Wanted to share a story of a close friend of mine and wanted opinions to those who've experienced the same with losing their virginity if they have to an SP.
My friend's experience dates back to adolescent and early 20's years.
For myself personally I was a bit late at 18yrs old in highschool with my high school sweetie and have dated many other women since then and had a few experiences with SP's that were really great.
But my friend had a much harder time than I did growing up. He was and still is a tall, muscular well built good looking guy with an honest and fun personality.
He was rather shy when a teenager around women. For a long time he was either rejected on the spot, or burned in the bedroom (you'll know why in a moment).
By the age of 23yrs old, he was still a virgin. He came to the conclusions that the women who rejected him on the spot could tell he was a virgin as he was shy and sometimes nervous around them. And when he did manage to bring a female home or to their house for fun, they'd figure out he was a virgin within the first 5-10mins.
They'd want to leave on the spot and wouldn't return his phone calls.
This was still happening to him at 21 and 23yrs old. I tried to help set him up with women on my behalf that I knew but the virgin aspect always came up and the girls would come to me asking me why I set them up with a virgin?
I said that I set them up with my buddy b/c he's a good guy who won't f#ck you over and not an a$$hole.
I attempted to give him advice on how to be around women like being aloof, confident but not too cocky, don't be affraid to flirt and compliment them in a playful and even a dirty jokingly way (some women enjoy this but not all), be a gentleman, humorous and so on. I even gave him sexual tips on how to turn them on and so on while in the sac.
But the advice didn't seem to work for him the way it has many times worked for me with the opposite sex. The girls could just seem to tell he was a virgin and were practically repulsed by the thought of doing a vigin.
Finally my friend was fed up of everything and wanted to gain some sexual experience at all costs.
At this time I was dating a 6ft brunette from Pittsburgh who was attending Concordia b/c it was cheaper. We were together for a year and a half when I first met her. I knew she would eventually have to move back home after school. The day came and we sadly had to say our good bye's.
So I called up my buddy with the dillema and 2 of our other single friends I had played football with to take a trip to Chambly.
It was the first time any of us had ever been to GP. We went in and saw about 8 gorgeous women there and sat down for some Perrier as we weren't big drinkers being into the gym and all.
My friend was quite nervous so I asked him if he saw someone he liked the looks of and he pointed to a really elegant lady. So I went over to talk to her and told her my friend was nervous and wanted to go in the booth with her. She came over to my friend and asked him to come with her.
My 2 friends and I were smiling and happy for him. Then we all picked a lady we liked and went into private.
About 25mins later give or take, we all returned to our tables for another drink with big smiles on our faces.
Our shy friend looked like a completely new man, relaxed, confident, and more assertive.
We stayed for one more drink of Perrier and we each said good bye to the ladies we had gone into the back with.
In the car we asked my friend what happened and he said "everything" LOL
with a big relaxed smile on his face. Even though we could read his expression, we still asked him how he felt at that moment.
He said like someone totally different. I took my friend back a few more times to GP, and he later wanted to try an agency to have an experience in his own room at home.
After a few months he began to become much more relaxed around girls. They seemed to be much more attracted to him at this point. He even went to bed with one of the girls who rejected him on the spot several months earlier.
He later dated a girl for about 2yrs that walked out on him in the bedroom who found out he was a virgin.
Why is it that some women can be shallow this way?
I was a virgin at 18yrs old, and my highschool sweet heart already lost hers before me and still wanted to be with me.
I'd like to hear some opinions on this story I share with you.
I always thought that if you find the right person who you're attracted to and vice versa, than it wouldn't matter who's a virgin? At least in an ideal world LOL.
I wish you all a great day.
My friend's experience dates back to adolescent and early 20's years.
For myself personally I was a bit late at 18yrs old in highschool with my high school sweetie and have dated many other women since then and had a few experiences with SP's that were really great.
But my friend had a much harder time than I did growing up. He was and still is a tall, muscular well built good looking guy with an honest and fun personality.
He was rather shy when a teenager around women. For a long time he was either rejected on the spot, or burned in the bedroom (you'll know why in a moment).
By the age of 23yrs old, he was still a virgin. He came to the conclusions that the women who rejected him on the spot could tell he was a virgin as he was shy and sometimes nervous around them. And when he did manage to bring a female home or to their house for fun, they'd figure out he was a virgin within the first 5-10mins.
They'd want to leave on the spot and wouldn't return his phone calls.
This was still happening to him at 21 and 23yrs old. I tried to help set him up with women on my behalf that I knew but the virgin aspect always came up and the girls would come to me asking me why I set them up with a virgin?
I said that I set them up with my buddy b/c he's a good guy who won't f#ck you over and not an a$$hole.
I attempted to give him advice on how to be around women like being aloof, confident but not too cocky, don't be affraid to flirt and compliment them in a playful and even a dirty jokingly way (some women enjoy this but not all), be a gentleman, humorous and so on. I even gave him sexual tips on how to turn them on and so on while in the sac.
But the advice didn't seem to work for him the way it has many times worked for me with the opposite sex. The girls could just seem to tell he was a virgin and were practically repulsed by the thought of doing a vigin.
Finally my friend was fed up of everything and wanted to gain some sexual experience at all costs.
At this time I was dating a 6ft brunette from Pittsburgh who was attending Concordia b/c it was cheaper. We were together for a year and a half when I first met her. I knew she would eventually have to move back home after school. The day came and we sadly had to say our good bye's.
So I called up my buddy with the dillema and 2 of our other single friends I had played football with to take a trip to Chambly.
It was the first time any of us had ever been to GP. We went in and saw about 8 gorgeous women there and sat down for some Perrier as we weren't big drinkers being into the gym and all.
My friend was quite nervous so I asked him if he saw someone he liked the looks of and he pointed to a really elegant lady. So I went over to talk to her and told her my friend was nervous and wanted to go in the booth with her. She came over to my friend and asked him to come with her.
My 2 friends and I were smiling and happy for him. Then we all picked a lady we liked and went into private.
About 25mins later give or take, we all returned to our tables for another drink with big smiles on our faces.
Our shy friend looked like a completely new man, relaxed, confident, and more assertive.
We stayed for one more drink of Perrier and we each said good bye to the ladies we had gone into the back with.
In the car we asked my friend what happened and he said "everything" LOL
He said like someone totally different. I took my friend back a few more times to GP, and he later wanted to try an agency to have an experience in his own room at home.
After a few months he began to become much more relaxed around girls. They seemed to be much more attracted to him at this point. He even went to bed with one of the girls who rejected him on the spot several months earlier.
He later dated a girl for about 2yrs that walked out on him in the bedroom who found out he was a virgin.
Why is it that some women can be shallow this way?
I was a virgin at 18yrs old, and my highschool sweet heart already lost hers before me and still wanted to be with me.
I'd like to hear some opinions on this story I share with you.
I always thought that if you find the right person who you're attracted to and vice versa, than it wouldn't matter who's a virgin? At least in an ideal world LOL.
I wish you all a great day.