As I mentioned in another thread, a vote for CAQ instead of PLQ is a vote for PQ. If you are a PQ supporter, then just be my guest and vote for CAQ. If we have a minority PLQ gvt tomorrow, then we will be all heading to vote again shortly. The elections system in Canada is bad since leading parties can trigger elections whenever they wanted to and just to fulfill their political ambitions. This costs us a lot of money and during all the campaign nobody is really taking care of the real issues that Quebecers are facing.
Hate me for this if you want, but I really would love to see Marois defeated tomorrow night. Elle était incompétante durant son mandat, arrogante et impitoyable dans l'élimination de ses adversaires poliques (Boisclair et Duceppe notamment), évasive comme un mollusque durant sa campagne quand au réferendum, ses revenus et sa retraite en cas de défaite. Le PQ n'a pas cessé de projeter l'image d'un parti divisé, notamment sur la question du réferendum, et ils feraient mieux de mettre leurs pendules à l'heure avant d'espérer pouvoir regagner la confiance de l'électeur moyen.