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Warning For All Drivers!!!

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
I saw 3 cop cars with their red and blue lights on in traffic stops today. On the matter of the cop being in court, I an not 100% sure about this, but all they have to do is to make a sworn statement on paper about the incident and they do not have to appear in court due to the expense involed to send a cop to court.

* I was stopped a few months ago and the cop said that he could not give me a ticket that day but they would send it to me, well they just did. I just read the Edu-loi link from the other thread and it sais that I have to recieve the statement of offence ( ticket ) by registered mail. I recieved a photo copy of the ticket by regualr mail.
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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I have had the bad luck of having the cop appear in court :(



Mar 2, 2005
A few other places to be careful at.. were L.E hand out many tickets

Atwater tunnel heading towards champlain
Marcel Laurin heading North their in the maxi entrance
Henri bourassa heading east right before the pepiniere jasmin (they hide in the curve)
geting off the metropolitan eastbound l acadie exit right after the bridge that goes over the train tracks in tmr near rocklands
Henri bourassa westbound bridge that crosses over the 15 the sit on top and pull you over once you reach the bottom at the light at jules poitras if i recall


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
If the ticket was in a school zone, by a school zone speed panel, these are inneffective at night and during summer time, even with no indication as such. You should be able to find that in the city's by-laws. It's a little trick cops don't know or don't want to know...

If it's a constant 30 zone, you are screwed on the validity, unless... ;) ...The speed limit on all municipal roads in Québec is 50km/hr UNLESS there's a by-law modifying this for specific sectors.
A while ago around my place, the City lost a shitload of ticked because one street indicated 30km/hr wasn't entered in the by-law and only had signs. It turned-out the signs were declared illegal because the posted limit wasn't decided in front of the city council and confirmed with a by-law. If you can't find the section of street you were stopped and, if they can't point you to the precise article referring to that location, you should be ok.

For the seat belt, most fatal accidents happen near home, on short trips of less than 10km. I was in 3 accidents where the seat belt saved my ass and I witnessed one, first hand, where an unrestrained 18 year old beatiful girl ended-up brained dammaged by hitting the windshield and rearview mirror. I was first onsite and provided first aid. She walked out of the car, fainted in my arms and never regained conscience. Dilated, unequal and unresponsive pupils, no pain response... Nothing good to remember beside how cute she was. The rest is just about how screwed her life just got from that accident and how easily it could have been avoided. The bags did deploy in the car but, since she didn't wear her seatbelt and it was a 45 degree impact, she just slid to the side of the airbag and stopped on the windshield.

Big Daddy

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Mar 16, 2003
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Make it Bacon said:
Doc when I got stopped I was in shock when he told me I was speeding.
I replied are you seroius but with a very polite voice. Then he started to go on a power trip, acting tough but I still remained polite. I gave him my license shaking my head, I keeped calm because I knew I was in a no win situation at that moment and just accepted the charge.

I think the cop just hated my guts. The sad part is that he was probably
5'8,175lbs and I'm 6'2, 210lbs. He would have never act tough with me if he wasn't wearing his uniform. He must suffer from the small guy complex.

Why would he hate your guts when your were polite? Also, how would he know your were 6' 2 when you are supposed to sit inside the car? I think you are just upset and trying to rationalize this thing. When you caught speeding, you were driving. A cop does not have time to figure these things (height, weight etc.) out when he decides to stop you.

Most cops go on power trip because everyone hates receiving tickets and one of the cop's job is to give you the bad news. To minimize aggrevation a cop has to act strict.

Having said all of this, I sympathesize with you as I think geting a ticket for 40 on 30 is very unfortunate. In fact, I just don't like the idea of speed tickets because getting a ticket does not always mean that you were consistently speeding 10 miles above the limit. Sometimes it may just be a accident that you take your eyes off the speedometer for a minute or two and a cop may happen to track your speed. The only remedy is to give speeding tickets in low speed areas sparingly.

