe that you are the only one... I believe that the majority of guys can see quite clearly and wouldn`t say a negative experience was good, or okay, just because they received a discount, an invitation to a dinner party or anything else for that matter.


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Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
Montreal, Canada
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Not only are you now revealing publicly, the contents of subject matter(s) and/or interpretations derived there from or as a result of private communications, in this case, verbal communications without my agreement or consent but now you are taking the liberty of saying where we bumped into each other ?

Pls remove these as they are my personal (NOT public) comings & goings & I don't like it if you reveal them. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
SL - Cleo's

StripperLover said:

Not only are you now revealing publicly, the contents of subject matter(s) and/or interpretations derived there from or as a result of private communications, in this case, verbal communications without my agreement or consent but now you are taking the liberty of saying where we bumped into each other ?

Pls remove these as they are my personal (NOT public) comings & goings & I don't like it if you reveal them. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

If you go to the Cafe Cleopatra thread (posts #1658,1660,1764 amongst many)you will see that a number of independent respected posters have posted that you were at Cleo's on a given date.Factor in that you have posted about your visits to Cleo's,I have posted about my visits to Cleo's.This is limited to this board excluding others.That an intersection could be supported by affidavits from independent posters and that nothing that I posted in this thread touched on verbal communications between us or interpretations or derivatives. You do not have a point.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Use your board handle but don`t abuse it...

StripperLover said:

Perhaps that's exactly where you & I differ, I will not tell any agency who I am ever & as a matter of fact when meeting an agency owner at one of the very 1st parties, I was asked why I haven't seen any of their girls, to which I answered with a list of those who I've seen & that owner said, "How come I didn't know that you had?" My response was "And you will never know"

I want all aspects of an untainted treatment, delivery, service & price & the revelation of my handle will impede any or possibly all of this. Now that being said, the frequent dates of my regular is another story but there are even times with her that I am disappointed as some of my closest friends will attest if such delivery goes on for more than 7 days & the edginess begins to set in.


Again, I disagree with you. Let me let you all in on something: my two best sexual experiences have been with SPs who had no clue of who I am. None whatsoever (Lilly Love and Alexia).

If I reveal my board handle just to get to see a lady, yes, it is preferential treatment but it is not abuse. Abuse happens when you demand a discount and, or threaten an SP or owner to write a bad review if you do not get it. I would never do this.

But I simply do not think that a well-known poster will get extra GFE because he is writing reviews. This cannot be proved by me or you SL. It is not like the financial industry at all where the guy with the most bucks gets better service. These are ladies that are providing a sexual service and they might be treating some customers better but they might not. We simply are speculating by saying yes they do treat clients better (in terms of sexual service only not booking an encounter).

Bottom line: If you do not abuse your board handle - which the boards are way overblown to begin with (very few write reviews) - then go ahead and say who you are. Reviews are subjective by their very nature, so do not take them so seriously (I want untainted service...blah blah blah).

We all think we have the monopoly of wisdom into hobbying but I am getting to realize that more and more people are taking some subjects like this one way too seriously.

Let's all lighten up.....

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Humonguous Member
Aug 13, 2005
Um, ahem, back to the discount subject

If an owner posts publicly in his own thread, that he offers a discount to Merbites, knowing full well there will be reviews, thus publicity.

No handles were exchanged, no PM's were exchanged. I read the posts, and everyone is worried about handle-to-face compromise.

And this is justly so. I made a big mistake in letting my handle known to a regular MP I visited, and nothing good came out of it.

So if the owner/girl can associate the face, to say, GG, then GG would get preferential treatment the next time? I don't think so.

Will I get better service from either SP or MP letting them know I will review on Merb? The short answer is NO. We can debate this forever.

From a purely business perspective, if I was an Incall or MP owner, I definately would offer 5$ or 10$ discounts to a Merbite with sufficient proof that that person reads posts on Merb.
IOW, a handle is optional.

The owner posts in his thread, This Week's Discount Phrase Is: Crazy Chicken. All who use it will get a 5$ discount. Please post your reviews on Merb, Thank You.

I see absolutely NOTHING wrong with the above statement, it makes perfect business sense.
So, all that needs to happen is for an owner to not play favourites and offer an across the board discount, and post his results. Did the discount help or did it make him lose money?

SL : I don't care what you call it, I will want to read it. Kudos to you for taking the time to do it, what noone else here will ever do. Bill Gates took over ten years to make a point & click software application...


New Member
Nov 15, 2004
CantSeeMrHappy said:
So if the owner/girl can associate the face, to say, GG, then GG would get preferential treatment the next time? I don't think so.
I also don't think so. Posting a review or letting a provider know who you are can have the opposite effect. She may have a bad feeling about the general tone of your posts, about what you said about her in your review, about the extent of details you wrote, etc. All of this may make her feel in such a way that she will give you a worse instead of a better service the next time around.

Nothing is black or white. It's all shades of grey.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Utterly ridiculous!

StripperLover said:

Not only are you now revealing publicly, the contents of subject matter(s) and/or interpretations derived there from or as a result of private communications, in this case, verbal communications without my agreement or consent but now you are taking the liberty of saying where we bumped into each other ?

Pls remove these as they are my personal (NOT public) comings & goings & I don't like it if you reveal them. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

OH MY GOD!!! SL was seen at Cleo's and Eastender was there at the same time??? This is groundbreaking, astonishing info that could change the fate of the world if gotten into the wrong hands!! I'm shaking in my shoes as I write this! :rolleyes:

SL...Lighten the hell up will ya!


Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
Montreal, Canada
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You are able to believe what you wish that is absolutely your perogative. My experience on both sides of the fence tells me the facts otherwise, so be it.

You've entered into the discussion the word abuse, why ?

Most hobbyists are not board reviewers. They will not get the same preferential treatment as those personalities on this board, period. Thus the complete reviewing process will be tainted in some way shape or form to varying degrees starting from the booking, delivery etc. Consequently when posting a review these board personalities aren't giving a full untainted picture to the reading board public as to every aspect of their experience even though their intent is to do so.

When I call an agency to arrange to see a lady, I never reveal who I am & I also go as far as to tell them a fake first name (some agancies might guess it's me by my first name) & use my cell phone # as the return # (blocking it, *67) thus commencing the process so that it will be totally untainted. I see the girl & not a single mention that boards exist ever comes out of my mouth.

I've even been asked by my regular, way back when we started, (2 yrs ago) as she saw my pc logged onto Merb (at a distance) & asked me if I would post a review of her. I told her that I actually never post anything, as I strictly just read. No need for them to know, as I want nothing from them in terms of preferntial treatment or discounts & as a matter of fact I have been turned down countless times & I was asked for a minimal increase for the total duration of an individual visit. Could care less on either issue.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2004
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StripperLover said:
Consequently when posting a review these board personalities aren't giving a full untainted picture to the reading board public as to every aspect of their experience even though their intent is to do so.

I agree with the sentiment SL, just the way you worded this post it sounds like you are saying that it is actually happening. Is it just a wording error in a hypothetical scenario or is there something already going on that you are privy too which we are uninformed of as of yet? Is this part of your upcoming exposee??

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
StripperLover said:
You've entered into the discussion the word abuse, why?

Because, you can abuse your board status if you want to. Abuse for me is when you cross the line and threaten a bad review if you do not receive a freebie or discount. It`s alright, for me, to call and say: `Hi, it`s GG, can I see so and so...

StripperLover said:
Most hobbyists are not board reviewers. They will not get the same preferential treatment as those personalities on this board, period. Thus the complete reviewing process will be tainted in some way shape or form to varying degrees starting from the booking, delivery etc. Consequently when posting a review these board personalities aren't giving a full untainted picture to the reading board public as to every aspect of their experience even though their intent is to do so.

This is nonsense because many hobbyists that are not on the boards might be receiving better treatment, especially if they repeat often. I know this is a fact. Also, how do we know if Mr. Joe Blow is not getting as good a treatment as us. Why..because I am GG and you are SL...I do not think so.

Every review is subjective. I might have had a great time with Karma and Samy and you might not. A lot of factors determine this but I cannot see how writing on the boards will guarantee you better treatment. GFE is GFE no matter who you are. You cannot get more preferential treatment than that, except for PSE.

StripperLover said:
When I call an agency to arrange to see a lady, I never reveal who I am & I also go as far as to tell them a fake first name (some agancies might guess it's me by my first name) & use my cell phone # as the return # (blocking it, *67) thus commencing the process so that it will be totally untainted. I see the girl & not a single mention that boards exist ever comes out of my mouth.

I've even been asked by my regular, way back when we started, (2 yrs ago) as she saw my pc logged onto Merb (at a distance) & asked me if I would post a review of her. I told her that I actually never post anything, as I strictly just read. No need for them to know, as I want nothing from them in terms of preferntial treatment or discounts & as a matter of fact I have been turned down countless times & I was asked for a minimal increase for the total duration of an individual visit. Could care less on either issue.

You are obsessed with this notion of untainted reviews. I say WHO CARES what you or other think of my reviews. It is irrelevant to me. I write what I felt and I could not give a damn of what other people think of my reviews.

There is no such thing as an untainted review, not from me, not from you, not from anyone else on these boards. If you do not abuse your board handle, let them know who you are.

Case closed.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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General Gonad said:
This is nonsense because many hobbyists that are not on the boards might be receiving better treatment, especially if they repeat often.

There are two hobbyists I know in particular who are very infrequent posters but are well treated simply by virtue of spending enormous sums of cash on escorts in Montreal. These are guys who have been hobbying 20 plus years, and have spent many more dollars in the hobby than most posters here earn in one year (or five). They are appropriately well treated by the agency owners with whom they do business. They can probably get discounts, not based on reviews, but based on total cash spent over time and based on consistently making long, multi hour bookings. There is nothing wrong with getting discounts in these situations. It was noted elsewhere in this thread that such discounts are typical in any business.

The active Board hobbyist's influence on various things is vastly overrated. The true measure of a hobbyist is the number of different escorts he has seen (repeats with the same girl over and over not counting), the number of "hobby dollars" he has spent (i.e., the cash total on all girls including repeats), the quality of the info he has disseminated (whether via Board reviews or private backchannels), his reputation in the industry for how he treats escorts, and his reputation with agency owners (meaning he isn't a chronic complainer who manufactures complaints to chisel for discounts, doesn't last minute cancel on multi hour bookings, and doesn't constantly refuse escorts - all of these things kind of end up getting discussed between agencies and indies when repeatedly done).

I think the overwhelming majority of the hobbyists that fit into the categories set forth above either don't post on the Boards at all, or do so very infrequently.


Selective hobbyist
Apr 10, 2004
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Daringly said:
Of the total dollars spent on this hobby in montreal, it would be interesting to know how much of it comes from people who post reviews. I would guess that it would be a tiny,tiny, percentage.

That would very well explain why so many "Bait and Switch" and other bad agencies survive.
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