Montreal Escorts

Visistor question:why indy is generally more expensive than agent


New Member
Mar 6, 2019
Will be a first time visitor in mtl very soon. Have been browsing merb for days. Notice one interesting thing, here agent is normally 200 - 300 (more to the 200 end actually) however indies are generally above 300. What makes this differnece? Indy has better service quality or simply has higher cost of running the business??

Used to be in US and Vancouver, never notice this.

Ass Assassin

New Member
Jul 2, 2018
It's many factors in my opinion. Factors like reputation, target market, time management, incall location, etc. I would believe that higher donation means better service. But I'd still do some research and read reviews here. Because sometimes for 200-300 you can get a very good service and also at 500 you could be left disappointed. Business works like that. Higher fees doesn't always mean better. That's why merb is a good place to go before taking the leap of faith lol


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Jackma I am familiar with Vancouver and Toronto scene. Not really in the US but I know it's mostly crazy expensive.

So really I would we would need to know more about you and what you are looking in order to help you.

One thing I know is the quality of service you will receive here for the price will be unparalleled to what you have seen so far.



French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
Will be a first time visitor in mtl very soon. Have been browsing merb for days. Notice one interesting thing, here agent is normally 200 - 300 (more to the 200 end actually) however indies are generally above 300. What makes this differnece? Indy has better service quality or simply has higher cost of running the business??

In my opinion donations don't change anything, as mentioned above you could have a lady asking for 500 and providing a very bad experience, just like you could have a lady asking for 180 and giving you the time of your life.
I have thought a lot about the donation I wanted to ask and decided to be just above agencies and slightly under the other indies. This allow me to offer promos for summer or holidays.

Just read the reviews before you book anyone and make sure the lady does exists and looks like her photos.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
Agencies are more of a volume business. They have fixed costs of incalls and bookers so there is a benefit if maintaining a critical mass of customers day in and day out. One the other hand, one of the things that indy girls discover is that when they market themselves well, they are actually better off charging more. Charging a higher rate discourages bargain hunters who are more likely to treat the girl like a kmart special rather than a person. It attracts people who have a bit more money and want something that feels more special or luxurious.

While most agencies allow a little variation in rates from one girl to another, they generally dont let the spread get more than $40 from lowest to highest. They want customers to think of the rate as an agency rate rather than a rate for a specific girl


New Member
Feb 12, 2017
Why they ask more, is i think it because they get what they ask for. Either the service is better or worse then angency girl , it doesn t really matter. To my
opinion them saying they have to pay web sight.or hire a receptioniste for me it s just a reason to justify there price. If you think about it , let s say she
does 5 client a week between 230 and 250 that s more or less 1200 a week. Tx free. Now if you say there s more expence such as gas and cell , im sorry
a normal girl who work between 11 and 15 $ an hrs as the same expense. There allowed to ask what they want for us to use there body but i just don t
believe it s because they have more expense. Like i said it s the demand not there excuse of expense.

Just a thought. Instead of a web page you have a face book. All the info and pic on web you have on face book. Never accept friends but you have
an email adresse or cell to contact you just like a web page. 0 $ expense.


New Member
Feb 12, 2017
Im not saying they charge to much ,im only saying those are just escuse to justify there price. The second apartement is not neccesary cause there s lots guy that go to hotel.
Even at example 240 plus extra for hotel she still makes money. Cloth wise they wear normal cloth not haute couture juste like normal girls, it s not one outfit per client. Are you
telling me that a normal girl who works a normal job is not good looking loll. I can show you a number of girls who would beat SP hands down on style,looks,inteligent,dress wise
ans what ever. Did you ever think if most of them were more down to earth that after 3 or 4 years of being SP they would have enough money for a good down payment on a
property and resume a normal life.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Some Independents also create a national or multinational brand that allows them to market a premium price. You have seen some Montreal independents discreetly visiting NYC, London, etc. In conjunction with Sam21's comment above, the women also do entertain many foreign guests in MTL.

Everyone is aware there are many Independents who traverse Canada performing regular tours. Toronto and Ottawa are obviously very easy. Some work in Vancouver and everywhere in-between. The prices climb as you go west.


New Member
Dec 14, 2010
I find that indies are not more expensive than agencies, maybe they know I am a local and do not pad the bill.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^^^ They advertise their prices. What, they e-mail you special rates or give you a reduction?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
Visit site
My thoughts on this are as follows. I believe a quality Indy manages the clients she sees and hence the number of encounters is much lower than a girl working for an agency. That being said the rates will be higher to reflect quality and enable the girl to make a decent income. An agency on the other hand is taking a cut of the girls work and for that they want quantity over quality and will book a girl as often as they can during her shift, time is money.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Optimally, that's how it should work. You still want to come here and find recommendations on Indies. Although, it seems regulars keep some Indies under the radar.

Jessica Rain

Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2018
From an operational standpoint, agencies can operate with a lower rate based on volume. There are multiple girls to make the daily/weekly/monthly quota required by the agency to cover bills and profit.

An Indy only has herself. She needs to make money to cover the business expense and then personal expenses.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Same reason Walmart is cheaper than the corner store, volume.


I love women a bit too much
Sep 23, 2011
One tging I don't understand is that I know a few sp that work in agency and independant at the same time. And when I ask them there prices indy often is around 300h but when they work at the agency it's 220$ ???

Why would I see them outside agency if I have to pay more?

Jessica Rain

Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2018
One tging I don't understand is that I know a few sp that work in agency and independant at the same time. And when I ask them there prices indy often is around 300h but when they work at the agency it's 220$ ???

Why would I see them outside agency if I have to pay more?

Some men, from my understanding, prefer to book strictly with the lady. They want all the money to go to the lady, or they want to be the only appointment of the day so they book her off the clock. Some prefer a different type of location, IE: only one lady on premises at the same time.


Active Member
May 5, 2015
Lolll it's not of our business

They provide one of toughest service on body and mind there is...

Would you have sex with any lady for 400$? Nope.. Even as horny as you are..

She needs to be pretty, to be fit, she needs to have a lot of lingeries, she needs a second phone, maybe a place for Incall...

I can't believe you guys are questioning they expenses and income... That's rude.. Especially given the service they provide...


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2017
Lolll it's not of our business

She needs to be pretty, to be fit, she needs to have a lot of lingeries, she needs a second phone, maybe a place for Incall...

I do not understand totally you answer.

I girl from agency needs too to be pretty and fit and have lot of lingeries.

Of course, she maybe needs a second phone or an incall place to receive for 200$-250$ a day (hotel room fee let say) which maybe equal what a girl needs to give back to her agency/driver for a night shift (40%-50% of her pay per client).

So, the question is valuable...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
When I was less experienced in this hobby, I often wondered myself why indies charged more than agency girls. It seemed to me that if the indies did not have to share their fee with the agency they would be able to undercut the agency. But then, after experience in the game I realized that indies charge whatever they feel like. Sometimes they charge more because they can. Read Freakonomics part 2. During the interview the author asked the Chicago escort if she gets excited when the phone rings at her current rate. She said no. So he suggested she raise her price and she did. And guess what? The guys paid the new higher rate.

Plenty of indies charge less than agencies. If you don't believe me, look on the Montreal version of BP or CL. You will find escorts that charge less. You may find a bargain but my advice to you is if you live out of town and your hobby time or budget is precious than do not search for bargains. Learn what the going rate is and be cautious about seeing girls not charging it. I'm not saying that you should never see them. You ought to use back channels and reviews to collect good intelligence prior to booking bargains. Buyer beware.

The bottom line is that the ladies can charge whatever they want. The market will determine if they will be successful.
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