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
It also doesn't hurt to try looking sick when the officer approaches your window and to tell them that you are fighting serious gastro pains and just trying to get to a toilet so that you don't shit in your pants. To make it more real, you can ask the officer something like "hey, if this is going to be more than 2 or 3 minutes, I think I am going to have an acident... in my pants. Would you mind standing guard for a couple moments while I crap in the bushes?"

At this point many cops would much rather let you go.



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Ben Dover said:
It also doesn't hurt to try looking sick when the officer approaches your window and to tell them that you are fighting serious gastro pains and just trying to get to a toilet so that you don't shit in your pants. To make it more real, you can ask the officer something like "hey, if this is going to be more than 2 or 3 minutes, I think I am going to have an acident... in my pants. Would you mind standing guard for a couple moments while I crap in the bushes?"

At this point many cops would much rather let you go.

BD, I don't know where you're from but, on such occasion, some cops would then do ANYTHING they can to slow you down... Why would they care if you crap in your pants? They won't sit in it! They hear this excuse probably so often, falsely of course, they don't give a damn anymore. A friend of mine who is with SQ once took the guy's word and escorted him to the nearest gas station... The guy lost so much time and was so nervous, he probably got the lesson on at least not trying to fool around when stopped...

Last few times I got pulled-over, I stayed polite, even joking with the guy! Like "Were you climbed in a tree? I never saw you!" Or "where in hell did you come from?" I never-ever try to deny the speed they tells me, they know we're not innocent and trying to act the part makes us look less nice... Guess what? On about 5 interceptions over the last 2 years, NONE got me the full $200+ fine I should have had. Maximum I had to pay was, on one occasion, less than $50 and no demerits Mostly all I got was warnings like "Slow down, there's no fire." or "Try being less aggressive when you drive, some guys might not like it and get dangerous."

Point is, don't play dumb, don't act as you think the cop is dumb, don't be a jerk, don't look pissed even if you certainly are. For me, it work!


Nov 12, 2007
I figure in 20 years I probably got pulled over 6 or 8 times, all but one in Newfoundland. Got a ticket once, for running a red light. Odd thing, I am sure that sucker was yellow. Every other time I get off with a warning, even going 40 over the limit and being guilty as sin. Sometimes I love being white.

I've also known someone who was obviously pulled over for having a greenpeace style sticker on the car.

Last Tuesday I say an abnormal amount of piggies on the 20 and 40 west of Mtl. Also saw an abnormal amount of pork on the 401 last Saturday and Sunday.
They might let me off, but I still don't like the buggers, courpt SOBs.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
wasisname said:
Got a ticket once, for running a red light. Odd thing, I am sure that sucker was yellow. .

You're supposed to slow down for yellow, not speed up


Jul 4, 2003
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CLOUD 500 said:
If I am on highway 401 at nighttime and there are no cars I am gonna speed up to 160km/hr

The 100km/hr limit was set in the 70's due to the oil crisis because 90km/hr was the most fuel efficient speed

with far better suspension and handling then before and are much more capable of handling higher speeds.

You won't be too pretty if you hit a deer.

Still is. Most cars get maximum fuel efficiency at 55mph to meet Uncle Sam's CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards.

Too bad the average driver's skills haven't kept up with them.


May 9, 2005
Crazy Idea

I know this will sound CRAZY but, if you are in Montreal and don’t want a ticket, follow the rules and obey the traffic laws.:rolleyes:


Active Member
May 23, 2005
CLOUD 500 said:
If I am on highway 401 at nighttime and there are no cars I am gonna speed up to 160km/hr

Lol :D ! It is funny you bring up the century thing. The speed limits on highways are completely outdated. The 100km/hr limit was set in the 70's due to the oil crisis because 90km/hr was the most fuel efficient speed so they made it at 100km/hr but in this century cars are much more fuel efficient with far better suspension and handling then before and are much more capable of handling higher speeds.

Next time you get pulled over for speeding, tell the cop all that LMAO


Mar 31, 2005
city is in the crapper for 150 million, guess how they will make a portion of it back?
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