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Vie d'une escorte

Lace & Stilettos

New Member
May 16, 2007
Vie d'une autre escorte

Pour ma part, je trouve cela flatteur d'être reconnue en public; ça m'est arrivé deux fois depuis que j'ai commencé cette occupation il y a un an et demi. Par contre, aux deux reprises les gens se sont montrés discrets. J'en avais l'habitude, car j'ai dansé pendant quelques années durant ma vingtaine et je me faisais reconnaître pratiquement toutes les semaines lorsque je sortais en boîte ou au restaurant. Me faire supplier d'accepter un rendez-vous lorsque je ne suis pas disponible me fait plaisir d'une certaine façon, car ça veut dire que je suis toujours en demande. Je considère plusieurs de mes clients comme mes amis; peut-être que je ne mets pas assez de distance entre ma vie privée et ma vie de courtisane. Pour ma part les deux se mélangent. J'assume totalement ce que je fais, mon entourage le sait. Ma situation est sûrement différente, car je n'accepte que qqs rendez-vous par semaine lorsque je ne suis pas en tour, ça me permet d'apprécier chaque personne, chaque rencontre. Lorsque je ne m'amuserai plus je passerai à autre chose rapidement, mais pour l'instant la liberté, le plaisir et les sensations fortes que cette occupation m'apportent me sont me sont chères.
Apr 16, 2005

thebitchelor said:
completly agree with you...when a was an indy sp...i was almost all the time, talking with 15-25 mens in the sames time...and most of the time they was deceive that its took me a while to answer....or often felt like a number cuz i didnt treated him in my priority...even if it was the first time that i was chatting with him!!!

My perspective is that for the girls this activity can be isolating because of the type of work. Often it is among the guys here that they find unconditional acceptance and friends. At the last GT I had a long talk with sapman on this topic (Ya gotta love this guy. He's a real class act) and he has sp's who are friends. And hey some of us can even fix the plumbing, move the fridge and get the top off the new jar of And this is the best part: We are actually able to do all this without taking advantage:) We realize that sp's have a business to run. Of course if we happened to get wrestled into bed..................................:rolleyes: Just kidding!

However if you do have true friends you have made, open another MSN profile and chat. Decide on regular business hours then keep some private time to chat with your friends and let them know that. That would make sense to me.


Jul 5, 2008
Tracy said:
Well, I would not know anout msn because everytime I sign in and put myself online I am flooded with about four people at once asking me for free cyber sex on my cam....
Also people trying to harrass me when I am trying to talk to friends....
Pretty bad when an escort can't turn on her msn ...
I can well understand how this can be a very annoying problem but why don't you just have separate msn accounts ... one for the business and one personal.
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