Montreal Escorts

VickyVix ...retired escort...practicing thief ??

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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
File a claim with Paypal. They almost always find in favour of the person sending the money especially in a case like this where they would probably not receive any response from the account holder you sent the money to. Of course this should have been done when you first realized something was screwy but you might still have a chance to get a refund. At the very least they should be informed of a possible fraud artist using their service.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
1) I had a similar thing happen to me years ago. I've since learned never to trust anyone connected to this business.

2) It's quite possible that someone else was handling Vicky's bookings when she worked & he/she was the one in contact with you recently.

3) I'm 100% certain that Vicky isn't 'working' and has no intention to for the present time. With no money coming in (and most of the girls in the biz are clueless about saving money), it's quite possible that she saw an opportunity to get money from an unsuspecting john; i've always said that most of the girls see us pretty much as ATM machines; you made it easy for her by agreeing to all her conditions. Personally, i would have been suspicious the moment she said she wanted the money upfront.

Ace of Hearts, please clear you message box since i need to send you something.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Did Vicky do this, i don't rightly know but it just doesn't seem possible. How could one of these sweet young ladies who tell us when they are with us, what great guys we are, how much they love spending time with us, that there is no where else that they would rather be. How could they even think of ripping off a john, shocking i say, just shocking if this did indeed happen.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Sorry but who would pay in advance for an escort? Bad enough to pay before the session starts when you meet but before you even see her.... As the saying goes " A fool and his money are easily parted ".


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
The OP shouldn't feel bad. It is easy to get conned by women. You need to keep your wits about you no matter how good she looks.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
The OP shouldn't feel bad. It is easy to get conned by women. You need to keep your wits about you no matter how good she looks.

It is easy to get conned if you are a sucker or naive. The bottom line is never pay an sp upfront. Also when they are with you the only money that should be on the counter is the money for your date. all other cash should be in a safe along with anything of value such as an expensive watch and so on. The escort that you are with may very well be honest but you have no way of knowing. No matter how well you think you know them you don't and they are not your friends.
May 28, 2012
The scenario is most probably something like this. She retires and no longer has the income she once had. Realizing that her options in life are limited, she toys with the idea of maybe seeing a few johns for a quick buck. She requests the money with paypal as she is desperate for the money, but in the end can't go through with it, or simply doesn't care (its just a john afterall). What rumples said makes sense.

Perhaps paypal can help in tracking down who received the funds. There needs to be a name attached to that paypal account.

Agree, it's hard to fight the psychology of "immediate gratification" vs. responsibility. We have too many examples of just this behavior. It should be understood that more than a few here have made the same error. It's easy to get conned as some never come to terms with the reality that these girls are anything more than what you see. And I'm sure Vicky Vix's mind just simply justifies it that if the client has this much money to spend on a girl, then he'll get over being conned.

With regard to Paypal, I wouldn't wait for them. They're going to ask you what money was purchasing. What would you say, "I was paying to get laid"? Not sure you'd get anywhere.

This is really a lesson that we learn over and over again. I'll admit to it happening more than twice to me.:rolleyes:


New Member
Mar 1, 2007
Its a small chunk of change lost and I can live with that... I was just silly enough or horny enough to trust what i believed was one of the better providers out there.. And someone I had seen before...

Girls will vary or will change in their attitude... I still have in my black book a retired provider that has never asked for money in well over 4 years of booty calls - dinner dates - and her flying in to join me on vacations...

On the other hand, its a small loss that i can afford considering that I do not have a wife or ex-wife ... Those would surely cause way more financial damage ...
May 28, 2012
Sounds like a good way to look at it.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005

You are dealing with Prostitutes. No matter what image of themselves they managed to put in your heads, these are not your everyday honest nice polite good girls. The vast majority of them are messed up.
  • These guys are punters. They will cheat on their wives without batting an eyelash and attempt to get maximum service for minimum dollar
  • They're Chinese, of course they can't drive
  • And the list goes on
I am not denying that each "group" of people share certain characteristics, but they are still generalizations. Nor am I denying that it is possible Vicky herself is the author of the scam.

One thing I have noticed about escorts and clients is that in the most a "mould" is hard to cast. They come from all walks of life, do this for a variety of reasons (on top of the obvious sex and money ones) and the "honesty" factor varies enormously from one person to the other.

Any client here dissing escorts in general must take a long hard look in the mirror beforehand.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Let me embellish, slightly, on Sapman's post, all of which I agree with without reservation.

There are at least two, if not more, posts in this thread which express a general contempt for the girls who provide us with intimate pleasure in exchange for a few dollars. If I held the girls in the same contempt that I'm finding in this thread, I'd find myself saving said dollars and becoming much better acquainted with my right hand.

