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Virgin or experienced?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Literature and history grant virgin girls virtues of purity and freshness. Muslims are promised virgins in heaven, women still have to be virgins before marriage in some culture, the virginity of Mary in the Bible makes her an exceptional woman etc, etc.

I can understand that for the jealous man, virginity is the sign that there have never been other males who have had access to this territory (that's often how they see it!). But at the end of the day, a virgin girl is an inexperienced lover. And as a lover, she may be clumsy, shy or reluctant, and it is a sexual intercourse that can be delicate or even difficult if you don't want to hurt her.

For me, the choice is clear. I much prefer a woman who knows what she is doing and who will bring me to heaven! Girls often prefer experienced for this exact reason. But I'm still amazed at the value placed on virgins girls.

Ladies, and gentlemen, your views?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I was a virgin before the first time I had sex.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Well, we have a virginity auction going on in London.

If she likes it, I wonder what the subsequent price will be?

She has been retweeting provider ads like crazy, and many are reciprocating.

Interesting. I had a few exchanges on reddit with someone who wanted to do this. Mind you, she'd had boyfriends, sugar daddies and had done everything imaginable sexually except for vaginal penetration. So she's was a virgin. But she was a very sexually experienced one lol I wonder if it's her. Probably not but you never know. I told her to practice with a dildo haha Also have her safety advice because you just know this kind of auction is going to bring in a fair number of creeps.

Added : I bet you it's the same person. Go girl! Lol The person I spoke to figured it made more sense to be an Escort than sb. The auction was a great way to kick things off.
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