I have a question for you guys, and you know who you are. If you find these girls so despicable, why do you engage them? Personally, I love all the girls, if only briefly.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Just to get back on the main subject...the reason I suggested contacting Paypal is that seeing as there's been no response to email or other contact attempts, chances are that Paypal will not get a response either. That in itself may be enough for them to reverse the transaction. You can just tell them that you were the victim of a fraud, that the person pretended to be a friend in need and you sent the money only to later discover you were defrauded. They will try to contact the recipient and if they get no response there's a good chance you'll get a refund. It costs nothing to give it a try.


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Did anyone just think of getting the email and phone number from Ace of Spades and try to set up a meeting for themselves? Now that we have this information, it would be easier to get to the bottom of things. Send an email like Ace did and go from there. The priority should be to get her on the phone. Ace, if you want me to try, PM me her contact info and I'll try to get to the bottom of this.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
And as a final point to sapman99, some people were just born to be Suckers, so just take a look in the mirror yourself, and accept reality.
Another member recently reminded me in another thread that "if you use logic to convince me you would be more successful than using smear tactics". I apologized to him and agree with the point he was making.

So basically you just compounded dissing all escorts as a group with calling me a Sucker because I do not believe in global negative stereotypes. I will not call you by a name or adjective, because I believe most people on this board are intelligent enough to make their own.

I look forward to other comments by enlightened clients and escorts alike.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
To me things are not all black and white with a deep rooted believe in an Islamic type attitude.
I'm still trying to ascertain whether or not this is an ethnic slur, but unfortunately it's so syntactically garbled that it's hard to gauge.

You are dealing with Prostitutes. No matter what image of themselves they managed to put in your heads, these are not your everyday honest nice polite good girls. The vast majority of them are messed up.
If things are not all black and white to you, then how do you justify this blanket generalization?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
On the other hand, if the same person was using her email and text the likelihood is that it is Vicky or perhaps someone she was working with (or for). In other words, she wasn't really indy at all, and someone was behind her, and that someone controls her email, phone, and now, unfortunately, your money.


Having control of an escort including her email and phone would be the easiest way to exploit an opportunity like this, but why wouldn't a person with that control not have done this before if this was a first such episode connected to her. It could be a new person in her life, or a vengeful rejection. It could be someone in a circle of of close associates or friends she trusts who exploited the information, but I don't see how anyone could route both emails and texts of someone else several times to themselves without her knowing.

I never met Vicky, but some close friends vouch for her very highly as a top notch escort. One would never think based on what I've heard that she could be involved in this, and I don't think so. But we should never forget how some escorts who were great providers really felt about the life. Is it totally impossible a seemingly great escort might have been involved knowingly? It doesn't seem so in her case according to my friends and all of you, but there have been shocks before. I wouldn't dismiss the chances she was and is aware.

Whoever was involved I don't understand why anyone would have accepted a very risky method of payment that was so out of place from the usual habit of operation. I would not have done prepaid for my ATFs. Even if they had asked personally by phone it would have been a big red flag.

About Paypal, I started using them sparingly and I thought the money was held by them for a specified time during which satisfaction or lack of could be contested? I'm surprised to hear the money was taken right away...or was it? This is a lesson for us all.

Any client here dissing escorts in general must take a long hard look in the mirror beforehand.

Isn't it funny how some use one event in the escort industry where the identity of the culprit is uncertain to accuse all escorts. I would surmise such a person took the opportunity to unload previous personal baggage.



Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009

"some people were just born to be Suckers, so just take a look in the mirror yourself, and accept reality"

"so STFU. typical frenchie attitude"

You are spreading it around a lot today. Tone down your posting behavior or you will be gone. I will not be telling you this again.



Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Tone down your posting behavior or you will be gone. I will not be telling you this again.

Please don't do that, mod10. We will all miss his preachings. I mean, come on, he raises our awareness and contributes to make us better human beings.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Did Vicky do this, i don't rightly know but it just doesn't seem possible. How could one of these sweet young ladies who tell us when they are with us, what great guys we are, how much they love spending time with us, that there is no where else that they would rather be. How could they even think of ripping off a john, shocking i say, just shocking if this did indeed happen.

I agree. I'm also totally bewildered. How could someone we pay money to, who throws compliments at us & shockingly tells us everything we want to hear, be accused of dishonesty? I mean, most of these young women were brought up in great families & great circumstances, and most of them have always had very sound judgement, whether its chosing how they want to make more $$ or in the types of boyfriends they've chosen, who all happen to be upstanding citizens, right?

I'm absolutely, totally surprised!!! There has to be a more plausible explanation to this entire fiasco!! ;)


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
People can get all their life savings stolen by crooked trust-fund financiers they trusted. Sometimes by their own friend or relatives. Of course it's not improbable that an escort would do that, but the question is whether this Vicky did it. If she's been retired for a while, would she still check her escort e-mail account? Would she still use the same phone number? I find that improbable.
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